Systematikdagarna 2019

Systematikdagarna 2019 will take place at the University of Gothenburg November 18-19. The conference is jointly arranged by Svenska Systematikföreningen, the University of Gothenburg, the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre and Artdatabanken (SLU).

For whom?

Systematikdagarna is the yearly conference on systematics arranged by the Swedish Systematists Association. The meeting is open for anyone interested in systematics; amateurs, working systematists, and users of systematics in any form.

The conference will be mainly held in English so that non-Scandinavian participants also can benefit from the conference. The annual meeting of Svenska Systematikföreningen will be held in Swedish.

Conference location

The conference will be held at the Conference Centre Wallenberg located at Medicinaregatan 20, Gothenburg. The connections from Gothenburg Central station are numerous and fast. The conference dinner will be served at the Gothenburg Natural History Museum after a short mingle in Botaniska, all within walking distance of each other.

Oral and poster presentations

We hope that as many as possible will be able to give an oral or poster presentation during the conference. If you wish to give an oral presentation, the last day for registration and abstract submission is October 25. Poster abstracts can be submitted until the last day of registration (see below). Type of presentation is specified in the registration form. Presentations will be 10-15 minutes. When registering, please specify the title of your presentation, the author list, and a short abstract (maximum 1000 characters).


The cost for participation in this year’s Systematikdagarna is:

  • 600 SEK per person, which includes conference fee, “fika”, lunch and conference dinner in the evening of November 18.
  • For those who do not wish to participate in the dinner, the conference cost is 300 SEK.
  • Bachelor and Master students can register for 300 SEK (including dinner).
  • After October 25, the registration fee increases with 200 SEK.

-> Please register here to participate in Systematikdagarna 2019, preferably before October 25. After October 25, the registration fee increases with 200 SEK and the absolute registration deadline is November 8. Note also that last day for registration and abstract submission for oral presentations is October 25.

Hotels/hostels in the area


If you have any questions about Systematikdagarna, don’t hesitate to contact If you have problems with the site, or the registration, please contact webmaster Anja (

We are looking forward to meeting you all in Gothenburg!

Preliminary program

(updated 14 November)

Program as pdf

Monday 18/11

  • 9.00 Register and coffee
  • 10.00 Ellen Larsson – Welcome and practical information
  • 10.10 Henrik Aronsson – opening
  • 10.20 Liselott Sjödin Skarp – News from the Swedish Species Information Centre. (in Swedish)
  • 10.40 Johan Liljeblad – Linked Open data (in Swedish).
  • 11.00 Allison Perrigo – Space for Systematics during a Biodiversity Crisis.
  • 11.15 Nils Cronberg – Hybridization as an evolutionary force in bryophytes.
  • 11.30 Kennet Lundin – Gotta catch’em all, hidden diversity of nudibranchs on the Swedish west coast.
  • 11.45 11.45 Anieli Pereira – Macroevolutionary patterns of turtles.
  • 12.00 Lunch
  • 13.00 Nicholas Chazot – The decline of European butterflies: an evolutionary approach.
  • 13.15 Jadranka Rota – Conflict between phylogenies inferred from amino acid and nucleotide datasets: a 338-gene phylogeny of Lepidoptera as a case study.
  • 13.30 Nannie Persson – A backbone phylogeny and its uses – an example from Potentilla L. (Rosaceae).
  • 13.45 Ted von Proschwitz – Phylogenetic studies in the land snail genus Vertigo O. F. Müller.
  • 14.00 Anja Rautenberg – Världsarvsnomineringen: The Rise of Systematic Biology.
  • 14.15 oral presentation Vacant (or poster presentation earlier)
  • 14.30 Poster presentations /1 min each
  • 14.45 Poster-mingle and coffee
  • 15.00- 16.00 Maria Backlund – Separate meeting with STI funded researchers.
  • 16.00 Systematikföreningen – annual meeting
  • 17.00 Glühwein and socializing in the green house of the Botanical garden
  • 18.30 Mini-tour of the exhibitions at the Gothenburg Natural History Museum
  • 19.30 Vegetarian buffé at the Malmska valens café at Natural History Museum

Tuesday 19/11

  • 9.00 Freek Bakker – The Global Museum: natural history collections and the future of evolutionary biology and public education.
  • 9.45 Magnus Gelang – How do we actively manage our collections? Cases from bird collections in Europe in general and Gothenburg in detail.
  • 10.00 Coffee break
  • 10.30 Mari Källersjö – Living collections in Botanical gardens.
  • 11.00 Henrik Nilsson – Fungal diversity and distribution: collections, DNA sequences, and bioinformatics.
  • 11.30 Discussion: moderator Allison Perrigo
  • 12.00 Lunch
  • 13.00 Emma Wahlberg – The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
  • 13.15 Andrea Costa – Evolution and diversification of bromeliads in the neotropics.
  • 13.30 Matheus Guimarães Cardoso Nogueira – An unknown diversity of Bromeliaceae in the Brazilian Amazon.
  • 13.45 Beatriz Neves – Evolution and diversification of Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) determined by bat and hummingbird pollinators.
  • 14.00 Fabiano Salgueiro – Morphological and genetic diversity of four Stigmatodon species (Bromeliaceae) endemic to inselbergs in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • 14.15 Igor Musauer Kessous – Taxonomy of Vriesea Lindl. (Bromeliaceae): Advances and perspectives.
  • 14.30 Second poster-mingle
  • 14.45 coffee
  • 15.30 Kennet Lundin – Awarded prize for the best poster and oral presentation
  • 15.45 Closing remarks and presentation of Systematikdagarna 2020
  • 16:00 End