Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST) courses

Dear all,

The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST, www.taxonomytraining.eu) continues to provide high-quality training to future taxonomists. Courses are open to participants from both inside and outside of Europe.

Upcoming courses within the Modern Taxonomy programme: http://www.taxonomytraining.eu/content/modern-taxonomy-course-programme-2012-2013

 – DNA-Barcoding course (Paris, 1-5 April 2013): registration open soon

– Zoological Nomenclature (Paris, 20-24 May 2013): registration deadline 31 January 2013

Upcoming courses within the Expert-in-training programme (Registration deadline 31 January 2013): http://www.taxonomytraining.eu/content/expert-training-programme-2012-2013

– Tropical Plant Identification Course (Kew, U.K.)

– Systematics of freshwater subterranean Malacostraca (Ljubljana, Slovenia) – Family level identification of Coleoptera (London, U.K.)

– Entomological research in protected areas (Firenze, Italy) – Training in Entomology (special. Hymenoptera Symphyta) (Ferrara, Italy)

– Elasmobranch teeth enameloid microstructure (Copenhagen, Denmark)

For both programmes, DEST is offering a number of grants to help defray expenses associated with course attendance, travel and accommodation. In allocating grants, priority will be given to selected participants coming from economically less-favoured regions.

Thank you for spreading the word,

Dr Hendrik Gheerardyn

Dr Isabella Van de Velde

— DEST Training www.taxonomytraining.eu


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel

Tel: 32 2 627 43 34 (336)


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