Inga Systematikdagar men Systematikmöte 2017!

Systematikmöte 2017

Datum/Tid Datum 2017-10-23 10:00 – 16:30

Eftersom Systematikföreningen är med och arrangerar den stora systematikkonferensen BioSyst.EU i Göteborg den 15-18 augusti, blir det inga vanliga Systematikdagar 2017. Istället blir det ett kortare evenemang i samband med föreningens årsmöte den 23 oktober:

Systematics – a future perspective

A joint meeting focusing on future research areas, career strategies, networks and cross-thinking

  • When: October 23:rd 2017 at 10.00-16.30
  • Location: Lilla föreläsningssalen at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Frescativägen 40, T-bana Universitet)

Welcome to an inspiration day!

Besides performing the yearly meeting for Svenska Systematikföreningen we invite you to discuss the future and strategies for systematists. The idea is to focus on possible career steps and, in a positive sense, how Systematics can meet future needs.

This day is of course open for all members of Svenska Systematikföreningen in addition to scientists and researchers working within the fields of Systematics (or adjacent fields) as well as biology students, master students, PhD students and postdocs interested in these subjects. The meeting is arranged by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI) / Svenska artprojektet and Svenska Systematikföreningen in collaboration with the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM).

Preliminary content and sessions:

  1. Strategies for an academic career in Systematics and Taxonomy. Invited speakers tell their own stories, including active choices and coincidences, and the pros and cons on collaborations with other scientific fields (e.g. bioinformatics, conservation biology, big data, citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, climate research).
  2. Non-academic career – does it exist? Invited speaker/s on subjects like: Are systematics and taxonomy needed outside the universities and museums? How can our capabilities or competences be used and utilized in Swedish governmental conservation work? Can citizen associations and environmental protection agencies use systematists and taxonomists?
  3. Advice and strategies for research applications. Invited speaker/s on questions like: How is the reasoning and thoughts in an application board? What is a good application? Why are applications rejected?
  4. Future research areas – e.g. priorities within artprojektet/artprojekten. Invited speaker/s and panel discussion on the future for systematists, and how to modernize and take these scientific fields to the next era.
  5. Annual meeting – årsmöte Svenska Systematikföreningen. In Swedish.

Registration and more information

 Registration fee 200 SEK. A modest lunch and fika are included. Please register at Note: If you have an account on log in before filling out the registration form!

For more information, please contact, Secretary Svenska Systematikföreningen or, Scientific Coordinator Svenska artprojektet.

Position as Professor of Botany (Mycology), Graz, Austria

The Institute of Plant Sciences at the Faculty of Natural Sciences is seeking to appoint a

Professor (f/m) of Botany (40 hours per week; permanent employment according to the Austrian Law on Salaried Employment (AngG); expected starting date October 1st 2018)

The professorship (according to § 98 UG) with the focus on mycology is assigned to the field of Systematic Botany and Geobotany. The research emphasis on questions relating to diversity and interactions of fungal organisms is desired. The holder of the position shall have an outstanding record of high profile publications and successful acquisition of third-party funds in plant scientific/mycological research in the field mentioned above. The research of the position holder shall support the research core area of the University in ”Environment and Global Change” as well as the research nucleus ”Evolution and Functional Biodiversity” of the Institute. Active participation in the strategic local cooperation NAWI Graz ist expected. In addition, we expect gender mainstreaming competence.

Please submit your applications stating the reference number BV/7/98 ex 2015/16 by June 7th 2017 at the latest. For information about the application procedures and other prerequisites, please visit

Post-doctoral researcher Lichens

A two-year postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. The position is placed within professor Mats Wedin’s research group and is a part of the project “Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae in Sweden” funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative. The research group has several additional projects funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and the Swedish Research Council, focussing on taxonomic and phylogenetic biodiversity questions in lichens and associated organisms.

Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae in Sweden

Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae together form a strongly supported clade within the major group of Ascomycota that form lichen symbioses with cyanobacteria (Peltigerales). Until very recently, the generic classification of the Collemataceae s. str. was based solely on one character, presence (Leptogium) or absence (Collema) of a cellular cortex. Collema and Leptogium were recently confirmed as highly non-monophyletic, and a new classification was suggested accepting ten mostly well supported groups as genera. There are a couple of generic delimitation problem remaining, but most of the problems in Sweden are species delimitation issues. The sister-group of Collemataceae is Placynthiaceae, a group of comparatively small saxicolous lichens, which is a poorly understood and understudied group. Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae include numerous species delimitation problems. The current species taxonomies in the Nordic countries are based on morphological investigations from the pre-molecular era. The present project aims at resolving species delimitations and remaining generic delimitation questions in these groups, in Sweden and neighbouring areas.


