Stockholm Phylogenomics Group – Talk at NRM 24 March: SUPERSMART

Stockholm Phylogenomics Group announces – Upcoming talk at the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, March 24.

Speakers: Alexandre Antonelli (University of Gothenburg),
Hannes Hettling and Rutger Vos (Naturalis Biodiversity Center,
the Netherlands)

Title: SUPERSMART: Ecology and evolution in the era of big data

Time: March 24 at 15:00-16:00

Venue: Room 525, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm

Host: Fredrik Ronquist

Abstract: Rapidly growing biological data volumes – including
molecular sequences and fossil records – hold an unprecedented
potential to reveal how evolutionary processes generate and
maintain biodiversity. However, most studies integrating these
data use an idiosyncratic step-by-step approach for the
reconstruction of time-calibrated phylogenies. We will present a
novel conceptual framework, termed SUPERSMART (Self-Updating
Platform for Estimating Rates of Speciation and Migration, Ages,
and Relationships of Taxa), and present our proof of concept for
dealing with the moving targets of biodiversity research. This
framework reconstructs dated phylogenies based on the assembly
of molecular and genomic datasets. The data handled for each step
are continuously updated as databases accumulate new records. We
believe that this emerging framework will provide an invaluable
tool for a wide range of hypothesis-driven research questions in
systematics and evolution. For more information please see

Stockholms universitet/Naturhistoriska riksmuseet söker doktorand

Stockholms universitet/Naturhistoriska riksmuseet söker doktorand till forskarutbildningen i zoologisk systematik under projektet ”Systematic and taxonomic revision of Scandinavian Empidoidea (Insecta, Diptera), with emphasis on the Swedish diversity of Empididae and Hybotidae”.

Postat 20 januari 2015 av Kjell Arne Johanson


Sista ansökningsdag är 15 februari 2015. Hela annonsen finns här:


Med hälsningar,

Kjell Arne Johanson,

Svamparnas diversitet och makroekologi kartlagda genom världsomspännande jordprover

En ny artikel i tidskriften Science bjuder på den hittills största och mest detaljerade kartläggningen av svamparnas mångfald. Ett forskarlag bestående av deltagare från 23 länder analyserade 365 jordprover från sex kontinenter med högeffektiv DNA-sekvenseringsteknik. Närmare 45,000 arter påträffades, av vilka mindre än 10% kunde identifieras till artnivå.

”Fjorton större grupper av arter kunde inte ens identifieras på klass-nivå.”, konstaterar Henrik Nilsson vid Göteborgs Universitet, medförfattare till studien.

Utöver det taxonomiska sprängstoffet, medförde den breda geografiska och klimatrelaterade samplingen att flera sedan länge etablerade hypoteser kring svamparnas biogeografi och makroekologi kunde prövas. Lite oväntat visade sig klimat- och jord-variabler såsom nederbördsmängd respektive pH vara avgörande för svampars kolonisering. Detta står i strid med dogmen att svampdiversiteten är intimt och oupplösligt kopplad till växtdiversiteten i varje område.

”Och fler omkullkastade dogmer lär det bli”, fortsätter Henrik, ”i takt med att vi nu har redskap att närma oss den eukaryota biodiversiteten och de processer som formar den på ett helt nytt, data-baserat sätt.”

Studien är ett exempel på den taxonomiska och ekologiska syntes som blir möjlig genom global sampling, högeffektiv DNA-sekvensering och världsomspännande samarbete. Vidare sätts svamparna som organismgrupp upp på agendan; i ljuset av studien framstår det som lätt försumligt att närma sig frågor kring ekosystemtjänster, klimatförändringar och makroekologi utan att inbegripa svampriket.

Summary in English

Fungi play major roles in ecosystem processes, but the determinants of fungal diversity and biogeographic patterns remain poorly understood. Using DNA metabarcoding data from hundreds of globally distributed soil samples, we demonstrate that fungal richness is decoupled from plant diversity. The plant-to-fungus richness ratio declines exponentially toward the poles. Climatic factors, followed by edaphic and spatial variables, constitute the best predictors of fungal richness and community composition at the global scale. Fungi show similar latitudinal diversity gradients to other organisms, with several notable exceptions. These findings advance our understanding of global fungal diversity patterns and permit integration of fungi into a general macroecological framework.

