The Lund University Botanical Garden is searching for a new collaborator (”Intendent”). Note that the applicant needs to be Swedish-speaking, because outreach is an important part of the job.
Postdoc on grass phylogenomics in Stockholm
Do you want to contribute to new understanding of the ecological and evolutionary success of grasses? Come help us build a new phylogeny of the ’cool season grasses’ (Pooideae)!
A postdoctoral stipend is available for 1 year to work on grass plastome phylogenomics, with a focus on subfamily Pooideae, the cool season grasses. The post is based at Stockholm University and we welcome applicants of all nationalities. More information can be found in the PDF file available here:
Systematikdagarna 2020 inställda
Hej alla medlemmar i Svenska systematikföreningen.
Styrelsen har beslutat att systematikdagarna i höst tyvärr måste ställas in p.g.a. pandemin. Vi planerar att hålla mötet i Uppsala hösten 2021.
Årsmötet kommer att hållas via zoom i november. Jag återkommer med information om detta senare under hösten.
Ha en fin höst och undvik att smittas och att smitta andra.
Per Alström
Three Associate Professors in Oslo
The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, is recruiting three Associate Professors:
Associate Professor in Systematic Mycology
Associate Professor in Vertebrate Zoology
Associate Professor in environmental DNA
Please share these positions widely. Application deadline is April 15th
Associate Professor Vertebrate Zoology in Oslo
Tjänst som ”senior research leader” i mykologi i Kew
Senior forskartjänst i mykologi/svamptaxonomi, i Kew, England!
Synthesys Transnational Access Call
Deadline on 26 March 2020. Check
Madrid Workshop on Statistical Phylogenetics
Plaza de Murillo 2
28014 Madrid, SPAIN
0034-(91)-4203017 (Ext. 116)
Google Scholar webpage
Personal webpage
Scientific Advisor Spanish State Research Agency
If you work in an EU country or a country associated with the EU Framework Programmes and want to do research in a major European Taxonomic Facility, visit
Universitetslektor i växtsystematik (Stockholms universitet)
Universitetslektor i växtsystematik (tidsbegränsad anställning) vid Stockholms universitet.
Mer info på svenska finns här: