Positions in plant macro-ecology

Two new PhD positions on plant-related macroecology at the University of Aarhus, Denmark:

1: The macroecology of functional diversity in the palms and its link to mammal diversity:


2: Paleoclimate and the phylogenetic and functional structure of forest tree communities worldwidehttp://talent.au.dk/phd/scienceandtechnology/opencalls/specific-projects/paleoclimate-and-the-phylogenetic-and-functional-structure-of-forest-tree-communities-worldwide/

Naturhistoriska riksmuseet söker biodiversitetsinformatiker

Enheten för biodiversitetsinformatik på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet söker en IT-strateg/systemutvecklare och en systemutvecklare. För den första tjänsten söker vi antingen en biolog, gärna systematiker, med rik IT-erfarenhet eller en datavetare med erfarenhet av biologiska tillämpningar. Läs mer om tjänsterna här: http://www.nrm.se/ommuseet/ledigatjanster.10.html

/Fredrik Ronquist

PhD-student position Uppsala DNA barcoding of African plants in trade

PhD-student position in Biology with specialization in Systematics at the Department of Organismal Biology.
Application no later than 2012-11-01. UFV 2012/2245

Starting date: As agreed upon.

The overall objective of the PhD project is to improve quality in identification of traded plant wildlife using molecular barcoding. The project aims to develop tools and reference libraries for accurate species identification of traded plant material such as roots, powders and mixtures, using both standard and experimental DNA barcoding markers; and to use next generation sequencing for the identification of individual ingredients in processed products such as powders and mixtures. The project will look specifically at the regional and international trade of wild harvested medicinal plants and orchids in/and from Tanzania.

In addition to the objectives above the project aims to conduct quantitative investigations of wild-harvested traditional herbal medicines to identify diversity and volumes of medicinal plants traded in Tanzania. Surveys to monitor the chain of commercialization will give insights into the processing, collection, identification and availability of plant species traded.

The project includes fieldwork in Tanzania, studying herbarium collections in Leiden and St. Louis, and molecular lab work in Uppsala and Leiden, as well as phylogenetic analyses and taxonomical studies. The student is expected to follow appropriate courses in systematics theory and practice, including molecular barcoding, next generation sequencing, phylogenetics, bioinformatics, statistics, taxonomy, ethnobotany, participate in the research school in biosystematics (ForBio), and have no moral objections to carry out experiments with zebrafish embryo’s.

The PhD student will be supervised by a team of researchers on a collaborative TASENE funded project: Hugo de Boer, Uppsala University, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, NHM-Oslo; Sandra Baldauf, Uppsala University; Barbara Gravendeel, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, University of Applied Sciences Leiden; Tinde van Andel, Naturalis Biodiversity Center; and Joseph Otieno, ITM-MUHAS Dar es Salaam.

The applicant should have a Master of Science degree in Biology or similar qualification. A strong academic record and training in molecular barcoding, quantitative ethnobotany, systematics, or molecular sequence analyses is preferable. The project will require an independent and dedicated person, proficient in both written and spoken English. She/he should be able to work well as part of a team but also independently; be flexible and willing to travel for field and labwork; and have excellent communication and reporting skills. In filling this position the university aims to recruit the person who, in the combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, is judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the department.

The PhD-student will primarily devote the time to his/her own research studies. The PhD student ship consist of a 1-year study grant followed by a 3-year appointment. Furthermore other departmental work, such as teaching or administration, can be included in addition to the appointment (max 20 %). Salary placement is in accordance with local guidelines at UppsalaUniversity. The applicant must be eligible for PhD studies at UppsalaUniversity. Information about research education can be found at the web site of the Faculty of Science and Technology, http://www.teknat.uu.se/Doktorand/. Regulations for Swedish PhD-students can be found in Högskoleförordningen 5 kap.§§1-7 and in the regulations and guidelines of Uppsala University http://regler.uu.se/.

The application should be written in English and should include a letter of intent, curriculum vitae, two support letters from referees, addresses and phone numbers of two academic reference persons, copies of the diploma, and the master thesis. The letter of intent (no more than two pages) should describe yourself, your scientific/educational background, and your interest in and competence for the position.

More information about the position can be obtained from Hugo de Boer hugo.deboer@ebc.uu.se , tel: +46 18 471 29 32, +46 704 666 139 or Sandra Baldauf Sandra.Baldauf@ebc.uu.se , tel: 018-471 64 52. Union representatives are: Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, tel: 018-471 53 80, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, tel: 018-471 19 96, and Stefan Djurström, Seko, tel: 018-471 33 15.

