Postdoctoral fellowships at Stockholm University

Three postdoctoral fellowships are available at the Department of Ecology and Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University. Candidates are free to develop their own projects but need to make to contact with the person who’s group they want to join in advance. Application deadline: 31 Aug 2017.

For further information see: 

Ph.D. opportunity in plant evolutionary biology Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

The Chair of Ecology and Environment Protection ( is recruiting PhD student interested in studying evolution of morphological traits in plants at various time scales. The goal of this project is to contribute towards an understanding of how genetic architecture (the structure of genotype to phenotype mapping) affects the evolution of quantitative traits. According to quantitative genetics theory, the evolution of phenotypic traits depends on the strength of selection and the amount of genetic variation. However, part of this variation maybe constrained by correlations with other traits that are under conflicting selective regimes. In consequence, the ability to respond to selection (evolvability) may be limited, even if a trait has high heritability. However, the extent to which genetic architecture limits phenotypic evolution remains an open question. Likewise, it is unknown whether it affects evolution at the short time scale and is easily overcome by selection, or if the genetic architecture is an important long-term determinant of the direction of evolution. In this project we aim to answer these questions using two plant species from the family Apiaceae, Daucus carota and Ferula communis, as a model system.

This project will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Thomas Hansen (University of Oslo) and dr Krzysztof Bartoszek (Uppsala University).

Major tasks:

  • phylogenetic analysis of various taxa from the family Apiaceae based on RADseq data
  • establish a database of phenotypic traits (seedlings, fruits, inflorescences and flowers), life history strategies and geographic distributions for species from the family Apiaceae
  • estimate the rate of morphological trait evolution using phylogenetic comparative methods
  • help in developing the R package mvSLOUCH dedicated to analysis of multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models on phylogeny

The ideal candidate will have a background in molecular biology/population genetics/phylogenetics, as well as experience working with Linux and modern programming languages such as R. Previous experience in generating and analysis of next-generation sequencing data will be considered positively. A condition of the application is a Master degree (or equivalent) in biology or similar subjects.

The stipend for both positions is 3 000 PLN net monthly (app. 700 EURO) for three years. The living cost in Torun is low. For example, a room in a student house (inc. Wi-Fi, kitchen, heating, hot water) is app. 100-150 EURO monthly, loaf of bread 0.5 EURO, beer 0.5-0.7 EURO, beer in pub 1-2 EURO, dinner in restaurant 5-8 EURO.

Nicolaus Copernicus University is located close to the medieval center of Torun ( which is listed among UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Torun is a dynamic academic city and provides many opportunities for intellectual and cultural stimulation. The Vistula river runs through town and is ideal for the naturalists as many natural protected areas are located in its valley.

If you are interested, please send a CV, a short statement of your research interests (max. one page) and the contact details of at least one academic referee to Marcin Piwczynski
( Feel free to contact him by email for further information. Review of applicants will start in the first week of August 2017. The positions will stay open until filled.

Marcin Piwczynski
Chair of Ecology and Biogeography,
Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Lwowska 1, 87-100 Torun

Post-doctoral researcher Lichens

A two-year postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. The position is placed within professor Mats Wedin’s research group and is a part of the project “Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae in Sweden” funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative. The research group has several additional projects funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and the Swedish Research Council, focussing on taxonomic and phylogenetic biodiversity questions in lichens and associated organisms.

Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae in Sweden

Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae together form a strongly supported clade within the major group of Ascomycota that form lichen symbioses with cyanobacteria (Peltigerales). Until very recently, the generic classification of the Collemataceae s. str. was based solely on one character, presence (Leptogium) or absence (Collema) of a cellular cortex. Collema and Leptogium were recently confirmed as highly non-monophyletic, and a new classification was suggested accepting ten mostly well supported groups as genera. There are a couple of generic delimitation problem remaining, but most of the problems in Sweden are species delimitation issues. The sister-group of Collemataceae is Placynthiaceae, a group of comparatively small saxicolous lichens, which is a poorly understood and understudied group. Collemataceae and Placynthiaceae include numerous species delimitation problems. The current species taxonomies in the Nordic countries are based on morphological investigations from the pre-molecular era. The present project aims at resolving species delimitations and remaining generic delimitation questions in these groups, in Sweden and neighbouring areas.