Candidates have a recent PhD in systematics/evolutionary biology or similar, with experience in lichenology and/or mycology. A demonstrated publication record and excellent English communication and writing skills are expected. Good knowledge in molecular lab work, phylogenetics and light microscopy are required, as is experience with independent field work. Knowledge with the groups under study is a strong advantage, as is experience in phylogenetic and coalescent-based species-delimitation studies. A valid driving licence is also an advantage. The successful candidate will mainly pursue own research, but is expected to participate also in other collaborations and undertake some administration (lab management duties) subject to discussion.

The preferred starting date is April 1st 2017, but can be discussed. The appointment is for two years.

For more information please contact professor Mats Wedin ( Union representative is Johannes Lundberg, SACO-S. Both can be reached at telephone number + 46 8 519 540 00.

Mark your application, including a cover letter outlining relevant background, experience and motivation, your CV including a list of publications, contact information for two references, and copies of educational certificates, with dnr 2.3.1-777-2016, and send it as a single pdf document to (copy to or to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE 104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, no later than January 28th, 2017.

Universitetslektorat i växtsystematik (inkl. alger och svampar)

Universitetslektor i växtsystematik SU FV-2892-16

vid Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik. Sista ansökningsdag: 2017-02-10.

Vid Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och botanik bedrivs forskning och undervisning i en internationell miljö. Ämnesområdena är marin ekologi och växtekologi, ekotoxikologi, växtfysiologi och växtsystematik. Delar av forskningen har direkt miljö- och samhällsrelevans och bedrivs ofta brett och interdisciplinärt. Institutionen har ca 140 anställda av vilka 35 är lärare och forskare och ca 50 är forskarstuderande.

Ämnesområdet avser växtsystematik i vid bemärkelse och innefattar forskning på såväl landväxter som alger och svampar.

Forskning, undervisning och handledning.

Behörig att anställas som universitetslektor är den som, dels har visat pedagogisk skicklighet, dels har avlagt doktorsexamen eller har motsvarande vetenskaplig kompetens som är av betydelse med hänsyn till anställningens ämnesinnehåll och de arbetsuppgifter som ska ingå i anställningen.

Samtliga läraranställningar vid Stockholms universitet förutsätter att den sökande har en förmåga att samarbeta och lämplighet i övrigt för att fullgöra arbetsuppgifterna.

Under anställningsprocessen kommer lika och särskild vikt att fästas vid graden av vetenskaplig och pedagogisk skicklighet. Den vetenskapliga såväl som den pedagogiska skickligheten kommer i första hand att bedömas inom ämnesområdet för anställningen. Viss vikt fästs även vid administrativ skicklighet.

Högskolepedagogisk utbildning
Högskolepedagogisk utbildning eller motsvarande kunskaper förvärvade på annat sätt är meriterande. En sökande som saknar högskolepedagogisk utbildning om minst 15 högskolepoäng och som inte heller bedöms ha förvärvat motsvarande kunskaper på annat sätt ska genomgå sådan utbildning under de två första åren av anställningen.

Övriga upplysningar
Arbetsuppgifterna är forskning, undervisning och handledning. Undervisning på grundläggande och avancerad nivå omfattar ca 25 % av arbetstiden. Innehavaren av anställningen får stöd av institutionen att utveckla en forskargrupp.

Undervisning på grundnivå sker på svenska. Om den som anställs inte behärskar svenska vid anställningstillfället förväntas han/hon förvärva erforderliga språkfärdigheter under de första två åren av anställningen.

Fakultetens kriterier för bedömning av vetenskaplig och pedagogisk skicklighet:

Stockholms universitet strävar efter att vara en arbetsplats som är fri från diskriminering och ger lika möjligheter för alla.

