Two former colleagues from Uppsala, Carolin Frank and Dave Ardell, who are now at UC Merced at the foot of the scenic Sierra Nevada, forwarded this job announcement for an assistant professor in Evolutionary Biology, including systematics and molecular phylogenetics:

Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Biology

The University of California, Merced invites qualified applications for
three tenure-track positions as part of a Global Change Sciences Cluster in
the Environmental Systems Graduate Group.  The ES Graduate Group brings
together a diverse group of faculty, graduate students, and research
scholars with a shared interest in interdisciplinary research of natural
and human-impacted environmental systems. The ES faculty belong to all
three schools of the campus, with representation from the faculty in
Engineering (Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Material Science and Engineering), Natural Sciences (Life and Environmental
Sciences), and Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
(Geography/Cognitive and Information Sciences).

Positions include an Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Biology (School of
Natural Sciences), an Assistant Professor in Ecological Theory/Modeling
(School of Natural Sciences), and an Open Rank Professor in
Environmental/Ecological Engineering (School of Engineering). Please
consult the job ads for more information and contact information specific
to each position.

Take a look at the full announcement:

ForBio annual meeting 2014

Dear all,

We are happy to announce the ForBio annual meeting 2014 that will be held February 24 – 26, 2014 at the Tromsø University Museum.

The goal of ForBio annual meetings is to bring together prominent scientists from a variety of fields and backgrounds working in biosystematics with ForBio members, associates, and their supervisors. Leading international experts from various fields will give plenary lectures, and we invite our members and associates to use this meeting as an opportunity to present and discuss their own research. The meeting is open to anyone interested in biosystematics and ForBio members presenting their research (oral or poster) will get their travel and accommodation costs covered.

To find more information about the meeting and to register please visit the meeting website:

We hope to see you in Tromsø!

ForBio/Sergei V. Drovetski

Systematikdagarna – preliminärt program ute!

2013 års Systematikdagar kommer att äga rum den 25–26 november på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet i Stockholm och är ett samarrangemang mellan Svenska systematikföreningen, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet och Svenska artprojektet.

Nu har vi en tidig version av programmet tillgängligt! Observera att detta fortfarande är ganska preliminärt och kommer att uppdateras med jämna mellanrum! Vi kan utlova två spännande och innehållsrika dagar i systematikens tecken!

Phylogenetic exploration of medicinal plant diversity

MedPlant announces openings for 13 PhD (early stage researchers, ESRs)  
and 2 Postdoc (experiences researchers, ERs) positions across Europe.

MedPlant is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) supporting a
new generation of science researchers in Phylogenetic Exploration  of
Medicinal Plant Diversity. The successful candidates will participate
in the MedPlant Marie Curie international training network and will
work in a highly interactive international environment with other
Marie-Curie PhD students, researchers, authorities, NGOs and industry.

All positions are fully funded by the European Commission under the
FP7 People program. Candidates of any nationality can apply. Deadlines
November 15th or November 30th, 2013. Candidates must be able to start
March 1st,  2014 at the latest. Mobility and other eligibility
criteria apply. See details at

PhD positions:
ESR1. Correlating evolutionary and chemical space using ChemGPS-NP.
Uppsala University.
ESR2. Phylogeny and phytochemistry of Icelandic lichens and club
mosses. University of Iceland.
ESR3. Domesticating deadly carrots. Predicting the biosynthetic
pathway of Thapsigargins for the treatment of solid tumours.
University of Copenhagen.
ESR4. Plantago major L. Travel tales of a worldwide weed. Predicting
chemotypes from migration routes and habitats. University of Copenhagen.
ESR5. Phylogenetic exploration of antitumor compounds in the giant
genusEuphorbia L. University of Copenhagen.
ESR6. Transmission of knowledge: a Nepalese case study. University of
ESR7. Ethnobotany with the Chimalapas Zoque (Oaxaca, Mexico).
Reconstructing pre-Columbian Macro-Mayan medicine. University of
ESR8. History of medicinal plant use in Europe: A phylogenetic and
organoleptic approach. University of Cagliari.
ESR9. Phytochemistry and phylogeny of incense plants. University of
ESR10. Cultural consensus and bioprospecting for anti-Chagas medicinal
plants in Bolivia. University of Bern.
ESR11. Tools for identification in support of legal and safe use of
medicinal plants. University of Reading.
ESR12. EDGE-MED. Identification of evolutionarily distinct, globally
endangered and potentially valuable medicinal plant species.
University of Reading.
ESR13. Substitution and adulteration of complexes of medicinal roots.
University of Oslo.
Postdoc positions (2 years):
ER1. Correlating evolutionary and chemical space usingChemGPS-NP.
AstraZeneca AB
ER2. Predicting in vivo CNS activity. High content evaluation of
physiological network-effects of complex plant extracts using
Caenorhabditis elegansas model organism. Dr. Wilmar Schwabe