Nothofagus pumilio forests of Patagonia

Collection site in Nothofagus pumilio forests of Patagonia
Courtesy of Alina Greslebin

Guyana, courtesy of Terry Henkel

Collection site in Guyana
Courtesy of Terry Henkel

Jordprover till studien samlades in från hela världen. Bilderna visar
två insamlingsplatser, Patagonien (ovan) och Guyana (nedan)


SYNTHESYS application deadline approaching

SYNTHESYS is back – funding available for short research visits

Call 2 Deadline Reminder: 16th October, 2014 (17:00 UK time).

The SYNTHESYS Office is pleased to announce the second call for applications of the SYNTHESYS3 project under the current European Commission’s FPVII European-funded IntegratingActivities funding scheme.

SYNTHESYS Access funding is available to provide scientists (Users) based in European Member, Associate and Candidate States to undertake short visits to utilise the infrastructure (comprising the collections, staff expertise and analytical facilities) at one of the 18 partner institutions (see full list below) for the purposes of their research.  This is the second of four annual calls for applications during the project’s four-year duration.

Access Call 2 is now open with a deadline of17:00 (UK time) Thursday 16th October, 2014 and awarded visits must take place within 2015 (calendar year).


Taxonomic Access Facilities (TAFs)

The 18 partner institutions are organised into 11 national TAFs. TAF Users will be hosted by a TAF staff member (Host).

The 11 TAFs represent an unparalleled resource for taxonomic research offering:

    • Collections amounting to over 324 million natural history specimens, including 3.3 million type specimens
    • Internationally renowned taxonomic and systematic skill base
    • Facilities including: molecular and imaging & chemical analysis,
    • **NEW**: Senckenberg Natural History Museum and State Natural History Museum Stuttgart are now offering Access under DE-TAF

Proposals for funding are welcomed from high-calibre scientists in any technical discipline seeking access for short-term research visits (average duration 15 days).  SYNTHESYS is able to meet the Users’ costs for:

    • Research costs (bench fees and laboratory consumables)
    • International travel & local accommodation while based at the TAF
    • A per diem contribution towards living costs for more information or


AT-TAF   Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien;

BE-TAF   Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences;
Royal Museum of Central Africa;

CZ-TAF   Národní Muzeum, Praha;

DE-TAF   Museum für Naturkunde;
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum;

  Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt, Dresden, Görlitz and Müncheberg**NEW**

  Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart **NEW**

ES-TAF   Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales &
Real Jardín Botánico Naturales (CSIC);

DK-TAF   The Natural History Museum of Denmark;

FR-TAF   Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle;

GB-TAF   Natural History Museum, London;
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh;

HU-TAF   Hungarian Natural History Museum;

NL-TAF   Naturalis Biodiversity Center;

SE-TAF   Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet.


The SYNTHESYS TAFs are inviting Access applications from scientists based in the Member States of the EU:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Plus the Associated Countries of the EU:

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, FYR Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova Republic of Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.

Tyck till om ämnesöversikter inom natur och teknik

Vetenskapsrådet har gett möjlighet att lämna synpunkter på ämnesöversikter inomm natur och teknikområdet, där systematik ingår. Se nedanstående länk. Man kan ju tycka att systematiken som vanligt behandlas mycket ytligt, om ens alls, men det är ju också en avspegling av hur den kollegiala bedömningen är. Lämna gärna synpunkter!


Svenska artprojektets medel för taxonomisk forskning och inventering utlysta

Årets utlysning av Svenska artprojektets medel för taxonomisk forskning och inventering gällande dåligt kända organismgrupper är nu offentliggjord på vår hemsida.

The yearly announcement of grants for taxonomy and inventories on poorly known organismal groups from the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative is now available on our webpage.

Vänliga hälsningar/Rikard

Systematisk botanist/mykolog sökes i Mexico!

