Researcher, Biodiversity Impact Analysis

The Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History is looking for a researcher focused on biodiversity impact analysis. The position will be placed in the Ronquist lab.

You will work within the MISTRA-funded research project Finance to Revive Biodiversity, led by Stockholm Resilience Centre. You will be developing and evaluating different methods of assessing and analyzing the impact of private corporations and government agencies on biodiversity. The project runs until 2026-12-13, and if successful can be extended for four years after that.

Questions about the position can be directed to Fredrik Ronquist (, Mats Töpel ( or FinBio Program Director Garry Peterson ( More info and application here. Application deadline June 19.

Open Position: Research/Project Leader in Insect Biomics

The Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History is looking to fill a position as research leader of a large, five-year project in comparative insect biomics funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The aim is to use metabarcoding of Malaise trap and soil samples to study the size, origins, structure and function of the insect faunas and associated microbiomes in Sweden and on Madagascar. We are looking for a candidate with a research background in relevant fields and excellent organizational and leadership skills.

Read more about the position here:

Application deadline: December 18, 2017

/Fredrik Ronquist

Postdoc in Computational Phylogenetics

Ronquist lab, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm
Application deadline: November 30

Our group develops methods for Bayesian phylogenetic and phylogenomic inference. We are particularly interested in applications to problems in evolutionary biology, biogeography and biodiversity. The lab is part of the interdisciplinary Stockholm Phylogenomics Group with participants from SciLifeLab, KTH, Karolinska Institute, and Stockholm University.

In this project, funded by the Swedish Research Council, we are developing the next generation of Bayesian phylogenetics software, an R-like computational environment (RevBayes) allowing users to build complex evolutionary models for simulations and Bayesian inference. You will be expected to contribute to this computational environment while developing an independent, methodological or empirical research project where Bayesian phylogenetic computation plays a central role.

We expect you to have a doctoral degree in evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Regardless of your background, you should be comfortable with mathematical and statistical reasoning, be a skilled C++ or R programmer, and have solid experience working with empirical research problems of scientific significance.

We expect that you will be creative and independent while being a good team player. Fluency in spoken and written English is essential. We will pay particular attention to scientific talent and potential.

The position is for 18 months, with possible extension. Starting date is flexible.

For more information about the position, contact Professor Fredrik Ronquist, Head of the Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics. Email:; voice: +46-8 5195 4094.

Submit your application here or as a pdf to Fredrik Ronquist no later than November 30, 2013. The application should be in a single PDF and should consist of a personal letter, a description of the planned research project, and a CV.