Dags att betala medlemsavgiften!

Nu är det hög tid att betala medlemsavgiften för 2019/2020, ett ypperligt tillfälle att även anmäla sig till Systematikdagarna.

Om du inte har betalat din medlemsavgift så gallras du ur medlemsregistret efter 2 år, och missar således utskick och annan information.

För att båda anmäla dig och betala medlemsavgiften, så besöker du sidan för registrering till Systematikdagarna. Läs mer här:

Registration for Systematikdagarna 2019

Mer information om medlemsavgift och betalning utan att anmäla dig till Systematikdagarna, läs mer här:

Medlem och betalning

Now is the time to pay the members fee for 2019/2020, a perfect time for also registering for Systematikdagarna.

If you have not payed your members fee you will be removed of your membership after 2 years, and will miss the mailing list and other information.

To both register for Systematikdagarna and pay your members fee, visit the page for registration to Systematikdagarna, read more here:

Registration for Systematikdagarna 2019

For information regarding the members fee and how to pay without registering for Systematikdagarna, read more here:

Medlem och betalning

Registration open for Systematikdagarna

Welcome to Systematikdagarna, 18-19 November in Gothenburg! More information and registration now available: systematikforeningen.se/verksamhet/systematikdagarna/systematikdagarna-2019/

Please, also consider becoming a Systematikföreningen member, and paying the fee (200 SEK). You can pay the membership fee when you pay the conference fee, or separately.

See you in Göteborg!

Positions in biodiversity, zoo systematics and ecology (Gothenburg)

Senior lectureships at the university of Gothenburg, and with connections to the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre:

Biodiversity: www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=4331

Systematic zoology: www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=4330

Ecology: www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/job-opportunities/vacancies-details/?id=4327

Post-doc position in fungal systematics at Swedish Museum of Natural History

Post-doc position in fungal systematics at Swedish Museum of Natural History

A one-year postdoctoral position is available in the Botany Department at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The position could possibly be extended for 2 years. The project, which is led by Dr. Karen Hansen, is funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative at the Swedish Species Information Centre.

A new generic classification for the Pezizaceae (Pezizales, Pezizomycetes)

In this project we study the family Pezizaceae, with a focus on the large polyphyletic genus Peziza. These fungi are highly diverse in morphology and ecology, including saprobic and ectomycorrhizal species. Our previous studies have clarified relationships within Pezizaceae, but crucial nodes in the phylogeny remain poorly supported and clades are still insufficiently sampled, which has hampered the construction of a natural generic classification. Peziza has never been monographed and species limits are highly problematic. Identification keys are inadequate and often lead to erroneous determinations. These fungi are poorly understood worldwide. The central goal of the project is to produce a comprehensive multi-gene phylogeny of Pezizaceae by expanding taxon sampling and molecular data, to serve as a solid base for a new classification. Using the phylogenetic hypothesis, and morphological and ecological/biological features, we will diagnose and described monophyletic genera, applying existing or new names. Species delimitation will be addressed in certain problematic lineages. The project will be based on existing material, and additional material from field trips to be conducted in Sweden and in species rich areas elsewhere in Europe.


Applicants have a PhD in fungal systematics/phylogenetics, preferable with experience in various phylogenetics and species delimitation methods, taxonomy and nomenclature, including description and photographing fungi. A documented publication record, as well as fluent English speaking and writing skills, are expected. Good knowledge in molecular lab work and light microscopy techniques are required. Experience in conducting fieldwork is also an advantage.

The starting date is flexible, but the postdoctoral should preferable be in place by August/September 2019, although an earlier start date is possible. The appointment is for 1 year to be extended to 3 years.

Location: Stockholm (Sweden)

For more information, please contact Dr. Karen Hansen, Department of Botany (Karen.hansen@nrm.se). Union representatives are Mia Ehn (Saco-S) and Anna Sandberg (ST). All can be reached at phone +46 8-519 540 00.

Your application should include a cover letter outlining relevant background, motivation, and experience in the areas outlined above. Your curriculum vitae should include a list of publications, and contact information for two references.

The complete application (in Swedish or English) must be submitted to rekrytering@nrm.se or to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden no later than April 15, 2019. Mark your application with dnr 2.3.1-104-2019.

Associate Professor in Systematic Mycology – Natural History Museum, UiO

The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, is recruiting an Associate Professor in Systematic Mycology. This is an attractive position with 50% research time, 50% curation of the mycology collections, as well as possibilities for teaching, and of course it comes with great colleagues! Feel free to share this position among colleagues, or apply yourself! Application deadline 19 May 2019.

