Position as research technician: Plant evolution (Stockholm)

A 12-month research technician position is available in Plant Systematics at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. Work will be split between two projects and will mainly involve NGS sequencing and building a large trait database from the literature.

For more information and how to apply (by 27 Oct 2017), please Stockholm University web:

Kallelse till Årsmöte för Svenska Systematikföreningen 2017

Kallelse till Årsmöte för Svenska systematikföreningen (SSF) 23 oktober 2017, kl. 11.00 i Lilla hörsalen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm


  • 1. Mötet öppnas
  • 2. Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
  • 3. Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
  • 4. Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
  • 5. Revisionsberättelse
  • 6. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
  • 7. Val av ordförande för föreningen
  • 8. Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
  • 9. Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
  • 10. Val av valberedning på tre personer
  • 11. Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
  • 12. Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
  • 13. Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
  • 14. Mötet avslutas

 Väl mött!


Research Director at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

The Natural History Museum is looking for a new research director. The
Natural History Museum’s tasks include research, collection
management, teaching and public outreach in the fields of botany,
zoology, palaeontology and geology. The museum has about 150 employees,
organized in 5 sections, and for 2017 had a total budget of 160 million
NOK. Approx. 40 million NOK are related to research projects. The research
section consists of 7 research groups.

The museum is in the middle of an exciting process where a new strategy
is being developed, and action plans and sub-strategies will be
prepared in the coming years. The research director shall have overall
responsibility and the responsibility to follow-up the museum’s research
and education strategy. It is a stated goal that a larger part of the
research will be conducted in cooperation with external partners at
home and abroad. Research in the museum today is focused specifically at
systematic biology, palaeontology and geology. Once the strategy processes
have been completed, there may be a need to adjust today’s organization
chart. The position is with a fixed-term of 6 years, with the possibility
of a second term after public announcement and general competition.

– Lead the research section and be responsible for initiating,
coordinating and developing the museum’s research efforts.
– Motivate and ensure good cooperative relationships internally at the
museum and at UiO elsewhere, nationally and internationally.
– Encourage increased research efforts, increased acquisition of
external funds, increased innovation, and strengthen the international
profile of NHM.
– Be a strategic driver of research at the museum and help develop the
work in these areas.
– Be the deputy director of the museum in matters that include the
museum’s scientific activities.
– Ensure maintenance and strengthening of contacts with the museum’s
partners in the field of research.

We want a strong and clear leader who will contribute with leadership
skills in a strong research environment. The research director reports
to the museum director and is part of the museum’s management team. The
research director has financial and budgetary responsibility and daily
staff responsibility for, among other things, the research group leaders.

– Has excellent leadership skills with experience from similar
activities in the higher education sector and / or the research
sector, which can document previous results.
– Has solid experience in human resource management, and task and
financial management.
– Has skills in strategic and overall thinking.
– Has a PhD or equivalent in a relevant subject.
– Is result-oriented and skilled in implementation.
– Can motivate and inspire its employees
– Is a skilled team player and network developer
– Has a good and relevant network of contacts with research environments
at home and abroad, and broad knowledge of research policy
– Has good communication skills in written and oral in English and a
Scandinavian language.

Individual suitability for the position will be emphasized in the final recruitment.

We offer:
A professionally stimulating working environment.
Salary (position code 1111, Research director): NOK 769 100 – 938 700
per year, depending on qualifications.

Pension agreement with Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (SPK)
Attractive welfare benefits
The application must be sent via Jobbnorge and contain:
– An application letter
– CV with complete overview of education, experience and professional
work. References should be given.

Application deadline Sept 17, 2017:

Hugo de Boer

Natural History Museum
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1172 Blindern
0318 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22851875

Leader of ForBio – the Scandinavian Research School in Biosystematics

Inga Systematikdagar men Systematikmöte 2017!

