Please register below to participate in Systematikdagarna 2015, preferably before October 30. After October 30, the registration fee increases with 200 SEK and the absolute registration deadline is November 15.
Note: If you already have an account on, please log in before registering for the conference. While doing so your saved details (email address, etc.) will be automatically added to the registration form.
Registration cost
The cost for participation in this year’s Systematikdagarna is:
- 500 SEK per person, which includes conference fee, ”fika”, lunch and conference dinner in the evening of November 23.
- For those who do not wish to participate in the dinner, the conference cost is 200 SEK.
- After October 30, the registration fee increases with 200 SEK.
How to pay
Please pay your conference fee to Svenska Systematikföreningen:
Plusgiro 50 86 22-8
Bankgiro 400-5971
Organisationsnummer 802444-9152
If you are paying from outside Sweden, specify:
IBAN: SE31 9500 0099 6018 0508 6228 BIC-kod (SWIFT-adress): NDEASESS
If you are paying for one person only, please give the following information in the transaction:
If you are paying for a group, give the following information in the transaction, and send an e-mail to Mikael Hedrén, including a list with those you are paying for. Also, please make sure that each person registers separately using the registration form below.
Once your registration is completed, you will receive an e-mail with payment information.
Membership in Svenska Systematikföreningen
When you register for Systematikdagarna you have the possibility to also pay the yearly membership fee to Svenska Systematikföreningen (200 SEK). Check the correct box/boxes in the registration form and add the appropriate amount to the conference fee when paying.
If you already are a member of Svenska Systematikföreningen and have an account, please log in before registrating for the conference. While doing so your saved details (email address, etc.) will be automatically added to the registration form. If you are a new member you are more than welcome to create a user account on the website of Systematikföreningen.
We encourage all participants to present their ongoing work as a poster or oral presentation during the meeting. The desired form of presentation is specified in the registration form.
Below, please specify the title of your presentation, the author list, and a short abstract (maximum 1000 characters). Here you can find more instructions on how to prepare your presentation.
For problems with the registration form, please contact webmaster Anja. For questions about the event, please contact Ulf Arup.
Bokningen är stängd för detta event / Booking is closed for this event.