The Natural History Museum (NHM) seeks a dynamic researcher for an associate professorship in systematic mycology. The successful candidate should have a research profile in integrative systematics of fungi, which preferably addresses questions of both deep phylogeny and species delimitation and intraspecific diversity.  He/she should also master up-to-date molecular and bioinformatic methods in systematic biology. It is expected that the applicant will develop an independent research program that will have synergistic effects within the research group “Integrative Systematics of Plants and Fungi (ISOP) as well as with other research groups at NHM. The successful candidate will be expected to attract extramural research funding and should document ability and potential to be successful in this respect.

NHM has an array of research facilities, including advanced microscopes and a DNA laboratory where high throughput sequencing can be performed. The museum also collaborates with Department of Biological Sciences on several research facilities.

Candidates who combine fundamental research questions with powerful molecular and computational approaches within a collection-based context, will therefore be preferred.

NHM has a collaborative agreement with the Department of Biological Sciences about teaching and supervision of students at the bachelor and master level, and with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the education of doctoral candidates. NHM also hosts an international research school in biosystematics (ForBio). The successful candidate will be expected to teach students at all academic levels, including supervision of PhD students and postdocs. Up to 50% of the working time will be devoted to curating collections (main activity), teaching and supervision of students, outreach and administrative tasks at NHM. Lectures and tuition are given in Norwegian and English. Foreign language speakers are expected to be able to teach in a Scandinavian language within two years after being hired.


Head of Section – The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, University Museum of Bergen

The University of Bergen has announced an interesting job that might be relevant for people in our networks. Feel free to spread the position! /Best, Hugo
Head of Section – The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, University Museum of Bergen

University Museum of Bergen, Department of Natural History, has a vacancy for a permanent position as Head of Section for The Arboretum and Botanical Gardens. We are looking for a proactive and positive Head of Section capable of creating engagement both internally and externally. We need a clear, decisive and resourceful leader, with the ability to unite, motivate and inspire a diverse staff.

The section consists of three separate gardens; 1) the Arboretum and 2) the Botanical Garden with associated production facilities at Milde, 23 km South of Bergen, and 3) the Museum Garden, a historic garden with an exhibition greenhouse at the UiB-campus on Nygårdshøyden. The living plant collections are used for research, outreach, teaching and recreation. The section has 24 permanent employees, including four research positions, with additional temporary staff during the summer season. The Head of Section has a key role in promoting collaboration between the three gardens and across the different employee categories, thus contributing to a unified garden section. We are looking for a leader with good communication, motivation and leadership skills, capable of rapidly achieving legitimacy and good relations with all employees.    

The Head of Section is the scientific and administrative leader of the garden section and reports to the Head of Department of Natural History


Thoughts from the new chairman

Hi all systematists,

As newly elected chairman of the Swedish Systematics Association (svenska systematikföreningen), I’d like to share a few thoughts with you.

Systematikdagarna in Lund

MANY THANKS to Niklas Wahlberg, Jadranka Rota, Bente Eriksen, Nicolas Chazot, Leidys Murillo and Pavel Matos  for the excellent arrangements!

MANY THANKS also to all the speakers and poster presenters for your fascinating, professional presentations!

And MANY THANKS to all of you who attended Systematikdagarna without presenting anything (except yourselves!) for your good company! I wish I had had a chance to talk to many more of you. Hopefully next time…

I’m looking forward to next year’s event In Göteborg!

Old and new boards of the Swedish Systematics Association

MANY THANKS to those who served on the board since Nov 2017: Ulf Jondelius (chairman), Svante Martinsson (vice chairman), Mats Wedin (secretary), Emma Wahlberg (treasurer) and Anja Rautenberg (adjunct, webmaster). (I was also a member.)

The new board, elected at Systematikdagarna in Lund, consists of Niklas Wahlberg (vice chairman), Mats Wedin (secretary), Emma Wahlberg (treasurer), Ellen Sandström and the undersigned (chairman). Anja Rautenberg accepted the board’s request to be an adjunct member, acting as webmaster.

Membership issues

Welcome as a member! Annual membership is 200 SEK for ordinary members and free for pre-PhD students (see below). Please pay to Plusgiro 50 86 22-8 or Bankgiro 400-5971. Remember to give your name and what year the membership concerns when you pay. Please also register on the webpage: https://systematikforeningen.se, if you haven’t already done that (under “Registrera” on the Home page).

Students who wish to become members should also register on the web page and also inform the treasurer, Emma Wahlberg (emma.wahlberg@nrm.se).

The web page is currently only available in Swedish. Is there any need for an English version? Anything that you think would be useful to add to our web page? Is it at all useful?

