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Författararkiv: Mats Wedin
Ledigt jobb: Biodiversitetsforskare till Edinburgh
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE)
Biodiversity Scientist (two vacancies)
Permanent, full-time based in Edinburgh
Salary range £24,543 to £31,815 with appointment dependent on experience
We have an exciting opportunity to appoint two permanent Biodiversity Scientists. We are seeking candidates who can demonstrate they have excellent potential as future research leaders and who make a persuasive case that they will develop a research programme that is complementary to, and supportive of, our science.
Specifically, the successful candidate(s) will develop a research programme, undertake research, write papers/publications, prepare funding proposals, and undertake supervision of MSc and PhD students as required. The successful candidate will also make a contribution towards teaching on our MSc course.
Applicants must be educated to PhD level (with PhD already obtained or about to be obtained) in a biodiversity science related discipline. You should be an excellent researcher with a proven track record appropriate for your career stage, and have strong scientific writing ability. You’ll also need to be an effective communicator with the ability to clearly articulate the relevance of your research to both specialist and non-specialist audiences, and good interpersonal skills will be essential to develop and maintain effective relationships with colleagues.
In addition to the above, you should have experience in a specialised area of biodiversity science, be able to place your work programme into the broader context of RBGE’s science and the more general landscape of biodiversity science, and understand key questions and challenges in one or more of the following fields: taxonomy, conservation, ecology, evolution and/or general biodiversity science.
Full details of the post, including a job description and person specification can be downloaded from our website at www.rbge.org.uk/about-us/vacancies. Further details of RBGE’s science can be obtained from www.rbge.org.uk/science. Candidates are encouraged to look at the web-pages of the different science sections and also the RBGE biodiversity strategy in developing their applications (www.rbge.org.uk/assets/files/science/Science_Strategy_summary.pdf). Informal enquiries or questions with regards to these posts should be sent to Nicole McGregor on n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk.
Interested applicants should send a CV and covering letter, outlining the skills and experience they could bring to the post, as well as a completed equal opportunities form to Nicole McGregor in our HR team at 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR or n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk by close of business on Friday, 7 September 2012.
If you have not heard from us by the 5 October, please assume that your application has not been shortlisted. No recruitment agencies please.
Svampsystematiker sökes till Helsingfors
The Finnish Museum of Natural History (www.fmnh.helsinki.fi) is an independent institute of the University of Helsinki and the national museum in the field of natural history in Finland. The museum’s duties are to expand, maintain and display its collections, and to conduct related research, particularly in the field of species–level biodiversity. The collections serve research, teaching and public education in biology, geology and biodiversity, and form part of the international network of natural history repositories. The Finnish Museum of Natural History, established in 1988, has four units: Botany, Zoology, Chronology and General Services. The institution has a staff of c. 180, of which 70 work in the Botany Unit.
The Botany Unit of the Finnish Museum of Natural History is inviting applications for the permanent position of
specialising in the systematics of fungi. The appointment will begin on 1st of November in 2012, or as specifically agreed.
The curator will be part of the Mycology Team of the Botany Unit. The duties of the curator will include independent research in systematics as well as managing and expanding the scientific collections together with the other team members. The research of the Mycology Team concentrates on the taxonomy and evolutionary history of fungi as well as the mapping of Finnish fungal species. The fungal collections consist of almost one million specimens (more than half of them lichenised) and include approx. 20 000 type specimens. As an expert in the field, the curator will participate in the museum’s tasks related to societal interaction. The curator is expected to be active in obtaining external funding, supervising research students and junior colleagues, and leading his/her own research group. The duties include an annual average teaching load of two ECT credits.
The curator must hold a doctoral degree and have an international publication record demonstrating competence in research in the field. Experience in working with scientific collections, participation in university teaching and supervision, proven success in obtaining external funding, experience of societal interaction, and an inclination towards teamwork are considered further assets. The official languages of the University are Finnish and Swedish. Applicants of non-Finnish origin may be exempt from formal language requirements. Proficiency in English is essential.