Candidates have a recent PhD in systematics/evolutionary biology or similar, with experience in lichenology and/or mycology. A demonstrated publication record and excellent English communication and writing skills are expected. Good knowledge in molecular lab work, phylogenetics and light microscopy are required, as is experience with independent field work. Knowledge with the groups under study is a strong advantage, as is experience in phylogenetic and coalescent-based species-delimitation studies. A valid driving licence is also an advantage. The successful candidate will mainly pursue own research, but is expected to participate also in other collaborations and undertake some administration (lab management duties) subject to discussion.

The preferred starting date is April 1st 2017, but can be discussed. The appointment is for two years.

For more information please contact professor Mats Wedin ( Union representative is Johannes Lundberg, SACO-S. Both can be reached at telephone number + 46 8 519 540 00.

Mark your application, including a cover letter outlining relevant background, experience and motivation, your CV including a list of publications, contact information for two references, and copies of educational certificates, with dnr 2.3.1-777-2016, and send it as a single pdf document to (copy to or to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE 104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, no later than January 28th, 2017.

Scientific Project Coordinator

We are looking for a Scientific Project Coordinator for the newly established Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre (GGBC) and our own research group.

GGBC has two main goals: to further develop biodiversity research, and to bridge the gap between scientists, the public and industry through various outreach activities. The Centre represents a long-term collaboration among the following institutions at the University of Gothenburg: the Department of Marine Sciences, the Department of Biological and Environmental Science, the Department of Geosciences, Herbarium GB, the Centre for Sea and Society, and the Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology. Moreover, it comprises the following organisations: Department of Energy & Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Havets Hus, Maritime Museum and Aquarium, Nordens Ark, The Gothenburg Museum of Natural History, and Universeum Science Centre.

Please spread the word to potentially suitable candidates. For more information please visit:

In English:

In Swedish:

PhD position; plant systematics (grass evolution); Stockholm University

A PhD position is available in plant systematics, focussing on the evolution of grasses (Poaceae) in the context of cold tolerance evolution, distribution patterns and biogeographical history. Closing date 21 Nov 2016.

For more information please see the full ad under Stockholm University vacancies:
/Aelys Humphreys

Universitet i Oslo, Naturhistorisk museum: Seksjonssjef i Botanisk hage

Stillingen som Hagesjef (seksjonsleder stillingskode 1211) i Botanisk hage ved Naturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo er ledig.

Botanisk hage ligger vakkert til på Tøyen og er en del av Naturhistorisk museum og Universitetet i Oslo. Samlingene i Botanisk hage omfatter over 5 500 plantearter fra ulike deler av verden, og brukes i undervisning, formidling og forskning.  Plantene dyrkes i veksthus og i ulike avdelinger på friland.  Botanisk hage formidler kunnskap om mangfoldet i planteriket og betydningen av at dette mangfoldet bevares.  Planter som er truet eller sårbare i norsk natur tas vare på i Botanisk hage.

Hagesjefen vil lede Seksjon for botanisk hage og ha ansvar for strategisk planlegging, videreutvikling og drift av Botanisk hage. Det er ønskelig med omfattende ledererfaring fra tilsvarende virksomhet.

Seksjonslederen i Botanisk hage inngår i museumsdirektørens ledergruppe og har museumsdirektøren som sin nærmeste overordnede. Det tilligger ikke egen forskning til stillingen.


  • Faglig og administrativ ledelse av Botanisk hage
  • Lede, motivere og inspirere seksjonens medarbeidere
  • Målstyring, økonomioppfølging og personalledelse
  • Overordnet ansvar for hagens vitenskapelige samlinger
  • Tverrfaglige samarbeid med øvrige seksjoner ved NHM
  • Videreutvikle forsknings-, forvaltnings og formidlingsaktiviteten
  • Samarbeide med venneforeningen ”Botanisk hages Venner”
  • Samarbeide med botaniske hager nasjonalt og internasjonalt


  • Høyere utdanning på PhD-nivå. Realkompetanse med relevans for de aktuelle oppgavene kan kompensere utdanningskravet
  • God kompetanse i systematisk botanikk og plantekunnskap
  • Kunnskap om nordisk flora
  • Relevant erfaring med tilsvarende arbeidsoppgaver
  • Omfattende ledererfaring, gjerne fra tilsvarende grupper med både vitenskapelige og tekniske stillinger
  • Solid erfaring fra økonomi- og budsjettarbeid
  • Gode kommunikasjonsevner skriftlig og muntlig på et nordisk språk og engelsk

Personlige egenskaper:

I vurderingen vil søkerens personlige egnethet bli vektlagt. Stillingsinnehaver må være en utpreget lagspiller og samtidig kunne arbeide selvstendig, være initiativrik og systematisk, og ha gode samarbeidsevner. Hagesjefen må kunne motivere og inspirere sine medarbeidere.  Den som tilsettes må kunne representere Botanisk hage og NHM på en god måte. Evne til å prioritere i en hektisk hverdag og samtidig jobbe mot overordnede og langsiktige mål.