Upplysningar om anställningen lämnas av prefekten, professor Ove Eriksson, tfn 08-16 12 04,

Frågor om anställningsförfarandet kan ställas till handläggaren Mikael Stenberg, tfn 08-16 20 86,

Fackliga företrädare
Anqi Lindblom-Ahlm (Saco-S) och Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST och Lärarförbundet), tfn 08-16 20 00 (vx), samt (SEKO).

Du söker anställningen via Stockholms universitets rekryteringssystem genom att klicka på knappen ”Ansök”. Du som sökande ansvarar för att ansökan är komplett i enlighet med annonsen och att den är universitetet tillhanda senast sista ansökningsdag.

Vi ser gärna att din ansökan skrivs på engelska, då den kommer att granskas av internationella sakkunniga varvid engelska är arbetsspråket.

Universitetets anställningsordning och anvisningar för sökande finns på webbsidan: anvisningar – sökande.


Jobb i Norge!

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History

Associate professor of molecular biodiversity

The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in molecular biodiversity. The position is part of NTNU’s strategic focus on young, ambitious and excellent researchers (the “Onsager fellowships”) and is financed for 6 years. After this time it is expected that the candidate will obtain full professor qualifications and permanent employment.

The position in molecular biodiversity is central in the Department of Natural History’s strategy for further increasing the use of next generation sequencing data in studies of patterns and changes of biodiversity in time and space. More specifically, the successful candidate will carry out cutting-edge research within the field of evolutionary and environmental genomics, and extensive experience in handling and analysing complex genomic data sets using custom scripts and open source tools is expected. Background in population genomics, phylogenetics and proficiency in statistics is considered essential. The candidate must have experience in team-work and is expected to be working with broad research topics within evolutionary biology and ecology.

The successful applicant will have a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a PhD in biodiversity science (molecular ecology, molecular systematics or closely related fields of evolutionary biology research) or bioinformatics. Experience in analyses of different types of molecular data is an advantage. Applicants must document excellence in research during and after completed PhD, be goal-oriented and able to deliver results when expected. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and creative problem-solving abilities are expected.

Selection criteria:

  • Scientific excellence documented through peer-reviewed publications.
  • Experience with project acquisition and management.
  • Relevance of research area in relation to the NTNU University Museum research strategy.
  • Experience with teaching and supervision is an advantage.

In addition to what is listed as qualifications for the Onsager Fellows, for the Museum position it is expected that the successful candidate during the first 6 years:

  • Develops and submits one or more competitive project applications to the European Research Council.
  • Develops and submits project applications to the Research Council of Norway and similar funding sources.
  • Develops an active research group at the museum that contributes to relevant leading international networks.
  • Teaches at NTNU, the Research School in Biosystematics (ForBio) and the Nordic Academy of Biodiversity.
  • Contributes to the development of qualitative and innovative teaching resources in molecular biodiversity at the international level.
  • Fulfils the requirements for formal pedagogical competence at university level (PEDUP).
  • Participates in public outreach activities.

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History has 15 faculty positions, 6 temporary research positions and 12 technical and administrative positions. The research is facilitated through two research groups; the Conservation Biology Group and the Systematics and Evolution Group. The Systematics and Evolution Group has its research focus in general questions in systematics and evolutionary biology such as: speciation events, species discrimination and delineation, phylogeny, character evolution, population genetics, phylogeography, DNA barcoding, archaeological genetics, and distribution of species in time and space. The Conservation Biology Group focuses on process related questions (land and water use, plant animal interactions, habitat destruction and fragmentation) and ecological biogeography. The group also has an applied research profile and works towards nature management authorities and stakeholders, at levels from populations to ecosystems.

More information about the department and the position can be obtained from Head of Department Torkild Bakken, phone: +47 73 59 23 82, e-mail; Professor Hans K. Stenøien, phone: +47 73 59 22 84; e-mail; Professor Torbjørn Ekrem, phone: +47 73 59 78 12, e-mail


The associate professor position follows code 1011 starting grade 57-77, gross NOK 482 800-710 400 per annum (before tax). There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Found from gross salary.

Other information 

NTNU is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from both EU/EEA and non-EU countries. The university is strongly committed to diversity within its community and welcomes applications from members of ethnic minorities.

NTNU would like to increase the percentage of female scientists in academic positions.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants.

