Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and ForBio course: Nomenclature codes in biology
What to consider when naming and describing taxa
An in-person course directly following the Swedish Conference “Systematikdagarna” in late November 2024
A three day course (Wed, 20 Nov – Fri, 22 Nov) at Göteborg Natural History Museum, following Systematikdagarna (Mon, 18 Nov – Tue, 19 Nov) at Göteborg University, Sweden
Time and place: Nov. 20, 2024 9:00 AM – Nov. 22, 2024 4:30 PM, Göteborg University, Sweden

Course scope:
The course will present an overview of the different nomenclature codes with special focus on the botanical-mycological-phycological (ICNafp), zoological (ICZN) and prokaryotes (ICNP) codes. Sessions will include lectures and exercises, and the participants will learn what is required for a name and a description as well as for the scientific work itself to be code-compliant.
Learning outcomes. Participants will acquire an understanding of:
– which are the existing nomenclature codes.
– the difference between nomenclature and taxonomy.
– what is a ”scientific name” and what is meant by authorship.
– what is a ”scientific work”.
– rules of nomenclature with special focus on proposing new scientific names.
– the differences between botanical and zoological nomenclature.
– implications of names and their practical use in biology/management/conservation including examples of issues with misidentifications, misspellings, changed combinations, synonymy, ethics, etc.
Target group: MSc students, PhD students, postdocs, researchers, consultants, government officials, museum staff with relevant background in biology.
Course language: English.
Course schedule: Not yet available.
Course fee: Free.
Registration: Please register here before 15th September
Teachers: Thomas Pape (Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen), Micah Dunthorn (Natural History Museum, Oslo), Torbjörn Tyler (Lund University, Botanical collections).
Assignment and credits: The course is equivalent to 2 ECTS. Active participation is required for full credit. ForBio will provide certificates for those who attend the in-person section and successfully complete the course assignments.
STI contact: Maria Backlund, Malin Strand
ForBio contact: Quentin Mauvisseau