Systematikmöte 2017

Datum/Tid Datum 2017-10-23 10:00 – 16:30

Eftersom Systematikföreningen är med och arrangerar den stora systematikkonferensen BioSyst.EU i Göteborg den 15-18 augusti, blir det inga vanliga Systematikdagar 2017. Istället blir det ett kortare evenemang i samband med föreningens årsmöte den 23 oktober:

Systematics – a future perspective

A joint meeting focusing on future research areas, career strategies, networks and cross-thinking

  • When: October 23:rd 2017 at 10.00-16.30
  • Location: Lilla föreläsningssalen at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Frescativägen 40, T-bana Universitet)

Welcome to an inspiration day!

Besides performing the yearly meeting for Svenska Systematikföreningen we invite you to discuss the future and strategies for systematists. The idea is to focus on possible career steps and, in a positive sense, how Systematics can meet future needs.

This day is of course open for all members of Svenska Systematikföreningen in addition to scientists and researchers working within the fields of Systematics (or adjacent fields) as well as biology students, master students, PhD students and postdocs interested in these subjects. The meeting is arranged by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI) / Svenska artprojektet and Svenska Systematikföreningen in collaboration with the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM).

Preliminary content and sessions:

  1. Strategies for an academic career in Systematics and Taxonomy. Invited speakers tell their own stories, including active choices and coincidences, and the pros and cons on collaborations with other scientific fields (e.g. bioinformatics, conservation biology, big data, citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, climate research).
  2. Non-academic career – does it exist? Invited speaker/s on subjects like: Are systematics and taxonomy needed outside the universities and museums? How can our capabilities or competences be used and utilized in Swedish governmental conservation work? Can citizen associations and environmental protection agencies use systematists and taxonomists?
  3. Advice and strategies for research applications. Invited speaker/s on questions like: How is the reasoning and thoughts in an application board? What is a good application? Why are applications rejected?
  4. Future research areas – e.g. priorities within artprojektet/artprojekten. Invited speaker/s and panel discussion on the future for systematists, and how to modernize and take these scientific fields to the next era.
  5. Annual meeting – årsmöte Svenska Systematikföreningen. In Swedish.

Registration and more information

 Registration fee 200 SEK. A modest lunch and fika are included. Please register at systematikforeningen.se/events/systematikmote-2017/. Note: If you have an account on systematikforeningen.se: log in before filling out the registration form!

For more information, please contact mats.wedin@nrm.se, Secretary Svenska Systematikföreningen or malin.strand@slu.se, Scientific Coordinator Svenska artprojektet.

Postdoctoral position: Building the tree of life from molecular sequences

Dear colleagues,
A fully funded post-doc position is now available in our research group to work further with our tree-building platform SUPERSMART (http://www.supersmart-project.org/). Please spread the ad to potential candidates!

Best wishes and happy summer!
Alexandre Antonelli, PhD
Professor in Systematics and Biodiversity
Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B, Göteborg, Sweden

Göteborgs naturhistoriska museum söker ny museichef

Se annons på Arbetsförmedlingen. Sista ansökningsdag: 23 augusti.

Ur annonsen: Vi söker nu dig, som tillsammans med den mycket engagerade och kunniga personalgruppen på ca 30 personer, vill ta nästa steg i utvecklingen av museets verksamhet, tillgänglighet och attraktivitet.

Som ansvarig för Göteborgs Naturhistoriska museum leder och utvecklar du museets samlade verksamhet i dialog med omvärlden och främjar människors engagemang i samhällsfrågor med naturanknytning.Du ansvarar också för museets ekonomi, arbetsmiljö och medarbetare.

Som chef för Göteborgs naturhistoriska museum ingår du i Västarvets publika område där vi tillsammans driver verksamhetsutvecklingen vid våra museer och besöksmål. Du ingår också i Västarvets chefsgrupp där förvaltningsgemensamma frågor av såväl strategiska som operativ art diskuteras.