Position opening – Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Systematic Botanist or Mycologist

The Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IB-UNAM), whose principal mission is the study of national biodiversity and houses the national biological collections, invites applications for a full time position of Associate Researcher level ”C”, in systematic botany or systematic mycology at the main University campus, Mexico City.

Requirements for candidates: 1. A Ph.D. degree or equivalent, preferably in botany, mycology, systematics, evolutionary biology, or a related discipline. 2. Experience in systematic research of vascular plants or fungi, demonstrated by original, high quality publications, commensurate to age and academic trajectory. 3. Knowledge of the vascular flora or mycota of Mexico and/or the Neotropics, particularly in one or more groups whose diversity is exceptional in Mexico, as well as experience in the curation of scientific collections, techniques of field collecting, morphology, molecular systematics, or genetics. 4. A commitment to participate in activities complementary to investigation, such as teaching in educational programs at UNAM, direction of theses at the undergraduate and graduate level, activities of science outreach, and institutional participation. 5. Willingness to participate immediately in the academic activities of the IB-UNAM, practice leadership in his or her area of research, and demonstrate capacity to become part of a research group. 6. Demonstrable proficiency in Spanish.

Applicants should submit a letter of intent directed to the Academic Secretary of the IBUNAM with a detailed statement of purpose; a full curriculum vitae with contact information (supporting documentation is not necessary at this stage); PDF reprints of publications that the applicant considers the most important of their professional trajectory (maximum of five); a synthetic outline of research goals for the first year (5 pages maximum); and a letter of recommendation. The required documentation must be received by May 30, 2014. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a personal interview.

Inquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to Dr. Atilano Contreras-Ramos, Academic Secretary of IB-UNAM, e-mail: Applications will be received at the email address

ForBio annual meeting 2014

Dear all,

We are happy to announce the ForBio annual meeting 2014 that will be held February 24 – 26, 2014 at the Tromsø University Museum.

The goal of ForBio annual meetings is to bring together prominent scientists from a variety of fields and backgrounds working in biosystematics with ForBio members, associates, and their supervisors. Leading international experts from various fields will give plenary lectures, and we invite our members and associates to use this meeting as an opportunity to present and discuss their own research. The meeting is open to anyone interested in biosystematics and ForBio members presenting their research (oral or poster) will get their travel and accommodation costs covered.

To find more information about the meeting and to register please visit the meeting website:

We hope to see you in Tromsø!

ForBio/Sergei V. Drovetski

ForBio taxonomy travel grants

Dear all,

ForBio arranges courses to train new taxonomists, but for some organism groups the number of interested students is too small for a full-scale course to be worthwhile. In those cases ForBio can fund collaboration between ForBio members and taxonomic experts. These funds aim to allow the student to work with particular collections, to learn new preparation techniques directly from the expert, and to discuss taxonomic problems with a group of people with similar scientific focus but situated at another institution.

ForBio will fund members (PhDs and postdocs only) who will benefit from such collaboration for a stay of one to five weeks at the institute of the expert.

The grant covers costs for travel and provides a weekly allowance of 2600 NOK towards accommodation or other costs. Please note that we have a limited budget for travel grants and we will prioritize grant applications based on the scientific quality of the planned work and on how the collaboration is going to help the applicant’s scientific project.

You can apply here:

Best regards,


ForBio course: Phylogeographic methods

Time and place:
Sep 16, 2013 12:00 PM – Sep 24, 2013 05:00 PM, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway

Extended deadline: first come, first serve!

Teachers: Dorothee Ehrich (University of Tromsø) and Andreas Tribsch (University of Salzburg)

Phylogeography combines phylogeny with biogeography and investigates the geographic distribution of intra- or interspecific genetic variation. In this course we will introduce the theoretical basis of phylogeography, genetic markers used, and data analysis. The main part will be a computer course in analyzing and interpreting phylogeographic data. We will start with basic analyses and introduce more advanced methods. The course is also meant to be a workshop, where it will be possible to discuss concepts, ideas and analyses, so participants are encouraged to bring their own data to analyse. Participants will also receive a number of scientific articles on the topic to study before the course.

Contact Sergei Drovetski ( for registration. Find more information at