Vi tilbyr:

  • Et hyggelig og spennende arbeidsmiljø på et museum i omfattende utvikling
  • Lønn etter lønnstrinn 70 – 78 (kr. 617 800 -743 100 per år avhengig av kompetanse)
  • Medlemskap i Statens Pensjonskasse
  • Stilling i en IA-virksomhet
  • Gode velferdsordninger 

Følgende dokumenter skal lastes opp i den elektroniske søknaden:

  • Søknadsbrev
  • CV med navn og kontaktinformasjon på 2-3 referanser (navn, relasjon, e-post adresse og telefonnummer)

UiO har et personalpolitisk mål om å oppnå en balansert kjønnssammensetning og rekruttere personer med innvandrerbakgrunn.  Kvinner oppfordres til å søke.

UiO har en overtakelsesavtale for alle tilsatte med formål å sikre rettighetene til forskningsresultater m.m.

I henhold til offentlighetslova § 25, 2. ledd kan opplysninger om søkeren bli offentliggjort selv om søkeren har anmodet om ikke å bli oppført på søkerlisten.

  • Søknad:
  • Søknadsfrist: 23. oktober 2016
  • Referansenummer:
  • 2016/11522

PhD position in Plant Systematics, University of Gothenburg

Project description
Species is one of the most fundamental units in biology. Despite this, there is a lot of controversy on how the species category is characterized. Evolutionary biology in particular and biology in general have recently gained enormously from conceptual and empirical developments in our understanding of how species are formed and related. However, much of this has been based on small amounts of information in models that may be statistically misleading. With the increased availability of DNA sequence data at the genomic level, it is time to develop statistical tools and models that make full use of this information. In this project, we will develop and refine statistical methods that are based on the multispecies coalescent to derive species delimitations and assignments. The recently developed methods that infer species trees while taking uncertainty in species delimitation into account offer an excellent baseline.
We will extend these to take morphological and geographical trait data into account, and merge them with species networks in this project, we will make heavy use of the large empirical data sets from projects studying reticulate phylogenetics among ca 750 species of Sileneae.
The student will become a member of the Scandinavian research school in biosystematics, ForBio (

Job assignments
The main task is to conduct the PhD thesis work under supervision, which includes development of the PhD student’s methodology experience, analytical skills, and theoretical depth and breadth.
Techniques used within the project include preparation of DNA suitable for modern mass sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics handling and analysis of the data. The studies will be conducted mostly as laborative studies. Shorter periods may also be spent as field work. Specific research topics associated with the research project include plant systematics, bioinformatics, and phylogenetics.

Third cycle education
Admission to third cycle education is aiming at a PhD in Natural Science, specialising Biology. The education runs for four years of fulltime studies, containing three years of thesis work, and one year of academic education i.e. course work and literature studies. A selection of courses at the Department/Faculty is available, but national/international courses can also be selected. Some teaching and/or course administration can be included which extends the contract to the same extent.

The qualifications for education on a doctoral level are: degree in advanced level, at least 240 university points, of which 60 are on an advanced level, or in an other way acquired similar knowledge.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in SFS 1998:80.

We are seeking a highly motivated person for PhD studies in evolutionary plant systematics with emphasis on species tree models
Good communication skills (written and spoken) in English are necessary.

Specialization within bioinformatics and experience of modern mass DNA sequencing protocols is advantageous.

Basic knowledge in computer programming is a merit.

The top ranked candidates will be selected for an interview, which might be held in English and could also be performed by phone /skype.

Additional information
The application must include:

A short cover letter with the applicant’s justification for the application, i.e., that describes how the applicant meets the selection criteria (max. one A4 page)

An attested list of qualifications (CV)

Examination certificates and a transcript of courses with grades

A copy of the Masters thesis (or equivalent)

Employments certificates and other documents deemed important by the applicant

Contact information for at least two referees that are familiar with the applicant’s qualifications

The application should be written in English.