You are welcome to submit you application no later than November 1st, 2012, UFV-PA 2012/2245. Use the link below to access the application form.


RBGE Biodiversity Scientist (two vacancies)

A friend at RBGE urged me to re-post this announcement to elicit more applications from qualified systematists. Do not hesitate to apply for this position.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE)
Biodiversity Scientist (two vacancies)
Permanent, full-time based in Edinburgh
Salary range £24,543 to £31,815 with appointment dependent on experience

We have an exciting opportunity to appoint two permanent Biodiversity Scientists.  We are seeking candidates who can demonstrate they have excellent potential as future research leaders and who make a persuasive case that they will develop a research programme that is complementary to, and supportive of, our science.

Specifically, the successful candidate(s) will develop a research programme, undertake research, write papers/publications, prepare funding proposals, and undertake supervision of MSc and PhD students as required. The successful candidate will also make a contribution towards teaching on our MSc course.

Applicants must be educated to PhD level (with PhD already obtained or about to be obtained) in a biodiversity science related discipline. You should be an excellent researcher with a proven track record appropriate for your career stage, and have strong scientific writing ability. You’ll also need to be an effective communicator with the ability to clearly articulate the relevance of your research to both specialist and non-specialist audiences, and good interpersonal skills will be essential to develop and maintain effective relationships with colleagues.

In addition to the above, you should have experience in a specialised area of biodiversity science, be able to place your work programme into the broader context of RBGE’s science and the more general landscape of biodiversity science, and understand key questions and challenges in one or more of the following fields: taxonomy, conservation, ecology, evolution and/or general biodiversity science.

Full details of the post, including a job description and person specification can be downloaded from this page. Further details of RBGE’s science can be obtained from www.rbge.org.uk/science. Candidates are encouraged to look at the web-pages of the different science sections and also the RBGE biodiversity strategy in developing their applications (www.rbge.org.uk/assets/files/science/Science_Strategy_summary.pdf). Informal enquiries or questions with regards to these posts should be sent to Nicole McGregor on n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk.

Interested applicants should send a CV and covering letter, outlining the skills and experience they could bring to the post, as well as a completed equal opportunities form to Nicole McGregor in our  HR team at 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR or n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk by close of business on Friday, 7 September 2012.

If you have not heard from us by the 5 October, please assume that your application has not been shortlisted. No recruitment agencies please.

Ledigt jobb: Biodiversitetsforskare till Edinburgh

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE)

Biodiversity Scientist (two vacancies)

Permanent, full-time based in Edinburgh

Salary range £24,543 to £31,815 with appointment dependent on experience

We have an exciting opportunity to appoint two permanent Biodiversity Scientists.  We are seeking candidates who can demonstrate they have excellent potential as future research leaders and who make a persuasive case that they will develop a research programme that is complementary to, and supportive of, our science.

Specifically, the successful candidate(s) will develop a research programme, undertake research, write papers/publications, prepare funding proposals, and undertake supervision of MSc and PhD students as required. The successful candidate will also make a contribution towards teaching on our MSc course.

Applicants must be educated to PhD level (with PhD already obtained or about to be obtained) in a biodiversity science related discipline. You should be an excellent researcher with a proven track record appropriate for your career stage, and have strong scientific writing ability. You’ll also need to be an effective communicator with the ability to clearly articulate the relevance of your research to both specialist and non-specialist audiences, and good interpersonal skills will be essential to develop and maintain effective relationships with colleagues.

In addition to the above, you should have experience in a specialised area of biodiversity science, be able to place your work programme into the broader context of RBGE’s science and the more general landscape of biodiversity science, and understand key questions and challenges in one or more of the following fields: taxonomy, conservation, ecology, evolution and/or general biodiversity science.

Full details of the post, including a job description and person specification can be downloaded from our website at www.rbge.org.uk/about-us/vacancies. Further details of RBGE’s science can be obtained from www.rbge.org.uk/science. Candidates are encouraged to look at the web-pages of the different science sections and also the RBGE biodiversity strategy in developing their applications (www.rbge.org.uk/assets/files/science/Science_Strategy_summary.pdf). Informal enquiries or questions with regards to these posts should be sent to Nicole McGregor on n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk.

Interested applicants should send a CV and covering letter, outlining the skills and experience they could bring to the post, as well as a completed equal opportunities form to Nicole McGregor in our  HR team at 20a Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR or n.mcgregor@rbge.org.uk by close of business on Friday, 7 September 2012.


If you have not heard from us by the 5 October, please assume that your application has not been shortlisted. No recruitment agencies please.

Svampsystematiker sökes till Helsingfors

The Finnish Museum of Natural History (www.fmnh.helsinki.fi) is an independent institute of the University of Helsinki and the national museum in the field of natural history in Finland. The museum’s duties are to expand, maintain and display its collections, and to conduct related research, particularly in the field of specieslevel biodiversity. The collections serve research, teaching and public education in biology, geology and biodiversity, and form part of the international network of natural history repositories. The Finnish Museum of Natural History, established in 1988, has four units: Botany, Zoology, Chronology and General Services. The institution has a staff of c. 180, of which 70 work in the Botany Unit.

The Botany Unit of the Finnish Museum of Natural History is inviting applications for the permanent position of


specialising in the systematics of fungi. The appointment will begin on 1st of November in 2012, or as specifically agreed.

The curator will be part of the Mycology Team of the Botany Unit. The duties of the curator will include independent research in systematics as well as managing and expanding the scientific collections together with the other team members. The research of the Mycology Team concentrates on the taxonomy and evolutionary history of fungi as well as the mapping of Finnish fungal species. The fungal collections consist of almost one million specimens (more than half of them lichenised) and include approx. 20 000 type specimens. As an expert in the field, the curator will participate in the museum’s tasks related to societal interaction. The curator is expected to be active in obtaining external funding, supervising research students and junior colleagues, and leading his/her own research group. The duties include an annual average teaching load of two ECT credits.

The curator must hold a doctoral degree and have an international publication record demonstrating competence in research in the field. Experience in working with scientific collections, participation in university teaching and supervision, proven success in obtaining external funding, experience of societal interaction, and an inclination towards teamwork are considered further assets. The official languages of the University are Finnish and Swedish. Applicants of non-Finnish origin may be exempt from formal language requirements. Proficiency in English is essential.

The salary will be based on levels 5-7 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities (a senior position equivalent to University Lecturer). The salary includes a component based on personal work performance. Further information about the duties and salary can be obtained from Dr Marko Hyvärinen, Director of the Botany Unit, email: marko.hyvarinen@helsinki.fi.

Applicants should enclose with their applications a CV, list of publications or an academic portfolio containing the same information and a research plan, as well as any other documents that demonstrate their merits. Applicants should provide the contact details of two referees.

Applications should be addressed to the Director of the Finnish Museum of Natural History, and they must be submitted, together with the required enclosures, to the address: Registrar of the University of Helsinki, P.O. BOX 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4), 00014 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, Finland, or by e-mail to hy-kirjaamo@helsinki.fiThe deadline for applications is 31 August 2012 at 15.45 local time.

This is an unofficial translation of the official announcement, which can be found at http://www.helsinki.fi/rekrytointi/index.html?id=57811 (in Finnish).

ArtDatabanken, SLU söker entomolog

Vill du vara med och arbeta med insekter i en central roll i svensk naturvård?

Arbetsuppgifter: Som entomolog på ArtDatabanken kommer du att arbeta med faktasammanställning, analyser och kommunikation, tillsammans med engagerade kolleger i en stimulerande arbetsmiljö. Mer specifikt består uppgifterna av:

  • naturvårdsfrågor knutna till artbevarande av fjärilar och steklar,
  • hantering av fakta om ekologi, utbredning och annan information om arter,
  • ledning av rödlistningsbedömningar,
  • medverkan i miljöövervakning, analyser och kommunikativa projekt samt
  • medverkan i utredningar och remissarbete vid ArtDatabanken

Kvalifikationer: Vi söker dig som har grundexamen i biologi och erfarenhet av naturvårdsrelaterat arbete liksom breda artkunskaper och god fälterfarenhet inom entomologi. Du ska även ha god datorvana och erfarenhet av att bearbeta och analysera data samt mycket god förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska. Stor vikt kommer att fästas vid personliga egenskaper så som god förmåga att skapa och upprätthålla nätverk samt att arbeta målinriktat och samtidigt flexibelt, såväl individuellt som i grupp.

Specialistkunskaper inom fjärilar och steklar samt genomgångna kurser i faunistik, naturvårdsbiologi eller motsvarande är meriterande, liksom arbete med entomologiska frågor inom naturvården och goda kontakter med entomologer inom och utanför Sverige. Även doktorsexamen inom relevant område är meriterande.

ArtDatabanken är en nationell kunskapsbank för information om biologisk mångfald. Ett av våra centrala uppdrag är att sammanställa kunskap om Sveriges djur och växter samt genomföra analyser av populationsstatus och miljötillstånd för den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige. Se vidare www.artdata.slu.se.