The salary will be based on levels 5-7 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities (a senior position equivalent to University Lecturer). The salary includes a component based on personal work performance. Further information about the duties and salary can be obtained from Dr Marko Hyvärinen, Director of the Botany Unit, email: marko.hyvarinen@helsinki.fi.
Applicants should enclose with their applications a CV, list of publications or an academic portfolio containing the same information and a research plan, as well as any other documents that demonstrate their merits. Applicants should provide the contact details of two referees.
Applications should be addressed to the Director of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, and they must be submitted, together with the required enclosures, to the address: Registrar of the University of Helsinki, P.O. BOX 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4), 00014 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, Finland, or by e-mail to hy-kirjaamo@helsinki.fi. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2012 at 15.45 local time.
This is an unofficial translation of the official announcement, which can be found at http://www.helsinki.fi/rekrytointi/index.html?id=57811 (in Finnish).
Doktorand-dag 8/5, med fokus på karriärplanering för doktorander i Systematik
Career-planning for young systematists! 8/5 will be a pep-talk day for PhD students and recently defended PhDs in Systematics, with the aspiration to give some insight in the Swedish funding systems and strategies for a life after PhD, for those of you who wish to continue with research in systematics in Sweden! If non-Swedish-speakers want to attend, it will be given in English! The arrangement is a collaboration between the Swedish Systematics Association, the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative, and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
8 maj anordnar Svenska Systematikföreningen, i samarbete med Svenska artprojektets forskarskola och Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, en doktoranddag med fokus på karriärplanering inom forskning för doktorander och nydisputerade inom ämnesområdet systematik. Vi kommer att ta upp och diskutera möjligheterna att hitta försörjning inom forskningsbranchen, forskningsfinansiärer och beredningsprocessen, meriter och meritvärdering, postdoc och ansökningsskrivande. Alla doktorander inom systematikområdet och angränsande fält är varmt välkomna, liksom nydisputerade systematiker!
Plats: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, konferensrum 525
Föreläsare: Mats Wedin (mats.wedin@nrm.se) + några inbjudna som delar med sig av sina postdoc-erfarenhete
Anmälan: Rikard Sundin (Rikard.Sundin@slu.se). Sista anmälningsdag 2 maj.
Preliminärt program
09.00-09.30 Ankomst med fika
09.30-11.30 Postdoc. Sverige och livet efter detta för den nydisputerade systematikern. Hur fungerar det med externa forskningsbidrag, och vilka är möjligheterna att hitta en försörjning efter disputationen inom forskningsbranchen? Vilka är forskningsfinansiärerna och hur går ansöknings- och beredningsprocessen till? Vad bedöms och hur värderas meriter? CV, publicering, meriter för olika ändamål. Jämförelser av några CVn. Planera för postdoc.
11.30-12.30 LUNCHPAUS
12.30-14.30 Postdoc. Två framgångsrika kollegor som ganska nyligen kommit tillbaka till landet från sina respektive postdoc-vistelser berättar om sina erfarenheter.
Att fundera på: Breddning vs specialisering. Finansiering. Förväntat resultat – att bli ”sin egen”. Hur skall man optimera postdoc-tiden? Vad behöver man tänka på när man åker utomlands och när man kommer tillbaka till Sverige? Hur lyfter man fram sin postdoc i en ansökan?
14.30-14.45 Kafferast
14.45-16.00 Post-postdoc! Söka egna projekt-medel och jobb. Att skriva ansökan. Att tolka utlåtanden (eller inte). Hur ser en framgångsrik ansökan och ett framgångsrikt CV ut? Vem får pengar och varför? Att inte låta sig nedslås…
Doktorand-dag 8/5, med fokus på karriärplanering för doktorander i Systematik
8 maj anordnar Svenska Systematikföreningen, i samarbete med Svenska artprojektets forskarskola och Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, en doktoranddag med fokus på karriärplanering inom forskning för doktorander och nydisputerade inom ämnesområdet systematik. Vi kommer att ta upp och diskutera möjligheterna att hitta försörjning inom forskningsbranchen, forskningsfinansiärer och beredningsprocessen, meriter och meritvärdering, postdoc och ansökningsskrivande. Alla doktorander inom systematikområdet och angränsande fält är varmt välkomna, liksom nydisputerade systematiker!