All applications must include a letter of interest, certified copies of academic transcripts, CV, a complete list of publications and statements from three references. Copies of the considered 10 most important scientific papers should be attached as well as a short explanation of the applicant’s contribution in case where there is more than one author. The application must be submitted electronically through (reference VM2015/6026).

Application deadline: 25 May 2015.

Researcher in Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History

A position as Researcher (Senior Curator, with the possibility of promotion to Professor) in Botany (Systematic Botany in the widest sense, including mycology and lichenology) is open at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Deadline for application June 18th 2015. More details in the pdf on the nrm website:

Intendent till enheten för botanik, NRM

Intendent till enheten för botanik


Genom att vara en arena för kunskap, upplevelser, samtal och debatt vill vi bidra till att öka allas kunskap om vår gemensamma miljö och natur samt bidra till att påverka och förnya landets miljö- och naturvårdsarbete. Våra samlingar utgör ett fantastiskt arkiv med närmare tio miljoner föremål. Här kan du besöka utställningar på olika teman, lyssna till föredrag och delta i programaktiviteter.

Enheten ansvarar för museets samlingar av kärlväxter, svampar, slemsvampar, lavar, alger, mossor och bedriver forskning inom botanisk systematik och evolution. I enhetens uppdrag ligger också att digitalisera samlingarna och att på olika sätt göra samlingsinformationen tillgänglig för allmänheten och forskarsamhället.


Arbetsuppgifterna består i huvudsak av arbete med de vetenskapliga samlingarna, dataregistrering, utlån ur samlingarna och tillhörande låneadministration, korrespondens, service till gästforskare samt att delta i planering och organiserande av samlingar. I arbetsuppgifterna ingår dessutom att representera enheten i olika sammankomster, delta i publika arrangemang och hålla demonstrationer för allmänheten.


Akademisk examen i biologi med systematisk botanik över grundnivå. Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete med vetenskapliga växtsamlingar. Dokumenterad erfarenhet av taxonomi, nomenklatur och samlingsvård. Breda kunskaper inom botanikens mångfald är meriterande.

Arbetet kräver god förståelse för botanisk nomenklatur och taxonomi, initiativförmåga, samarbetsförmåga samt förmåga att arbeta självständigt och långsiktigt mot uppsatta mål.

Anställningens omfattning

Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning

Omfattning:   Heltid

Tillträde enligt överenskommelse.

Vi tillämpar sex månaders provanställning.


Ansök senast:   2015-05-22

Referensnummer:   2.3.1-275-2015

Välkommen att söka genom att:


Löneform:   Månadslön


Antal annonserade arbetstillfällen:   1

Arbetstid:   Dagtid



Arne Anderberg Professor 08-519 540 00

Facklig företrädare

Bodil Kajrup, SACO-S 08-519 540 00


Att dela med oss av vår kunskap ger oss motivation och inspiration i det dagliga arbetet. Vi eftersträvar att vara en jämställd arbetsplats med etnisk och kulturell mångfald.

Inför rekryteringsarbetet har vi tagit ställning till rekryteringskanaler och marknadsföring.
Vi undanbeder oss därför kontakt med mediesäljare, rekryteringssajter och liknande.

Läs mer:

Jobb i Norge för molekylär systematiker

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History

Associate professor of molecular biodiversity

Application deadline: 25 May 2015.

The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in molecular biodiversity. The position is part of NTNU’s strategic focus on young, ambitious and excellent researchers (the “Onsager fellowships”) and is financed for 6 years. After this time it is expected that the candidate will obtain full professor qualifications and permanent employment.

The position in molecular biodiversity is central in the Department of Natural History’s strategy for further increasing the use of next generation sequencing data in studies of patterns and changes of biodiversity in time and space. More specifically, the successful candidate will carry out cutting-edge research within the field of evolutionary and environmental genomics, and extensive experience in handling and analysing complex genomic data sets using custom scripts and open source tools is expected. Background in population genomics, phylogenetics and proficiency in statistics is considered essential. The candidate must have experience in team-work and is expected to be working with broad research topics within evolutionary biology and ecology.

The successful applicant will have a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a PhD in biodiversity science (molecular ecology, molecular systematics or closely related fields of evolutionary biology research) or bioinformatics. Experience in analyses of different types of molecular data is an advantage. Applicants must document excellence in research during and after completed PhD, be goal-oriented and able to deliver results when expected. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and creative problem-solving abilities are expected.

Full info: