Dagordning till Systematikföreningens årsmöte 2016

Som tidigare meddelats kommer Systematikföreningens årsmöte att äga rum under Systematikdagarna 2016 som pågår 21-22 november i Uppsala.


  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
  3. Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
  4. Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
  5. Revisionsberättelse
  6. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
  7. Val av ordförande för föreningen
  8. Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
  9. Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
  10. Val av valberedning på tre personer
  11. Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
  12. Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
    1. BioSyst EU 2017
    2. Ev. övriga ärenden
  13. Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
  14. Mötet avslutas


Registration for Systematikdagarna 2016

There have been some problems with confirmation e-mails for those who have registered for Systematikdagarna 2016. I have now experimented with the settings, and hope that it works better now. If you have tried to register, but not yet received a confirmation e-mail, please let me know at webmasterSNABELAsystematikforeningen.se (replace SNABELA with @)!

Systematikdagarna 2016 will take place in Uppsala 21-22 November. Last day to register at reduced fee is 31 October. Programme and registration: http://systematikforeningen.se/verksamhet/systematikdagarna/systematikdagarna-2016/

And sorry to those of you who might have received multiple confirmation e-mails!


Systematikdagarna 2016 in Uppsala: Registration open!

Draft programme for Systematikdagarna 21-22 November in Uppsala is now published at http://systematikforeningen.se/verksamhet/systematikdagarna/systematikdagarna-2016/. Registration is also open. Welcome!

For those who want to register to Systematikdagarna and already have an account on systematikforeningen.se: please log in before starting registration.

For those who do not have an account on systematikforeningen.se: you can register for Systematikdagarna without a user account. If you want to create a user account on systematikforeningen.se, you might experience some problems (unfortunately the form doesn’t tell you why your account can’t be created. Common errors include: e-mail address already associated with an account, you forgot one of the mandatory fields, password too short or you didn’t get the last question right. When you have succeeded with your account creation, instead of a “Welcome to Systematikföreningen” e-mail, you might get a “Password changed” confirmation e-mail). Sorry about that, will try to fix it.

Please report any other web site errors to webmaster—snabela—systematikforeningen.se

inbjudan till systematikdagarna

[for English, see below]

Uppsalas två universitet välkomnar alla till Systematikdagarna 2016, ett forum för vetenskapligt utbyte, spjutspetsforskning och överraskningar för alla intresserade av biologisk systematik. De kommer att gå av stapeln 21-22 november på evolutionsbiologiskt centrum. Vi utlovar många intressanta föredrag, workshops och postrar.

Priset blir som vanligt lågt, men det kompenseras av god mat och trevligt umgänge. Se till att redan nu anteckna dessa datum i din kalender.

Formell anmälning från augusti via web-formulär.

Är du intresserad av att bidraga med föredrag eller fråga om något, hör gärna av dig redan nu till följande adress:


Under Systematikdagarna avhålls också Svenska Systematikföreningens årsmöte.


You are most welcome to Systematikdagarna 2016, the annual gathering for everyone with an interest in biological systematics, this year hosted by the Uppsala universities November 21-22. Please make sure to note these days in your calender.

Formal registration from August, via SSF webpage [you will be notified].

The price will be very low. Talks, workshops, poster session, good food and merriments are on the agenda.

If you like to contribute, e.g. with a talk, please tell us. You reach us at




Reminder: register soon to attend Systematikdagarna at early-bird fee

Registration for Systematikdagarna 2015 (23-24 November in Lund) is still open. Early-bird fee and oral presentation submission deadline is 30 October. After that date, the conference fee increases with 200 SEK and you will only be able to submit poster presentations. Absolute registration deadline is 15 November.

The registration form has recently been modified, and you can now register for Systematikdagarna without first having to create a user account on systematikforeningen.se.

More information and link to registration form: http://systematikforeningen.se/verksamhet/systematikdagarna/systematikdagarna-2015/

Systematikdagarna 23-24 November, Registration open

Draft programme for Systematikdagarna 23-24 November in Lund is now published at http://systematikforeningen.se/verksamhet/systematikdagarna/systematikdagarna-2015/. Registration is also open. Welcome!

For those who want to register to Systematikdagarna and already have an account on systematikforeningen.se: please log in before starting registration.

For those who do not have an account on systematikforeningen.se: you can register for Systematikdagarna without a user account. If you want to create a user account on systematikforeningen.se, you might experience some problems (unfortunately the form doesn’t tell you why your account can’t be created. Common errors include: e-mail address already associated with an account, you forgot one of the mandatory fields, password too short or you didn’t get the last question right. When you have succeeded with your account creation, instead of a ”Welcome to Systematikföreningen” e-mail, you might get a ”Password changed” confirmation e-mail). Sorry about that, will try to fix it.

Please report any other web site errors to webmaster—snabela—systematikforeningen.se

Systematikdagarna 2015

Welcome to Systematikdagarna 2015!

This year Systematikdagarna will take place at Arkivcentrum Syd in Lund, Monday November 23 – Tuesday November 24.

Systematikdagarna is the yearly conference on systematics arranged by the Swedish Systematists Association. The meeting is open for anyone interested in systematics; amateurs, working systematists, and users of systematics in any form.

Arkivcentrum Syd is the new location of the Biological Museum at Lund University and include the botanical collections and part of the zoological collections. Conference localities and other facilities are also located within Arkivcentrum Syd.

We are aiming at a diverse program covering several recent advances in systematics. Topics included so far are the role of epigenetics in species separation, new findings on paleontology, updates on the implementation of the Nagoya protocol, and more, but not the least, we also hope for interesting contributions by you participants.

The conference will be mainly held in English so that non-Scandinavian participants also can benefit from the conference. The annual meeting of Svenska Systematikföreningen will be held in Swedish.

Arkivcentrum Syd is located at the southeastern part of Lund, but connections to the city center are frequent and fast. There are possibilities to stay at hotels close to the Arkivcentrum Syd or in central Lund. Lunches will be served close to Arkivcentrum, but late afternoon on Monday 23, activities will be arranged at the Botanical Garden and the Historical Museum with the Sven Nilsson exhibition in central Lund, and the conference dinner will be served at AF, Akademiska Föreningen in the historical city centre.

The website for the formal registration will open after the summer. We will then also give more information on lodging and other practical matters, including registration fee.

See you in November!

The organization committee of Systematikdagarna 2015

Swedish Systematics Days (November 24-25): Last chance to register!

Hi all,

Hurry up so you don’t miss the 10th Swedish Systematics Days, to be held in Göteborg 24-25 November!!

What has happened in systematics during the last 10 years? Where do we stand now and why? What will happen during the next 10 years? This will be a great opportunity to look back and look forward as a community.

Several excellent talks are already registered, but we want more people to make this a memorable event! There are still some time slots available for talks and many for posters. Or just come to listen and meet the others!

More information and registration: http://systematikforeningen.se/systematikdagarna2014/



Don’t forget to register for Systematikdagarna!


Don’t forget to register for Systematikdagarna 2014!

Please find more information and the registration form at:

Last day for early bird registration and oral presentations is this Friday, October 31. The registration will be open until November 15, but after October 31, 200 SEK will be added to the registration fee.

Hope to see you all in Göteborg!