Anställningsform: Anställningsform: Tills vidare
SLU tillämpar provanställning.
Tillträde: enligt ö.k.

Välkommen med din ansökan märkt med Ref nr: SLU ua 1995/2012.
Ansökan ska ha inkommit till Registrator, SLU, Box 7070,750 07 Uppsala
eller registrator@slu.se senast den 15 augusti 2012.

SLU eftersträvar mångfald och jämn könsfördelning.

Mer information:
Hjalmar Croneborg, Chef för program arter: 018-67 25 57, hjalmar.croneborg@slu.se
Björn Cederberg, Entomolog: 018-67 27 48, bjorn.cederberg@slu.se

Fackliga företrädare:
Lars Eriksson, SACO: 018-67 31 37
Desiree Karlsson, SEKO: 018-67 10 57
Lotta Olsson, ST: 018-67 15 36

SLU:s vision är att vara ett internationellt universitet i världsklass inom livs- och miljövetenskaper. SLU rankas bland de hundra främsta av cirka 5 000 universitet i Europa. Vi är ett forskningsintensivt universitet som också erbjuder några av landets mest eftertraktade utbildningar, till exempel veterinär, jägmästare och landskapsarkitekt.

SLU har drygt 3 000 medarbetare och 4 000 studenter, en omsättning på nära tre miljarder kronor och verksamheter i hela landet med huvudorterna Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå och Skara. SLU satsar nu drygt tre miljarder kronor i nya lokaler för forskning och undervisning.

Flera bioinformatiktjänster vid Uppsala universitet

Science for Life Laboratory Uppsala expanderar och söker bioinformatiker. Mer information om tjänsterna hittar ni nedan.




Uppsala universitet



ArtDatabanken, SLU, söker taxonom till Program Taxonomi

Arbetsuppgifter: Inskrivning och kvalitetssäkring av vetenskapliga namn, auktorer och svensk förekomst i ArtDatabankens namndatabas Dyntaxa. Uppletande och inskrivning av referenser till bestämningsnycklar.

Kvalifikationer: Grundläggande artkunskaper, god datorvana, god förmåga att korrekturläsa och stor noggrannhet är krav. Biologexamen, goda taxonomiska, faunistiska och/eller floristiska kunskaper om Sveriges arter, kunskaper om den zoologiska och/eller botaniska nomenklaturkoden, god svensk och engelsk språkförmåga samt intresse för listor och katalogisering är meriterande.

ArtDatabanken är en nationell kunskapsbank för information om biologisk mångfald. Ett av våra centrala uppdrag är att sammanställa kunskap om Sveriges djur och växter samt genomföra analyser av populationsstatus och miljötillstånd för den biologiska mångfalden i Sverige. Vi är organiserade i sex s.k. program där Program taxonomi ansvarar för genomförandet av de vetenskapliga delarna av det Svenska artprojektet. En viktig del av detta arbete är uppbyggnad och kvalitetssäkring av namndatabasen Dyntaxa (www.dyntaxa.se), vilken ska innehålla alla arter som påträffats i Sverige.

Anställningsform: Tidsbegränsad anställning, 6 månader med eventuell möjlighet till förlängning
Omfattning: Heltid
Tillträde: 2012-09-01 eller snarast därefter

Välkommen med din ansökan märkt med Ref nr: SLU ua 1732/2012.
Ansökan ska ha inkommit till Registrator, SLU, Box 7070,750 07 Uppsala eller registrator@slu.se senast den 18 juni 2012. Urval och kallelse till intervju kommer att ske under andra halvan av augusti.

SLU eftersträvar mångfald och jämn könsfördelning.

Mer information:
Ulf Gärdenfors, Chef för program taxonomi
018-67 26 23, ulf.gardenfors@slu.se

Fackliga företrädare:
Lars Eriksson, SACO: 018-67 31 37
Desiree Karlsson, SEKO: 018-67 10 57
Lotta Olsson, ST: 018-67 15 36

SLU:s vision är att vara ett internationellt universitet i världsklass inom livs- och miljövetenskaper. SLU rankas bland de hundra främsta av cirka 5 000 universitet i Europa. Vi är ett forskningsintensivt universitet som också erbjuder några av landets mest eftertraktade utbildningar, till exempel veterinär, jägmästare och landskapsarkitekt.

SLU har drygt 3 000 medarbetare och 4 000 studenter, en omsättning på nära tre miljarder kronor och verksamheter i hela landet med huvudorterna Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå och Skara. SLU satsar nu drygt tre miljarder kronor i nya lokaler för forskning och undervisning.