Jobb för växttaxonomer på Kew

Hej alla och God Fortsättning!

Jag vidarebefordrar en utlysning av något så ovanligt som två fasta tjänster för kärlväxttaxonomer. Kolla länkarna nedan!



Dear All,

Happy New Year.

Kew has two new taxonomist jobs that have just been advertised, one in our Africa Team and the other in the Americas Team. Please see the advertisement links below, please feel free to forward or get in touch if you have any further information.

Thanks very much,


Dr. Timothy M.A. Utteridge

Head of Identification & Naming and Asia Team Leader,

Editor-in-Chief Kew Bulletin,

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Preliminary program and registration for Systematikdagarna 2019!

The preliminary program for Systematikdagarna 18-19 November in Gothenburg is now published. If you have not already registered: 25 October is the last day of early bird registration (after that date, the fee increases with 200 SEK, and you will also not be able to submit applications for oral presentations after 25 October).

For both those who will come to Systematikdagarna, and for those who will not attend the conference, this is also a very good time to pay the membership fee for Svenska Systematikföreningen 2019/2020.

Systematikdagarna 2019: Information and registration

About Svenska Systematikföreningen membership 2019/2020

Dags att betala medlemsavgiften!

Nu är det hög tid att betala medlemsavgiften för 2019/2020, ett ypperligt tillfälle att även anmäla sig till Systematikdagarna.

Om du inte har betalat din medlemsavgift så gallras du ur medlemsregistret efter 2 år, och missar således utskick och annan information.

För att båda anmäla dig och betala medlemsavgiften, så besöker du sidan för registrering till Systematikdagarna. Läs mer här:

Registration for Systematikdagarna 2019

Mer information om medlemsavgift och betalning utan att anmäla dig till Systematikdagarna, läs mer här:

Medlem och betalning

Now is the time to pay the members fee for 2019/2020, a perfect time for also registering for Systematikdagarna.

If you have not payed your members fee you will be removed of your membership after 2 years, and will miss the mailing list and other information.

To both register for Systematikdagarna and pay your members fee, visit the page for registration to Systematikdagarna, read more here:

Registration for Systematikdagarna 2019

For information regarding the members fee and how to pay without registering for Systematikdagarna, read more here:

Medlem och betalning

Kallelse till årsmöte 2019


Kallelse till Årsmöte för Svenska systematikföreningen (SSF)

Måndag 18 november 2019 kl. 16:00 i föreläsningssalen på Konferenscentrum Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20A, Göteborg


  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
  3. Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
  4. Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
  5. Revisionsberättelse
  6. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
  7. Val av ordförande för föreningen
  8. Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
  9. Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
  10. Val av valberedning på tre personer
  11. Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
  12. Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
  13. Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
  14. Mötet avslutas

 Väl mött!


Registration open for Systematikdagarna

Welcome to Systematikdagarna, 18-19 November in Gothenburg! More information and registration now available:

Please, also consider becoming a Systematikföreningen member, and paying the fee (200 SEK). You can pay the membership fee when you pay the conference fee, or separately.

See you in Göteborg!

ForBio and STI course: DNA barcoding – from sequences to species

ForBio and the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative invites applicants to the course DNA-barcoding – from sequences to species. The course will be held at the charming and well equipped Sletvik field station, about 2 hours drive from Trondheim, Norway.

Target group: PhD students, master students, postdocs, researchers, consultants, government officials with relevant background in biology.
Registration deadline: September 1.
For more information on course content and how to register, please see the ForBio website.

Positions in biodiversity, zoo systematics and ecology (Gothenburg)

Senior lectureships at the university of Gothenburg, and with connections to the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre:


Systematic zoology:


Post-doc position in fungal systematics at Swedish Museum of Natural History

Post-doc position in fungal systematics at Swedish Museum of Natural History

A one-year postdoctoral position is available in the Botany Department at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The position could possibly be extended for 2 years. The project, which is led by Dr. Karen Hansen, is funded by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative at the Swedish Species Information Centre.

