The Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio – is running its annual course on DNA-barcoding – From Sequences to Species at NTNU from March 10-14. There are still available places and deadline for registration is January 17th. The course is aimed at PhD-students and early career researchers, but master students can apply and be admitted if there is space.
Please see course description for more information and how to apply.
Post Systematikdagarna 2024 Göteborg
A big thanks to all the attendees of Systematikdagarna for a wonderful meeting with a record high attendance of 120 people. A special thanks to the organising committee who made sure the meeting flowed smoothely, kept us well fed and for the visits to the Botanical Garden and the Museum of Natural History. This was also the first year that we organized an early career meeting the day before the conference, with 20 attendees, something we are sure to continue doing. -Mårten Klinth
Congratulations to Jan Klink and Adrian Hill who won prices for best student presentations.
A full list of attendees can be found here:
And here is the book of abstracts:
Research fellow position, plant systematics, 4+2 years
Please share this 4+2 year research fellow opportunity in Marburg,
Germany, with early career botanists who might be interested:
Plant phylogenetics and evolution, ideally with an interest/focus on
South American taxa. This is my current position, I’m happy to answer
any question (I’m moving on to Stockholm, Sweden, early next year)!
Best – Jan
Dr. Jan Hackel
Research Fellow
Biodiversity of Plants (AG Zizka)
Universität Marburg, Germany
Ledigt jobb: Trädgårdsdirektör, Uppsala linneanska trädgårdar
Sök senast 1 november:
Vacant position: Head of Garden & Collection (Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam)
The Hortus is looking for a Head of Garden & Collection (32 hour per week)
Early Career Systematists in Sweden event, November 17th
Hi all new systematists!
We would like to invite you to participate in the Early Career Systematists in Sweden event on Sunday the 17th of November!
This event is free of charge and will take place in Gothenburg on the afternoon before Systematikdagarna (18th-19th of November). It will be a kickstart event for new systematists in Sweden, where you can network and get to know like-minded people in a relaxed environment! At this kickstart event, we will also have Dr. Jadranka Rota, curator of the Entomological Collections at Lund Biological Museum, Lund University, talking about her exciting career in systematics. Afterwards, we are planning to go for a joint dinner somewhere nearby.
The event will take place at Natrium, next to Konferenscentrum Wallenberg, the venue for Systematikdagarna (
The preliminary schedule for this early-career event is:
13:00 Introductions, ice-breaking activities
14:30 Fika/mingle
15:00 “A career in systematics (or how love and passion for a group of organisms can turn into a permanent position)” by Jadranka Rota, discussions
17:00 Wrap up, dinner/beer at a nearby pub
You can sign up for the event when signing up for Systematikdagarna here:
Just choose “Early career event Sunday 17th November” for 00,00 kr. If you are not attending Systematikdagarna, you can still register for the event by contacting me ( or Mårten Klinth ( directly.
We are very much looking forward to this first early-career event and we hope to see many of you there!
Best wishes,
Emma & Mårten
Expedition Botanist (Fixed Term) – University of Cambridge
Cambridge University Botanic Garden is searching for an enthusiastic and dynamic Expedition Botanist to lead plant-collecting expeditions around the world.
Friday 15th November 2024, 9:30 am GMT
Location: ZOOM Online
Abstract deadline: 19th October 2024
The annual Young Systematists’ Forum represents an exciting setting for
Master’s students, PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers
to present their work, often for the first time, to a scientific
audience interested in taxonomy and systematics. This well-established
event provides an important opportunity for budding systematists to
discuss their research in front of their peers within a supportive
environment. Supervisors and other established systematists are also
encouraged to attend.
Prizes will be awarded for the most promising talk and flash presentation
as judged by a small panel on the day.
Registration is FREE:
When you register you will be asked to supply your name, contact
information and tell us whether you wish to give a full talk or flash
presentation. Please also tell us your academic stage – e.g., Masters,
PhD or postdoc and affiliation. Abstract submission and registration
are separate portals, both on the YSF event page.
Abstracts must be submitted via the registration portal on our website
no later than Saturday, October 19th 2024 (11:59PM GMT+1). The body text
should not exceed 150 words in length. Title, authors, and their professional
affiliations/addresses should be included with the abstracts.
Spaces will be allocated subject to availability and for a balanced
programme of animal, plant, algal, microbial, molecular, and other
research. Non-presenting attendees are also very welcome – please register
as above.
If you have presented a talk at the YSF before, we ask that you submit
only for a flash presentation, as speaker slots are limited and we
want to give as many people a chance as possible. If you are a more
senior postdoc, please be aware that it’s unlikely we will be able to
give you a chance to present here, as the aim is to give more junior
researchers their first experience in a supportive international
All registered attendants will receive further information about
the meeting, including abstracts, by e-mail one week in advance. This
information will also be displayed on the Systematics Association website
If you have questions, feel free to contact us at
Last year’s meeting was very dynamic, with wide international attendance
and great interactions.
We’re looking forward to meeting you online!
YSF 2024 Organising Team: Ellinor Michel, Ana Serra Silva, Kalman Konyves,
Peter Mulhair, Katie Collins, Karen Siu-Ting, Pablo Munoz-Rodriguez
SYMPOSIUM: Understanding and monitoring insect diversity: the environmental DNA revolution
We are pleased to invite you to a symposium concluding the Insect Biome Atlas project.
When: Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 8.30-14.00
Where: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, Lilla hörsalen
Coffee and lunch are included.
Registration is mandatory and the number of participants is limited; first come, first serve!
Kallelse till årsmöte med Svenska systematikföreningen/Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
Tidpunkt och plats
Måndag 18 november 2024 klockan 16, Konferenscentrum Wallenberg Europa-salen, Göteborgs universitet, Medicinaregatan 20, Göteborg. Årsmötet hålls i samband med Systematikdagarna 2024.
- Mötet öppnas
- Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
- Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
- Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
- Revisionsberättelse
- Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
- Ändring av föreningens stadgar för att inkludera en 6:e medlem i styrelsen. Denna medlem ska representera systematiker som är i början av sin karriär (andra omröstningen).
- Ändring av föreningens stadgar för att inkludera en 4:e medlem i valberedningen (första omröstningen).
- Val av ordförande för föreningen
- Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
- Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
- Val av valberedning på tre personer
- Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
- Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
- Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
- Mötet avslutas
Väl mött!
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
Date and place
Monday 18 November 2024 at 16:00, Konferenscentrum Wallenberg Europa-salen, Göteborgs universitet, Medicinaregatan 20, Göteborg. The meeting will take place during Systematikdagarna 2024.
- Meeting opens
- Election of meeting chair, meeting secretary and two attestors
- Question: has the meeting been advertised according to the statutes
- The board’s yearly report, including financial report
- Auditor’s report
- Question about discharge of liability for the board for the previous year’s administration
- Changes to the associations statues to allow a 6th member of the board, representing an early career systematist (second time voting)
- Changes to the associations statues to allow a 4th member in the nomination committee (first time voting)
- Election of chairman of the association
- Election of other members of the board
- Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor
- Election of nomination committee consisting of 3 persons
- Decision on annual membership fee (if any)
- Other matters which the board submits to the meeting
- Other matters submitted to the board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting
- Meeting ends
The board