Log in

To the job application portal

User manual for the portal

Related information

For further information please contact

Bengt Oxelman, Professor
+46(0)31 768 26 78

Henrik Aronsson, Head of Department
+46(0)31-786 48 02

Labour union

SACO: Klas Eriksson

OFR/S: Anna Nilsson
+46(0)31-786 43 00

+46(0)31-786 1173

Closing date


Appointment Procedure

Please apply online.

Complementary documents, such as publications/books should be sent to the following address: University of Gothenburg, Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Att: Ingela Lyck, Box 463, 405 30 Gothenburg

Reference number should be clearly stated when sending complementary documents.

The University of Gothenburg promotes equal opportunities, equality and diversity.

Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) two years after the decision of employment has become final. Applications from the employed and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.

Appointments Procedure for Teachers

Appointments Procedure for Teachers

Bengt Oxelman
Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences
Göteborg University
Box 461
SE-40530 Göteborg
Tel. +46 31 786 2678

Faktura: Box 1023, 831 29 Östersund. Referens ”3130BOXEBE”

Biodiversitetsinformatiker sökes till ArtDatabanken/Svenska LifeWatch

ArtDatabanken söker en IT-kunnig forskare inom ekologi, systematik eller motsvarande som vill vara med i den fortsatta utvecklingen av SLW-infrastrukturen för svensk biodiversitetsdata och dess användning.

ArtDatabanken är ett kunskapscentrum för Sveriges arter och naturtyper. Vi bidrar till en hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser genom att samla in, analysera och tillgängliggöra data samt beskriva och presentera fakta om biologisk mångfald. Vi samverkar nationellt och internationellt med naturvårdsnyttan i fokus.

Svenska LifeWatch ( bygger en nationell e-infrastruktur för data och forskning om biologisk mångfald. Data om artobservationer, miljö och klimat från en mängd olika databaser länkas samman och erbjuder verktyg för analys, visualisering och nedladdning.

Arbetsuppgifter: Du kommer att vara en brygga mellan forskare och IT-utvecklare. Det innebär bl.a. att vara systemansvarig för Svenska LifeWatch Analysportal ( och planera och formulera krav på vilka funktionaliteter som ska utvecklas. Du kommer också att ansvara för att samordna utvecklingen med andra parter inom och utanför SLW-konsortiet. I dina arbetsuppgifter ingår att följa den internationella utvecklingen av biodiversitetsinformatiken och representera ArtDatabanken internationellt på konferenser och i workshops. Du kommer att driva och delta i analyser åt ArtDatabanken och ha mycket kontakt med forskare som använder LifeWatch e-Infrastruktur. På sikt kan det finnas möjlighet till ett utökat ansvar inom Svenska LifeWatch.

Kvalifikationer: Du är disputerad inom ekologi, sytematik eller motsvarande. Du har erfarenhet av biodiversitets- eller bioinformatik och hantering av artinformation i databaser. God förståelse av IT-utveckling och kunskaper om analytiska och statistiska metoder är ett krav. Som person är du strukturerad, analytisk, drivande och idérik samt har mycket god förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personliga egenskaper.

Meriterande: Intresse för och erfarenhet av samordning och nätverksbyggande är meriterande liksom god kommunikativ förmåga. Erfarenhet av modellering, egen programmering samt erfarenhet av kravställning är önskvärd. Vi uppskattar även om du har goda artkunskaper, samt erfarenhet av att arbeta med naturvårdsfrågor eller miljöövervakning. Ledarerfarenhet eller ledarutbildning är även det meriterande.

Placering: Uppsala

Anställningsform: Tills vidare.
SLU tillämpar provanställning.

Omfattning: 100%

Ansökan: Välkommen med din ansökan märkt med Ref nr: SLU ua 1896/2016.

Ansökan ska ha inkommit till Registrator, SLU, Box 7070,750 07 Uppsala
eller senast den 2 juni 2016.

SLU eftersträvar mångfald och jämn könsfördelning.

Mer information:

Ulf Gärdenfors
Föreståndare SLW

Anna Maria Wremp
Projektsekreterare och kommunikatör SLW

Fackliga företrädare:

Wenche Eide

Artur Larsson