Fwd: Postdoctoral fellowships in Australia (CSIRO, Canberra)

Dear Johan,

Could I ask you to draw the following two vacancies to the attention of potential applicants in your group (and beyond).

All the best, Lars

Two exciting postdoctoral fellowships in Computational Biology and Molecular Phylogenetics are currently available in CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences’s Bioinformatics & Phylogenomics team, which is led by Lars Jermiin.

  1. Computational Biology – Bioinformatics-driven design of novel enzymes: The aim of this position is for the appointee to develop, implement, and use computational methods to predict intramolecular interactions reliably in enzymes. For further details, (1) go to http://www.csiro.au/en/Portals/Careers.aspx, (2) click on Positions Vacant, (3) click on Job Search, (4) enter ACT12/00960 under Reference Number, and (5) click Search. Closing date: 31 May 2012
  2. Molecular Phylogeny – Optimising the fit of phylogenetic estimates: The aim of this position is for the appointee to develop, implement, and use phylogenetic methods that provide a better fit between phylogenetic data and the phylogenetic estimates. For further details, (1) go to http://www.csiro.au/en/Portals/Careers.aspx, (2) click on Positions Vacant, (3) click on Job Search, (4) enter ACT12/00962 under Reference Number, and (5) click Search. Closing date: 4 June 2012

For details about how to apply, follow the links given above and submit your application online via CSIRO’s Online Application Portal. For further details about the research, please send an email lars.jermiin@csiro.au<mailto:lars.jermiin@csiro.au>.

Dr Lars Jermiin OCE Science Leader – Bioinformatics & Phylogenomics Team CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences Phone: +61 2 6246 4043 | Fax: 61 2 6246 4094 | Mobile: +61 467 776 866 lars.jermiin@csiro.au | www.csiro.au | csiro.au/people/Lars.Jermiin.html

Address: CSIRO – Ecosystem Sciences, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

PhD-student position available at Uppsala University

A PhD-student position is available in fungal systematics, at the Department of Organismal Biology, Uppsala University.

The overall objective of the PhD project is to improve the understanding of speciation and intraspecific differentiation of ascomycete fungi. Using molecular sequence analysis, we will examine whether differentiation within and between closely related species correlate to spatial or ecological factors, estimate species´ niche amplitude and dissemination, and study how the morphological variation correlates with the genetic. The project includes work in the field, museum collections and molecular lab, as well as phylogenetic and population genetic sequence analyses and morphological microscopy studies.

Use the link below for more information about the position or contact Åsa Kruys Asa.kruys@ebc.uu.se, tel: +46 18- 471 2770 or Stefan Ekman Stefan.ekman@em.uu.se, tel: +46 18- 471 2821.


You are welcome to submit you application no later than June, 15th, 2012.

6-month position available as programmer/bioinformatician

Position available as programmer/bioinformatician

You will participate in a research collaboration between the University of Gothenburg and Gothenburg Botanical Garden in Sweden and the University of Arizona in the USA, with funding from the Swedish Research Council. Your role will be to further develop and adapt the PhyLoTa browser (http://www.phylota.net/) for producing large-scale, time-calibrated phylogenetic trees, which will be used in ongoing research on Neotropical biogeography. You will participate in setting up a pipeline to download, handle, and merge data from online databases containing DNA sequences, geo-references, fossils, bioclimatic variables, etc. For more information please visit http://antonelli-lab.net (under ’News’)

PhD Fellowship in Systematic Botany at the Natural History Museum of Denmark

A fully funded PhD fellowship on phylogenetics of tribe Cinchoneae (Rubiaceae) is available from 01-05-2012 or soon thereafter in the Botany group at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The fellowship will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary 3-year research project entitled: ”The quest for Cinchona – a phylogenetic tale” co-financed by the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen and the Carlsbergfoundation. The research project is international and includes several collaborators in Denmark, Sweden and Latin America.

Project area

The PhD student will be conducting extensive fieldwork with local collaborators in Latin America (e.g. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia) to collect material of Rubiaceae tribe Cinchoneae. The project will include DNA-sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of tribe Cinchoneae. The phylogeny of tribe Cinchoneae will be used to address various questions within the larger project exploring the quest for Cinchona such as diversification, correlation with plant defensive chemistry, biogeography of the Andes, population genetics, taxonomy etc. depending on the development of the project and the student’s background and interests.

Primary supervisor is Associate Professor Nina Rønsted, The Natural History Museum of Denmark. Co-supervisors are Alexandre Antonelli, Gothenburg Botanical Garden, and Claes Persson, Gothenburg University (Sweden).

The applicant must be prepared for extensive periods of fieldwork in Latin America (e.g. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia) and research exchange at Gothenburg Botanical Garden and Gothenburg University (Sweden) is envisioned.


a) MSc in biology or related area, preferably with a strong background in systematic botany.

b) Tropical field experience (botanical collection) is an advantage.

c) Experience with molecular techniques (DNA sequencing) and phylogenetic analysis is an advantage.

e) Ability to independently run research projects, in particular in the field away from day-to-day supervision.

f) Excellent English speaking, reading and writing skills are required.

g) Spanish speaking and reading is an advantage due to extensive fieldwork in Latin America.

Place of employment and principal place of work

Botanic Garden and Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Sølvgade 83, Opg. S, DK-1307 Copenhagen.

Terms of employment

The successful PhD candidate will be offered a full-time Ph.D. position for a period of three years, contingent on a satisfactory performance, with the specific intent that it results in a Ph.D. degree and scientific publications. It is a prerequisite for the appointment as a Ph.D.-fellow, that the person concerned can be registered as a Ph.D. fellow according to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Executive Order no 18 of 14. January 2008. Information about the Ph.D. programs at the Faculty of Science can be found at http://www.science.ku.dk/phd/.

The salary depends on seniority, as agreed between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations within the range of 23,000-30,000 DKK/month (approximately 3,100-4,000 Euro/month).

Further information can be obtained from Associate Professor Nina Rønsted (e-mail: nronsted@snm.ku.dk). General information on the botany group and the Natural History Museum of Denmark can be found at www.snm.ku.dk.

How to apply

Applications must include (i) a motivation for the application with statement of your research interests (0.5 A4 page), (ii) curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages), (iii) list of publications, (iv) a copy of MSc diploma and grade transcript, (v) a short abstract of the M.Sc. thesis or equivalent, and (vi) the names, e-mails, telephone numbers and addresses of 2-3 referees.

The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant and match with the project. In addition, fulfillment of the above mentioned qualifications will be an advantage.

Applications should be sent electronically by using the link below.

Deadline for applications is 01-04-2012. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Apply online (Full link: https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/ApplicationForm.cfm?PortalID=3789&VacatureID=202806)

 Københavns Universitet er Danmarks ældste universitet, grundlagt 1479, og hører til blandt de største i Norden og de højest rangerende i Europa. Universitetet består af otte fakulteter, som omfatter biovidenskab, farmaceutisk videnskab, humaniora, jura, naturvidenskab, samfundsvidenskab, sundhedsvidenskab og teologi. www.ku.dk

Frist: 01-04-2012

Arbejdsgiver: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet


Till enheten för biodiversitetsinformatik söks två postdoktorer inom bioinformatik.

Du kommer att arbeta med forskning och utveckling av fylogenetiska beräkningar, vilka har stor användning inom livsvetenskaperna. Vår grupp är en av de ledande i världen när det gäller Bayesiansk statistisk inferens inom detta område. I det aktuella projektet utvecklar vi en R-liknande beräkningsmiljö för att konstruera avancerade evolutionära modeller för simuleringar och Bayesiansk inferens. Du förväntas bidra till utvecklingen av denna miljö samtidigt som du driver ett självständigt forskningsprojekt där fylogenetiska beräkningar intar en central roll.

Du har en doktorsexamen inom bioinformatik eller inom matematik, statistik, datavetenskap eller biologi med inriktning mot bioinformatik. Examen ska ha avlagts högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Du måste behärska matematiska och statistiska resonemang, vara en talangfull programmerare och ha erfarenhet av arbete med viktiga empiriska problem.

Vi förväntar oss att du är kreativ och van att arbeta både självständigt och i grupp. Du måste ha goda kunskaper i engelska, såväl skriven som talad. Vi kommer att fästa stor vikt vid vetenskaplig skicklighet och potential.

Tillträde enligt överenskommelse. Anställningarna är på heltid och tidsbegränsade till att pågå under två år.

Upplysningar om tjänsterna lämnas av professor Fredrik Ronquist, chef för enheten för biodiversitetsinformatik. Fackliga företrädare är Bodil Kajrup för SACO-S och Niklas Jönsson för ST. Samtliga nås på telefonnummer 08-519 540 00.

Ansökan ska innehålla ett personligt brev, en beskrivning av det planerade forskningsprojektet samt CV. Märk ansökan med dnr 33-119/2012, och skicka den till rekrytering@nrm.se eller till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Box 50007, 104 05 STOCKHOLM, senast den 15 mars 2012. Betyg och övriga handlingar tas med vid eventuell intervju.

Doktorand sökes!

Occurrence of free-living lichen mycobionts and its implications
The Department of Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala conduct empirical and theoretical research for sustainable forest and agricultural production and efficient biological conservation. Our research on populations, communities, and ecosystems forms the foundation for studying the influence of land use and climate change on animals, plants, and soils. Solutions are sought that will improve greenhouse gas balances, preserve threatened species, benefit biological diversity and ecosystem services, and control pests in forest and agricultural landscapes as well as in urban areas. Presently, about 40 PhD students work at our department. We are looking for a PhD student who will examine the biology of the ecological system we call lichens, focusing on the boreal forests in Sweden. Using state of the art molecular methods, including pyrosequencing, and statistical data analysis, you will investigate the possible occurrence of free-living, endosubstratic mycelia of lichen mycobionts in the Swedish forests and its implications for lichen conservation and the forest ecosystem.

You should hold a Master degree in Biology (or equivalent). Experience in molecular laboratory techniques, data analysis and a basic knowledge of lichen diversity would be advantageous. Proficiency in spoken and written English as well as good teamwork skills are essential. A current driving license is also a prerequisite.

Forms for funding or employment
Employment as PhD student 4 years

Further information: Professor Göran Thor, goran.thor@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)18 67 24 19. See also the home page of G. Thor at http://www.ekol.slu.se

PhD-student commissioner
Nina Almgren, 018-67 15 60, doktorandombudsmannen@sluss.nu

Applications, marked with ref no 355/2012, must have arrived at the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S- 750 07 Uppsala or registrator@slu.se no later than 2012-03-12.

Göran Thor

Två tjänster i metagenomanalys

Här är något för dig som är intresserad av mikrobiell mångfald och moderna sekvenserings- och sekvensanalysmetoder!

I. POST DOC – metagenomic analyses of microbes related to management of the Baltic Sea

Ref. no: SU 619-0098-12

A position as Post Doctor is open at the Department of Botany, Stockholm University (Reference number SU 619-0098-12). Deadline for application: February 20th, 2012.
Stockholm University is committed to academic excellence and is a world renowned university with about 60 000 students. The Department of Botany is within the Faculty of Science, and has about 70 employees. Teaching is oriented towards plant physiology, ecology and systematics. The plant physiology unit offers a stimulating atmosphere in well-equipped laboratories.

The Department of Botany seeks to employ a post doctor that will produce new essential information within the framework of two international and multidisciplinary research programs: BEAM ‘Baltic Ecosystem Adaptive Management’ a Stockholm University Strategic Marine Environment program (www.smf.su.se/beam) andMiMeBS ’Microbial Metagenomics of the Baltic Sea’ (www.botan.su.se/physiology). MiMeBS isa collaborative program between scientists at Department of Botany and J. Craig Venter Institute (La Jolla, USA; www.jvci.org), and at SciLifeLab, Stockholm (www.scilifelab.se).

The position will be structured as a collaborative and stimulating effort with MiMeBS and BEAM team members. The focus will be on analyses of sequenced metagenomes and transcriptomes of the Baltic Sea microbial populations and on development of tools to make use of the information gained in an environmental context (via environmental data and models), in turn meant as means for an optimized management of the unique Baltic Sea.

The post doc position requires a person with a PhD in biology/microbiology/molecular biology/ bioinformatics, preferentially with knowledge in bioinformatic analyses and ecosystem processes, combined with knowledge/interest in management of aquatic ecosystems. Eligible candidates must have a strong record of academic research demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications. Collaborative and innovative skills as well as independence are expected, as is excellence in writing and speaking English. Eligible candidates have received a PhD exam in the past 3-5 years (from the application deadline).

Terms of employment
A 1.5 year (18 months) full time Post Doctoral position, starting as soon as possible 2012.

The application, in English, should include and be organized as follows:
a cover letter outlining your qualifications, relevant experiences and interest in the position (max 1 page)
CV & publications (max 2 pages)
copies of degree certificates
names of two reference persons (give phone numbers and email addresses;
state the relation to the reference person)

For further information, contact Professor Birgitta Bergman, telephone +46-(0)8-16 3751, bergmanb@botan.su.se

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (ST), telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (switch board), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), telephone +46-(0)70 316 43 41.

Applications, labelled with the Reference number SU 619-0098-12, should be posted to the address below and be postmarked no later than February 20th, 2012:

Stockholm University

or by e-mail to: registrator@su.se – give Reference number in the Subject head

II. RESEARCH FELLOW –  metagenomic analyses of microbes in the Baltic Sea

Ref. no. SU 619-0311-12

A position as researcher is open at the Department of Botany, Stockholm University. Reference number SU 619-0311-12. Deadline for application: February 20th, 2012.

Stockholm University is committed to academic excellence and is a world renowned university with about 60 000 students. The Department of Botany is within the Faculty of Science, and has about 70 employees. Teaching is oriented towards plant physiology, ecology and systematics. The plant physiology unit offers a stimulating atmosphere in well-equipped laboratories.

The Department seeks to employ a Researcher Fellow that will produce new essential information within the framework of an international and multidisciplinary research program: MiMeBS ’Microbial Metagenomics of the Baltic Sea’ localized at SU (www.botan.su.se/physiology). The MiMeBS program is a collaborative research effort with scientists at J. Craig Venter Institute (La Jolla, USA; www.jcvi.org) and SciLifeLab (Stockholm; www.scilifelab.se).

Focus & Expectations
The focus will be on analyses of large data sets from sequenced metagenomes, transcriptomes and single cell genomes of Baltic Sea microbial populations using bioinformatic tools; and to make use of the information gained in an environmental context as means for an optimized management of the unique Baltic Sea. The Research Fellow is also expected to be in charge of the MiMeBS bioinformatic team members and act as supervisor for students and post docs.

The position requires a person with a PhD in biology/microbiology/molecular biology/ bioinformatics, combined with a deep experience and expertise in bioinformatic tools and analyses. Eligible candidates must have a strong record of academic research demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications. Collaborative leader and innovative skills and independence are expected, as is excellence in writing and speaking English. Eligible candidates have received a PhD exam in the past 3-6 years (from the application deadline).

Terms of employment
A two year full time position as researcher, starting as soon as possible.

The application, in English, should include and be organized as follows:
a cover letter outlining your qualifications, relevant experiences and interest in the position (max 1 page)
CV & publications (max 2 pages)
copies of degree certificates
names of two reference persons (give phone numbers and email addresses;
state the relation to the reference person)

For further information, contact Professor Birgitta Bergman, telephone +46-(0)8-16 3751, bergmanb@botan.su.se

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (ST), telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (switch board), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), telephone +46-(0)70 316 43 41.

Applications, labeled with the Reference number SU 619-0311-12, should be posted to the address below and be postmarked no later than February 20th, 2012:

Stockholm University

or by e-mail to: registrator@su.se – give Reference number in the Subject head


Tjänst som forskningsingenjör med evertebratfaunistisk inriktning

Forskningsingenjör med inriktning mot
Arbetsuppgifter: Vi söker en person som ska arbeta med artbestämning av
djurplankton och bottenlevande evertebrater från miljöövervakningen i sjöar
och vattendrag. Även dataläggning av resultat, deltagande i interkalibreringar
och provtagning ingår till viss mån i arbetsuppgifterna.

Kvalifikationer: Högskoleutbildning med inriktning mot limnologi eller
taxonomi, eller motsvarande, samt goda taxonomiska kunskaper av
bottenlevande evertebrater (bottenfauna) är ett krav. Taxonomiska kunskaper
av andra akvatiska organismgrupper är meriterande, liksom erfarenhet av att
hantera labbdatasystem. Vi ser också gärna att du har erfarenhet av
Anställningsform: Tillsvidare. SLU tillämpar provanställning under 6 månader.
Omfattning: 100 %
Tillträde: enligt ö.k.

Se länk nedan för mer info

Naturhistoriska riksmuseet söker forskare till enheten för fanerogambotanik


Att bedriva forskning kring blomväxternas fylogeni, särskilt familjen Asteraceae och ordningen Ericales, inom ramen för enhetens pågående forskningsprojekt. Projektet finansieras av medel från Vetenskapsrådet.


Sökanden skall ha avlagt doktorsexamen i systematisk botanik, ha goda kunskaper i botanik, molekylärsystematiska arbetsmetoder och fylogenetisk analysmetodik. Erfarenhet av att arbeta självständigt i projekt är önskvärd, liksom en dokumenterad förmåga att framställa vetenskapliga resultat för publicering i välrenommerade vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Arbetet kräver god samarbetsförmåga och förmåga att
planera och genomföra projekt under en begränsad tid.

Tillträde snarast. Anställningen är på heltid och tidsbegränsad till att pågå under två år.

Närmare upplysningar lämnas av professor Arne Anderberg samt av de fackliga företrëdarna Johannes Lundberg, och Marianne Hamnede, ST-Kultur. Samtliga nås på telefon 08-519 540 OO.

Ansökan med CV samt personligt brev skall ha inkommit till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Box 50007, 104 05 STOCKHOLM eller rekrytering@nrm.se senast den 3 februari 2012. Märk ansökan med dnr 33-10/2012. Betyg och handlingar tas med vid eventuell

Mvh Ulf Swenson

Postdoktor i systematisk biologi i Uppsala

Uppsala University hereby declares the following position to be open for application:

Postdoctoral position in Systematic Biology


at the Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University, Sweden

A two year independent research position is offered at the Program in Systematic Biology at Uppsala University. Systematic Biology is a large and diverse department of over 30 academic research staff and students. Research interests cover a wide range of topics from systematic biology of macro- and microbial eukaryotes to comparative genomics and phylogenetics.

The Department is housed in spacious modern facilities, adjacent to the museums of zoology and paleontology, herbarium and botanical garden at one of the foremost universities in Scandinavia. For further information see: http://www.ebc.uu.se/forskning/IOB/Systematisk_biologi/

Appointment period: The position is for 2 years