A new generic classification for the Pezizaceae (Pezizales, Pezizomycetes)

In this project we study the family Pezizaceae, with a focus on the large polyphyletic genus Peziza. These fungi are highly diverse in morphology and ecology, including saprobic and ectomycorrhizal species. Our previous studies have clarified relationships within Pezizaceae, but crucial nodes in the phylogeny remain poorly supported and clades are still insufficiently sampled, which has hampered the construction of a natural generic classification. Peziza has never been monographed and species limits are highly problematic. Identification keys are inadequate and often lead to erroneous determinations. These fungi are poorly understood worldwide. The central goal of the project is to produce a comprehensive multi-gene phylogeny of Pezizaceae by expanding taxon sampling and molecular data, to serve as a solid base for a new classification. Using the phylogenetic hypothesis, and morphological and ecological/biological features, we will diagnose and described monophyletic genera, applying existing or new names. Species delimitation will be addressed in certain problematic lineages. The project will be based on existing material, and additional material from field trips to be conducted in Sweden and in species rich areas elsewhere in Europe.


Applicants have a PhD in fungal systematics/phylogenetics, preferable with experience in various phylogenetics and species delimitation methods, taxonomy and nomenclature, including description and photographing fungi. A documented publication record, as well as fluent English speaking and writing skills, are expected. Good knowledge in molecular lab work and light microscopy techniques are required. Experience in conducting fieldwork is also an advantage.

The starting date is flexible, but the postdoctoral should preferable be in place by August/September 2019, although an earlier start date is possible. The appointment is for 1 year to be extended to 3 years.

Location: Stockholm (Sweden)

For more information, please contact Dr. Karen Hansen, Department of Botany ( Union representatives are Mia Ehn (Saco-S) and Anna Sandberg (ST). All can be reached at phone +46 8-519 540 00.

Your application should include a cover letter outlining relevant background, motivation, and experience in the areas outlined above. Your curriculum vitae should include a list of publications, and contact information for two references.

The complete application (in Swedish or English) must be submitted to or to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden no later than April 15, 2019. Mark your application with dnr 2.3.1-104-2019.

Associate Professor in Systematic Mycology – Natural History Museum, UiO

The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, is recruiting an Associate Professor in Systematic Mycology. This is an attractive position with 50% research time, 50% curation of the mycology collections, as well as possibilities for teaching, and of course it comes with great colleagues! Feel free to share this position among colleagues, or apply yourself! Application deadline 19 May 2019.

The Natural History Museum (NHM) seeks a dynamic researcher for an associate professorship in systematic mycology. The successful candidate should have a research profile in integrative systematics of fungi, which preferably addresses questions of both deep phylogeny and species delimitation and intraspecific diversity.  He/she should also master up-to-date molecular and bioinformatic methods in systematic biology. It is expected that the applicant will develop an independent research program that will have synergistic effects within the research group “Integrative Systematics of Plants and Fungi (ISOP) as well as with other research groups at NHM. The successful candidate will be expected to attract extramural research funding and should document ability and potential to be successful in this respect.

NHM has an array of research facilities, including advanced microscopes and a DNA laboratory where high throughput sequencing can be performed. The museum also collaborates with Department of Biological Sciences on several research facilities.

Candidates who combine fundamental research questions with powerful molecular and computational approaches within a collection-based context, will therefore be preferred.

NHM has a collaborative agreement with the Department of Biological Sciences about teaching and supervision of students at the bachelor and master level, and with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the education of doctoral candidates. NHM also hosts an international research school in biosystematics (ForBio). The successful candidate will be expected to teach students at all academic levels, including supervision of PhD students and postdocs. Up to 50% of the working time will be devoted to curating collections (main activity), teaching and supervision of students, outreach and administrative tasks at NHM. Lectures and tuition are given in Norwegian and English. Foreign language speakers are expected to be able to teach in a Scandinavian language within two years after being hired.