ForBio and University of Gothenburg course: ”Species Tree Phylogenetics”

Dear all,

ForBio and University of Gothenburg are pleased to invite you to the course: ”Species Tree Phylogenetics” taking place at Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden, October 20-24, 2014.

The course will present a theoretical framework and practical approaches to species tree phylogenetics of complex and/or big data sets.

More information about the course and a preliminary program can be found at

Application deadline is September 1, 2014.


ForBio course: Subarctic terrestrial field course in Finland

Dear all,
ForBio is offering a Subarctic terrestrial field course at Kevo, Finland, on 4-11 July 2014.
This taxonomy field course in northern subarctic Finland will provide PhD students and postdocs in biosystematics with field experience and species identification skills.†We will have parallel groups working on lichens, bryophytes, vascular plants and insects, with daily specialist led field excursions and identification sessions. In addition to visiting biotopes in the vicinity of the Kevo Subarctic Research Institute, we will have a day trip to the Norwegian coast.
For more information and how to apply, see or contact Aino Hosia
Please note that the application deadline is already on 12 May 2014!


Kurs i fylogenomik i Lund 5-9 Maj

Kurs i fylogenomik, 5-9 Maj (2014), i Lund. Anmälan senast 21:a Mars. Inriktar sig till studenter med ”ingen eller begränsad erfarenhet i ämnet”. Lärare: Michel Cummings, Univ. Maryland. Se hemsidan:

Phylogenomics course in Lund, May 5-9 (2014). Registration deadline: 21 March. Target audience: students having ”no or little prior experience in the field”. Teacher: Michael Cummings, Univ. Maryland. See web page:

ForBio workshop: Bayesian inference using BEAST

Dear all,

ForBio is organizing a workshop ”Bayesian inference using BEAST”.  The workshop will take place May 26-30, 2014 at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. The workshop aims to help those that have some experience of Bayesian model based phylogenetics and have worked through the BEAST tutorials and run a bit of analyses and start to wonder about what’s going on “under the hood”.

More information about the workshop and how to register can be found at



ForBio course: An introduction to geometric morphometrics using R

Dear all,

ForBio is organizing the course ’An introduction to geometric morphometrics using R’ in Tromsø (Skibotn Field Station, May 5-9, 2014). Geometric morphometrics is a great technique used extensively in analyses of organisms’ shape and function across all systematic groups from a full organisms to its smallest parts and color patterns.  We assembled a great team of instructors and it is going to be a very interesting course.  The deadline for registration is 16 March 2014.  Please read more about the course on ForBio website:

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions,
Sergei V. Drovetski
Researcher and ForBio coordinator
Department of Natural History, Tromsø University Museum,
University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway,
PO Box 6050 Langnes, NO-9037 Tromsø, Norway

Telephone: +47 77620779

ForBio Course: Kelp communities – marine macroalgae and associated fauna and flora

Dear all,

ForBio is organizing a course focusing on marine macroalgae and their associated fauna and flora.  The course includes field collection of samples, lectures on the identification of algae and major groups of associated fauna (e.g. molluscs, polychates, crustaceans) as well as specialist lead identification sessions on the collected material.

The course will take place Jul 23 – Aug 1, 2014 at Espegrend Marine Biological Station in Bergen, Norway.

You can find out more about the course and instructions on how to register for it on the ForBio website:

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the course or participation.

Hope to see you in Bergen!


Aino Hosia
Researcher, ForBio Coordinator
University Museum of Bergen, Natural History Collections
University of Bergen
Postboks 7800, NO-5020 Bergen, Norway
tel: +47-55582963, +47-92467311

Kostnadsfri föreläsning och workshop i ämnet artbestämning

Kostnadsfri föreläsning och workshop i ämnet artbestämning

Svenska artprojektet och ArtDatabanken erbjuder studerande inom området marinbiologi att delta på föreläsning och workshop i artbestämning med Malin Strand som föreläsare.

Föreläsningen och workshopen kommer att fokusera på att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen genom att ge studenterna färdigheter i att artbestämma Tagghudingar–svalgsträngsdjur, Echinodermata–Hemichordata.

ArtDatabanken vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet driver sedan 2002 Svenska artprojektet på uppdrag av riksdagen. Syftet är att kartlägga och sprida information om landets hela fauna och flora av flercelliga arter.

Projektet består av tre delar: inventering av dåligt kända arter, taxonomisk forskning och kunskapsspridning genom bokverket Nationalnyckeln. Med hjälp av Nationalnyckeln kan fler artbestämma mindre välkända organismgrupper. Nationalnyckelns senaste volym beskriver sjöstjärnor, sjögurkor, sjöborrar, liljestjärnor och ormstjärnor samt ollonmaskar och innehåller nycklar för artbestämning. Läs mer på

De som vill bidra kan vara med och rapportera sina artfynd på Artportalen. Genom att många bidrar till att samla in kunskap kan vi gemensamt göra stor nytta för naturen. Naturvården får på så sätt stöd i sitt arbete med till exempel miljöövervakning och uppföljning av miljömål.

Datum: februari – april 2014

Kursalternativ: Kort föreläsning 1,5 timme. Längre föreläsning 3 timmar.

Pris: Föreläsningen är kostnadsfri, dock bistår universitetet/skolan med lokal.

Bok gratis: alla deltagare får utan kostnad Nationalnyckelns senaste bok om tagghudingar–svalgsträngsdjur, Echinodermata–Hemichordata.

För bokning och annan praktisk information kontakta Anette Håkans, telefon: 0722 – 033 918. E-post:

För mer information om föreläsningens och workshopens innehåll och upplägg, kontakta Malin Strand, telefon: 070 – 565 42 46. E-post:

Med vänlig hälsning

Anette Håkans


Dear all,

ForBio has the pleasure to inform you that we can fund participation in the following courses for our members:

Geometric Morphometrics with Plants organized by ’Transmitting Science’

The course will take place April 21-27, 2014  in Barcelona, Spain.

This course offers a self-contained introduction to geometric morphometrics with a special focus on applications in plant evolution and development. Recommended course credits is 2 ECTS.

For registration and more information about the course see here:

If you are interested register for the course as soon as possible as places are limited to 20 participants and will be occupied by strict registration order. Contact Heidi Solstad ( for more information on ForBio funding.

DEST course: Botanical Nomenclature

The course will take place Januar 27-31, 2014, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.

This in-depth course will teach the principles of plant nomenclature according to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (ICN) so that participants can apply good nomenclatural practice when undertaking taxonomic revisions, compiling checklists etc.

For registration and more information about the course see here:

Application deadline: October 17, 2013.

Contact Heidi Solstad ( for more information on ForBio funding.

Best regards,


ForBio taxonomy travel grants

Dear all,

ForBio arranges courses to train new taxonomists, but for some organism groups the number of interested students is too small for a full-scale course to be worthwhile. In those cases ForBio can fund collaboration between ForBio members and taxonomic experts. These funds aim to allow the student to work with particular collections, to learn new preparation techniques directly from the expert, and to discuss taxonomic problems with a group of people with similar scientific focus but situated at another institution.

ForBio will fund members (PhDs and postdocs only) who will benefit from such collaboration for a stay of one to five weeks at the institute of the expert.

The grant covers costs for travel and provides a weekly allowance of 2600 NOK towards accommodation or other costs. Please note that we have a limited budget for travel grants and we will prioritize grant applications based on the scientific quality of the planned work and on how the collaboration is going to help the applicant’s scientific project.

You can apply here:

Best regards,


ForBio course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

Dear all,

The Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio – invites to the course ”Introduction to phylogenetic methods”.

The course will take place November 4 – 8, 2013 at the University of Bergen.

This course aims primarily at students who will do phylogenetic computation in their thesis work, but who have no hands-on experience with some of the more frequently used software applications. Introductory lectures will cover topics such as properties of data and trees, models of evolutionary change, phylogenetic signal, model testing, and hypothesis testing. The students will learn how to prepare their data, explore the properties of the data, how to use distance, parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian methods in computation.

Please note that external students are required to study electronic course material in order to prepare for the computing class in November. The intensive computer lab (Nov 4-8) is at University of Bergen, Norway.

More information about the course and how to apply can be found at

Application deadline is September 26, 2013.
Contact person: Christiane Todt
Course leader: Endre Willassen