Postdoctoral fellowships at Stockholm University

Three postdoctoral fellowships are available at the Department of Ecology and Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. Candidates are free to develop their own projects but need to make to contact with the person who’s group they want to join in advance. Application deadline: 31 Aug 2017.

For further information see: 

Ph.D. opportunity in plant evolutionary biology Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

The Chair of Ecology and Environment Protection (http://www.keib.umk.pl/?lang=en) is recruiting PhD student interested in studying evolution of morphological traits in plants at various time scales. The goal of this project is to contribute towards an understanding of how genetic architecture (the structure of genotype to phenotype mapping) affects the evolution of quantitative traits. According to quantitative genetics theory, the evolution of phenotypic traits depends on the strength of selection and the amount of genetic variation. However, part of this variation maybe constrained by correlations with other traits that are under conflicting selective regimes. In consequence, the ability to respond to selection (evolvability) may be limited, even if a trait has high heritability. However, the extent to which genetic architecture limits phenotypic evolution remains an open question. Likewise, it is unknown whether it affects evolution at the short time scale and is easily overcome by selection, or if the genetic architecture is an important long-term determinant of the direction of evolution. In this project we aim to answer these questions using two plant species from the family Apiaceae, Daucus carota and Ferula communis, as a model system.

This project will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Thomas Hansen (University of Oslo) and dr Krzysztof Bartoszek (Uppsala University).

Major tasks:

  • phylogenetic analysis of various taxa from the family Apiaceae based on RADseq data
  • establish a database of phenotypic traits (seedlings, fruits, inflorescences and flowers), life history strategies and geographic distributions for species from the family Apiaceae
  • estimate the rate of morphological trait evolution using phylogenetic comparative methods
  • help in developing the R package mvSLOUCH dedicated to analysis of multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models on phylogeny

The ideal candidate will have a background in molecular biology/population genetics/phylogenetics, as well as experience working with Linux and modern programming languages such as R. Previous experience in generating and analysis of next-generation sequencing data will be considered positively. A condition of the application is a Master degree (or equivalent) in biology or similar subjects.

The stipend for both positions is 3 000 PLN net monthly (app. 700 EURO) for three years. The living cost in Torun is low. For example, a room in a student house (inc. Wi-Fi, kitchen, heating, hot water) is app. 100-150 EURO monthly, loaf of bread 0.5 EURO, beer 0.5-0.7 EURO, beer in pub 1-2 EURO, dinner in restaurant 5-8 EURO.

Nicolaus Copernicus University is located close to the medieval center of Torun (http://www.visittorun.pl/) which is listed among UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Torun is a dynamic academic city and provides many opportunities for intellectual and cultural stimulation. The Vistula river runs through town and is ideal for the naturalists as many natural protected areas are located in its valley.

If you are interested, please send a CV, a short statement of your research interests (max. one page) and the contact details of at least one academic referee to Marcin Piwczynski
(piwczyn@umk.pl). Feel free to contact him by email for further information. Review of applicants will start in the first week of August 2017. The positions will stay open until filled.

Marcin Piwczynski
Chair of Ecology and Biogeography,
Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Lwowska 1, 87-100 Torun

ForBio and STIRS Course: Microalgae – systematics, taxonomy and species identification

Time and place: Sep. 11, 2017 Sep. 22, 2017Biological Station Drøbak, Norway

photo: Jahn Throndsen, UiO

This practical course will present an overview of the microalgae – marine and freshwater, pelagic and benthic. We will cover the systematics, taxonomy and identification of ochrophytes (including diatoms), dinoflagellates, haptophytes, chlorophytes, cryptophytes, euglenophytes and cyanobacteria. Sessions will include lectures, fieldwork and laboratory exercises. The students will be trained in various techniques for identification and sampling.

Learning targets:

  • General understanding of systematics and taxonomy of microalgae including cyanobacteria
  • A variety of techniques for collecting microalgae
  • Techniques for species identification

A number of expert teachers (currently confirmed: Wenche Eikrem, Bente Edvardsen, Nina Lundholm, Anna Godhe, Birger Skjelbred) are responsible for different parts of the course. Participants are expected to read the course curriculum (to be announced) prior to the course, and take active part in all sessions.

Target group: PhD students, master students, postdocs, researchers, consultants, government officials, museum staff – with relevant background in biology.

Working language: English/Scandinavian

Recommended course credits: 5 ECTS

Examination: Digital exam end of September

Fee: No course fee for accepted participants

Accommodation, food and travel: Shared dormitory accommodation is free of charge. Meals are not included, but the station has cooking facilities and food can be bought and prepared together in shifts. ForBio will cover travel for Norwegian ForBio members.

Number of participants: Maximum 20. In case of more applicants, participants will be selected based on the scientific, educational and/or professional merit of the course for the applicants, with priority given ForBio members and students/researchers enrolled in the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STIRS) or NABIS. Results of the selection process will be announced via e-mail ca. one week after the application deadline.

Registration: By June 15th 2017. Please register using this online form, including a statement of motivation and a short CV outlining relevant experience and level of education.

Questions: ForBio coordinator Aino Hosia or STIRS representative Maria Backlund.

Senior curator, Zoology, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet closing 9 June

The Swedish Museum of Natural History is hiring a researcher for a position as Senior Curator at the Department of Zoology


The Department of Zoology was formed in spring 2013 after merging of the former departments of entomology, invertebrate zoology, and vertebrate zoology. At the department we curate large research collections of non-fossil animals which are continuously expanded and used by researchers at the museum as well as international researchers.

Research at the Department of Zoology is focused on phylogenetics, evolution, biodiversity, morphology, taxonomy and biogeography in a range of animal groups.


We seek an excellent researcher with an independent research program in systematic zoology to strengthen research and collections at the Department, and contribute to outreach and higher education activities. The research must be collection-based, or otherwise beneficial for collection enrichment and enhancement.



  • Conducting research at a high international level in systematic zoology; acquiring external research funding; publishing in high ranked international journals; presenting results of research at national and international conferences.


  • Participating in enrichment and revising of the scientific collections. The position includes curatorial responsibilities for part of the collections.


  • Supervising students at MSc and PhD level.


  • Teaching at graduate (including doctoral) and undergraduate levels.


  • Conveying scientific results to the public.


  • Participating in other activities at the department and the museum.




A doctoral degree (PhD) in biology with a specialty in systematic zoology. Well-documented scientific outcome with papers in international journals. A proven record of external funding is highly desirable. Experience of teaching and supervision, as well as building and managing a research group, is qualifying. Experience from museum-based collection management and fieldwork is qualifying. Preference may be given to a qualified candidate specialized in an organism group in which we are currently lacking taxonomic expertise.

Proficiency in English, social skills, and excellent ability to cooperate are requirements.


The application (in English) should consist of one PDF with the following items


  1. Cover letter explaining your interest in the position.
  2. Curriculum vitae, including all past and present academic career steps and employments.
  3. Publication list including all published scientific papers
  4. The five most important papers.
  5. Description of experience in research and collection management.
  6. Research plan within the announced position.
  7. Name, affiliation and e-mail address of two references.
  8. Other qualifications or information the applicant finds relevant for the present position.


Terms of employment

The position is a full time permanent appointment with a six month probationary period.

The Swedish Museum of Natural History can promote an employee to professor.

Non-Swedish speaking employees are expected to learn Swedish.


The Swedish museum of Natural History strives for gender balance and ethic and cultural diversity among its staff.


For more information (no applications), please contact Kjell Arne Johanson Head of the Department of Zoology (kjell.arne.johanson@nrm.se).

Union representative is Emily Dock Åkerman, SACO-S. She can be reached at telephone number + 46 8 519 540 00.


The complete application must be submitted to rekrytering@nrm.se or the Swedish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, no later than June 9, 2017. Mark your application dnr 2.3.1-270-2017.