Remember that there is a message function on the web page, where you can send messages to everybody who has registered. You need to be logged-in in to send messages. After logging in, click on “+ Skapa” in the black bar above the association’s logo, and choose “Inlägg”. The rest is hopefully rather straightforward even if you can’t read Swedish. When done, click on the blue button ”Publicera” to the right.

The board would be most grateful for suggestions on other things you think we could improve.

And last, but not least, I wish you all a joyful Christmas and New Year holiday, and a new year full of wonderful species!

Per Alström
per.alstrom@slu.se or per.alstrom@ebc.uu.se
070-454 6965

Miljødirektoratet (Norge) søker en rådgiver for arbeid med fremmede organismer og handel med truede arter

Har du din bakgrunn i biologien og kunnskap om fremmede organismer? Har du også erfaring fra forvaltningen og fra internasjonalt arbeid? Da er det kanskje akkurat deg vi leter etter.

Seksjon for fremmede arter og internasjonal handel er en av fem seksjoner i avdeling for vann og kunnskap. Seksjonen har ansvar for fremmede organismer, handel med truede arter (CITES), genmodifiserte organismer og genetiske ressurser. Seksjonen har ca 16 kompetente medarbeidere og har arbeidssted på Brattøra i Trondheim.

Vi søker etter en dyktig seniorrådgiver som kan bidra til å styrke arbeidet med fremmede organismer og handel med trua arter. Du vil jobbe i to faggrupper på seksjonen som blant annet har ansvar for behandling av søknader etter forskrift om fremmede organismer og CITES-forskriften . Dette arbeidet innebærer blant annet å kunne vurdere fremmede organismers innvirkning på naturen, håndheve og bidra til utvikling av regelverk, samt samarbeid med andre sektormyndigheter og rådgivende organer. Du vil i tillegg til den nasjonale oppgavene også jobbe med å følge opp internasjonale forpliktelser på områdene, og å innhente ny kunnskap på området.

Stillingens hovedansvarsområder

  • Nasjonale og internasjonale oppgaver knyttet til konvensjonen om internasjonal handel med truede plante- og dyrearter (CITES)
  • Nasjonale og internasjonale oppgaver knyttet til forvaltning av fremmede organismer
  • Oppgavene vil i noen grad bli tilpasset den som blir ansatt.


  • Naturvitenskapelig utdanning innen biologiske fagdisipliner som f.eks. botanikk, zoologi, økologi, bevaringsbiologi eller naturforvaltning på minimum mastergradsnivå er et krav.
  • Tilsvarende utdanning på doktorgradsnivå vil tillegges vekt
  • Erfaring fra internasjonalt arbeid og kjennskap til internasjonalt handelsregelverk tillegges stor vekt
  • Det er ønskelig med erfaring fra offentlig forvaltning.
  • Svært gode skriftlige kunnskaper i norsk og engelsk


  • du trives med både internasjonale og nasjonale aktiviteter
  • du samarbeider godt med andre og bygger nettverk både internt og eksternt, men har også evnen til å arbeide selvstendig
  • du kommuniserer godt og kan formidle vanskelige fagsaker enkelt og forståelig
  • du har meget god rolleforståelse
  • du har tydelig og profesjonell dialog med eksterne
  • du leverer med rett kvalitet til rett tid
  • du er løsningsorientert, ryddig og god til å planlegge dine oppgaver

Vi tilbyr

  • Fast stilling
  • utfordrende arbeidsoppgaver på et viktig samfunnsområde
  • gode muligheter for faglig og personlig utvikling
  • et bredt tilbud av sosiale, kulturelle og sportslige aktiviteter – inkludert trening i arbeidstiden
  • fleksible arbeidstidsordninger og gode pensjons- og boliglånsordninger i Statens pensjonskasse
  • lønn som seniorrådgiver fra kr.524.200,- (ltr. 60) til kr. 658.300,- (ltr. 72) etter erfaring og kvalifikasjoner. Særskilt kvalifiserte søkere kan vurderes høyere.

Kontaktperson for stillingen er seksjonsleder Bjarte Rambjør Heide på telefon 404 54 374 /bjarte.heide@miljodir.no. Spørsmål om søknadsprosessen kan også stilles til Ingrid Krohn Hansen på telefon 988 07 145/ingrid.krohn-hansen@miljodir.no.

Som IA-bedrift ønsker vi en balansert alders- og kjønnssammensetning og å rekruttere flere personer med redusert funksjonsevne og personer med innvandrerbakgrunn.

Vi ber deg om å sende søknad med vitnemål og attester elektronisk gjennom Jobbnorge.
