Om Anja Rautenberg

Webbmaster i Svenska systematikföreningen

Early registration deadline (29 February) for International Botanical Congress (July 2024)

Dear colleagues;

This is a reminder that the deadline for Early Registration for the International Botanical Congress is coming up soon: 29 February; 2024. Be sure to register before the “early bird” deadline!

Please see the Congress website for the latest news and the registration page:

The Congress website also has information about invited speakers; accommodations; excursions; the Nomenclature Section; and much more.

See you in Madrid!

Patrick Herendeen; Chair

International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies

Doktorandtjänst i systematisk mykologi vid GU

Utlysning av doktorandtjänst i systematisk mykologi vid Göteborgs universitet: taxonomi, systematik, molekylära data, morfologi, ekologi, mikroskopering, fältarbete, tryffel-släktet Hymenogaster (Basidiomycota).

Mer information:

Mvh. Henrik Nilsson (

Curator in the field of Mycology/Phycology at the SNSB (Munich/Germany)

Dear members of systematic societies across the world,

The Bavarian State Collection of Botany is seeking to fill the position of a Curator (f/m/d) in the field of Mycology/Phycology on a full-time, permanent basis at the earliest possible date. Details of the position are attached.

Kind regards

Anze Zerdoner Calasan

Ausschreibung Kuratorenstelle Pilze_Algen BSM_SNSB englisch

Kallelse till årsmöte med Svenska systematikföreningen/Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association

Uppdaterad version 25 oktober, med tillägg av punkten 7 i dagordningen (ändring av stadgar).

(English below. Updated version 25 October, with an added agenda item 7, changing of the statutes)

Tidpunkt och plats

Tisdag 28 november 2022 klockan 11, Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet, Sölvegatan 37, Lund. Årsmötet hålls i samband med Systematikdagarna 2023.


  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
  3. Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
  4. Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
  5. Revisionsberättelse
  6. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
  7. Ändring av föreningens stadgar för att inkludera en 6:e medlem i styrelsen. Denna medlem ska representera systematiker som är i början av sin karriär.
  8. Val av ordförande för föreningen
  9. Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
  10. Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
  11. Val av valberedning på tre personer
  12. Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
  13. Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
  14. Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
  15. Mötet avslutas

Passa också gärna på att bli medlem, för att stödja föreningen! Avgiften för 2023/2024 är 100 kr (gratis för grundutbildningsstudenter).

Väl mött!


Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association

Date and place

Tuesday 28 November 2022 at 11:00, Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet, Sölvegatan 37, Lund. The meeting will take place during Systematikdagarna 2023.


  1. Meeting opens
  2. Election of meeting chair, meeting secretary and two attestors
  3. Question: has the meeting been advertised according to the statutes
  4. The board’s yearly report, including financial report
  5. Auditor’s report
  6. Question about discharge of liability for the board for the previous year’s administration
  7. Changes to the associations statues to allow a 6th member of the board, representing an early career systematist
  8. Election of chairman of the association
  9. Election of other members of the board
  10. Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor
  11. Election of nomination committee consisting of 3 persons
  12. Decision on annual membership fee (if any)
  13. Other matters which the board submits to the meeting
  14. Other matters submitted to the board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting
  15. Meeting ends

You are very welcome to become a member to support the association! The fee for 2023/2024 is 100 SEK (free for nongraduate students).


The board

Assistant Professor (Stockholm)

Stockholm University is looking to recruit an Assistant Professor in the field of Data-Driven Evolution and Biodiversity. The position is part of the Data-Drive Life Science (DDLS) programme and comes with a generous startup package. The DDLS programme is a “big data” initiative, committed to recruiting and training the next generation of data-driven life science leaders and creating globally leading computational and data science capabilities within the life sciences in Sweden. 

Further information about the position can be found here:

Further information about the DDLS programme can be found here:

Application closing date: 25 October 2023.

Community for Early Career Systematists in Sweden

We are interested in bringing together the community of Early Career Systematists in Sweden, with the aim to organise workshops, symposia – or any event that would best benefit the Early Career community.

If you would like to receive information about such events and connect with other Early Career Systematists in Sweden, join the mailing list, here:

Join the Early Career Systematists in Sweden mailing list! (Google docs)

You are also very welcome to register an acccount on Here at, the entire Swedish Systematists community (also the not so early career ones) can read and post announcements on courses, vacant positions, conferences and other systematics related news. Registered users get e-mail notifications when new posts are published.

(Updated in September with functional link to Google docs)

2 year post on Madagascar grass taxonomy (Kew)

I am advertising for a 2 year position at the Kew herbarium to complete our taxonomic work on Malagasy Digitaria grasses, and compile our new guidebook to the common Malagasy highland grasses. Someone familiar with taxonomic literature and guidebooks, someone who likes grasses, and someone good at international comms and keen to work in Madagascar would be perfect.

Closing date 31 December 2022.

Best wishes


Dr Maria (Bat) S. Vorontsova

PhD Position (Munich): From humid tropics into the arid zones: phylogenomics of Amaranthaceae sensu stricto (Caryophyllales)

The Prinzessin Therese von Bayern Chair of Systematics, Biodiversity & Evolution of Plants at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich led by Prof. Gudrun Kadereit is offering a PhD position in the framework of the DFG-SPP1991 TaxonOMICS, supervised by Dr. Anze Zerdoner Calasan.

Announcement (pdf)