Plats: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, konferensrum 525
Föreläsare: Mats Wedin (mats.wedin@nrm.se) + några inbjudna som delar med sig av sina postdoc-erfarenheter
Anmälan: Rikard Sundin (Rikard.Sundin@slu.se)
Preliminärt program
09.00-09.30 Ankomst med fika
09.30-11.30 Sverige och livet efter detta för den nydisputerade systematikern. Hur fungerar det med externa forskningsbidrag, och vilka är möjligheterna att hitta en försörjning efter disputationen inom forskningsbranchen? Vilka är forskningsfinansiärerna och hur går ansöknings- och beredningsprocessen till? Vad bedöms och hur värderas meriter? CV, publicering, meriter för olika ändamål. Jämförelser av några CVn. Planera för postdoc.
11.30-12.30 LUNCHPAUS
12.30-14.30 Postdoc. Två framgångsrika kollegor som ganska nyligen kommit tillbaka till landet från sina respektive postdoc-vistelser berättar om sina erfarenheter.
Att fundera på: Breddning vs specialisering. Finansiering. Förväntat resultat – att bli ”sin egen”. Hur skall man optimera postdoc-tiden? Vad behöver man tänka på när man åker utomlands och när man kommer tillbaka till Sverige? Hur lyfter man fram sin postdoc i en ansökan?
14.30-14.45 Kafferast
14.45-16.00 Söka egna projekt-medel och jobb. Att skriva ansökan. Att tolka utlåtanden (eller inte). Hur ser en framgångsrik ansökan och ett framgångsrikt CV ut? Vem får pengar och varför? Att inte låta sig nedslås…
Hennig XXXI Meeting
The Thirty First Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, under the auspices of University of California Riverside will be held on June 23-27 2012 at the beautiful and historic Mission Inn.
Details of the meeting symposia, registration and abstract submission can be found at http://www.cladistics.org/meetings.html
Up to 5 Kurt Milton Pickett Intercontinental Travel Awards not to exceed $1000 will be given for student travel between continents.
Up to 10 Marie Stopes Travel Awards not to exceed $500 will be given for travel within the same continent as the meeting.
Botany 2012 conference information
Information om botanikkonferens med klara systematiska inslag, som kom via IAPTs sändlista.
The organizers of the Botany 2012 conference are pleased that IAPT will be joining us for our annual botany conference in Columbus, Ohio, July 7-11, 2012. I am the organizer of the systematics portion of the conference and I am writing with some information about the conference for those of you who are not regular attendees of our annual meeting.
We anticipate having roughly 1000 attendees at Botany 2012. The conference covers all areas of botany, but systematics is the largest portion of the conference. This year we will have a number of symposia, colloquia and other special sessions that are related to plant systematics, plus the many contributed papers and posters. In addition, there are workshops, field trips, and other activities that hopefully will be of interest. Details on symposia and other offerings are available on the conference web site (http://www.2012.botanyconference.org<http://www.2012.botanyconference.org/>
The conference web site is now open for abstract submissions and conference registration. Abstract submission deadline is 1 April. Early registration discount rates are good until 15 June. Feel free to contact me with any questions about abstract submission or conference registration.
I would like to make a couple quick points for your information:
Paper submissions- if you will be submitting a contributed paper you may submit it to a disciplinary section (e.g., Systematics Section/ASPT), or you may submit to a ”Topic” session that crosses disciplines. You will see a list of these as you begin the abstract submission process. The most relevant one for systematists is ”Biogeography.” If your paper has a primary focus on a biogeography (or phylogeography) question you should consider submitting it to the biogeography topic (which I also organize). Of course you are free to submit a paper to any section or topic that is appropriate.
The same information applies to poster submissions. Contributed papers are
15 minutes in length, inclusive of time for questions.
The ASPT banquet will be held on Tuesday night. You can order tickets when you register for the conference. Note that discounted price tickets are available for students. We hope that you will join us for the mixer and banquet.
Field trips- The annual conference always has a great selection of field trips for attendees. You can find information about field trips on the conference web site.
Registration- The registration process on the web site is quite straightforward. When you register for the conference you will use a ”ConferenceID” (for BSA members this is the same as your ”BotanyID”). If you are not a member of BSA you will need to set up a ConferenceID. You will find instructions on the web page. You can go back to your registration later on the web site and add tickets for banquets or field trips if necessary. But field trips do fill up and it is often too late to purchase banquet tickets on site at the conference so be sure to do this online as soon as possible.
When you register for the conference please be sure to check the box for IAPT membership (and other societies if appropriate). Registration rate is reduced for members of participating societies.
We look forward to you joining us in Columbus. Let me know if you have any questions.
With best wishes,
Patrick Herendeen
ASPT and BSA Systematics Section Program Director Chicago Botanic Garden
Doktoranddag – karriärplanering
Tisdagen 8 maj anordnar Svenska Systematikföreningen, i samarbete med Svenska artprojektets forskarskola och Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, en doktoranddag med fokus på karriärplanering inom forskning för doktorander och nydisputerade inom ämnesområdet systematik. Vi kommer att ta upp och diskutera möjligheterna att hitta försörjning inom forskningsbranchen, forskningsfinansiärer och beredningsprocessen, meriter och meritvärdering, postdoc och ansökningsskrivande. Alla doktorander inom systematikområdet och angränsande fält är varmt välkomna, liksom nydisputerade systematiker!
Mer detaljer kring dagen kommer att distribueras via denna hemsida senare, samt till de som hör av sig och anmäler intresse.
Plats: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, konferensrum 525
Föreläsare: Mats Wedin (mats.wedin@nrm.se) + några inbjudna som delar med sig av sina postdoc-erfarenheter
Anmälan: Rikard Sundin (Rikard.Sundin@slu.se)
The Distributed European School of Taxonomy is offering a five day training course on BIOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE at the MNHN in Paris. This training will provide an overview of the history and epistemology of biological nomenclature, and a discussion of the relationships between phylogeny, taxonomy and nomenclature. The zoological and botanical codes will be presented in detail, the other codes more briefly. Recent problems and projects of nomenclature, including alternative systems, will be discussed. The training will combine lectures with practical exercises on zoological and botanical nomenclature and on transforming phylogenetic data into a taxonomy and a nomenclature.
Deadline for registration is approaching: 1 March 2012
Course dates: 28 May – 1 June 2012
Course venue: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
Tutor: Prof. Alain Dubois
Target audience: MSc students, PhD students, early career researchers; from Europe as well as outside of Europe
Detailed information and registration at:
Furthermore, several new training courses within the Expert-in-training programme are open for registration:
Training courses within this programme last between one and four weeks, and aim at enhancing practical research skills (morphological and molecular techniques, bio-informatics, etc.) through on-the-job-training. The programme includes a wide variety of subjects, from insects and lizards up to primates.
Have a look now as registration deadlines are getting near.
New training providers are most welcome to participate in training delivery within the Distributed European School of Taxonomy. For more information, please mail us at dest-training@naturalsciences.be or have a look at:
Thank you for spreading the word,
Hendrik Gheerardyn
Isabella Van de Velde
DEST Training
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel
Tel. 32 2 627 43 34 (336)
Christoffer Schander
Jag är mycket ledsen att meddela att vår kollega molluskforskaren Christoffer Schander avlidit igår efter en hjärnblödning för några dagar sedan. Christoffer, som gjorde sina doktorandstudier i Göteborg, arbetade sedan 2004 i Bergen, Norge, och tillträdde i fjol en chefsbefattning vid Bergen Museum.