Nina Rønsted, Msc. PhD.
Science Coordinator of MedPlant ITN Network
Associate Professor
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Sølvgade 83, Opg. S.
DK-1307 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 35 32 22 48

PhD Research Fellowship in Botany – UiO NHM

PhD Research Fellowship in Botany

A 3 year PhD position (SKO 1017) is available at the Natural History Museum (NHM), University of Oslo. The position is a fully funded PhD fellowship (Early Stage Researcher) under an EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN), entitled Phylogenetic Exploration of Medicinal Plant Diversity, MedPlant (

Project Description:

The trade of plant roots as traditional medicine is an important source of income for many people around the world. Destructive harvesting practices threaten the existence of some plant species. Harvesters of medicinal roots identify the collected species according to their own ethnoclassifications, but once the dried or powdered roots enter the chain of commercialization, accurate identification becomes more challenging. Species substitution and adulteration introduce both safety and efficacy concerns, but also reflect changes in availability that impact subsistence harvesters of wild-crafted medicinals. Molecular identification as a method is a powerful tool for root product identification, but is limited by the extent of the reference libraries and unsuitable for species of hybrid origin.

This project will investigate substitution and adulteration of complexes of medicinal roots traded in the markets of Southern Morocco. The objectives of the project will be: a) to develop methods for accurate species identification, in particular of complexes of species of possible hybrid origin (i.e. Anacyclus, Asteraceae; Silene and Corrigiola, Caryophyllaceae), using a combination of NGS whole genome sequencing and specific target-enrichment; b)  to identify the drivers of substitution and adulteration, be that increasing demand, increasing value or decreasing populations, using fieldwork focused on collection of medicinal root products and herbarium vouchers, interviews with harvesters of medicinal plants, and market surveys of product diversity and herbal trade.

Job Description

Your key tasks as a PhD fellow are:

  • Manage and carry through your research project
  • Take PhD courses within the MedPlant network
  • Write scientific articles and your PhD thesis
  • Participate in international congresses and MedPlant network meetings
  • Stay at a research institution abroad for a few months
  • Teach and disseminate your research

Key criteria for the assessment of candidates

A MSc degree or equivalent in a relevant field is required. A strong academic record and training in molecular species identification, quantitative ethnobotany, and/or systematics are preferable. The project will require an independent and dedicated person, proficient in both written and spoken English. Good competences in French and/or Arabic will be considered as a plus. She/he should be able to work well as part of a team but also independently; be flexible and willing to travel for field and labwork; and have excellent communication and reporting skills. In filling this position UiO aims to recruit the person who, in the combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, is judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of MedPlant and NHM.

Primary supervisor is Dr. Anneleen Kool, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. Co-supervisors are Dr. Hugo de Boer, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, and Dr. Gary Martin, Global Diversity Foundation, Morocco.

The PhD candidate will receive part of the training in market ethnobotany during a flexible research stay totalling roughly 4 months with the Global Diversity Foundation, Morocco.

The successful candidate will participate in a Marie Curie international training network and will work in a highly interactive international environment with other Marie-Curie PhD students, researchers, authorities, NGOs and industry.

We offer

  • An exciting Europe-wide network of fellow MedPlant PhD students, postdocs, and their supervisors with whom you will collaborate during courses, summer schools, and other training activities.
  • Salary based on salary level 50-55 (NOK 421 100 – 457 700 per year)
  • A stimulating and friendly working environment
  • Membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which provides
attractive welfare benefits

Marie Curie ITN requirements and eligibility

At the time of recruitment, it is a requirement that the PhD candidates has not been awarded a doctorate degree and is in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of his or her research career. Furthermore, at the time of selection by the host organization, the candidate must not have resided or carried out his or her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Norway for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.

The applicant must be able to take up the position from March 2014

Place of employment and principal place of work

The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.

Terms of employment

Recruitment is done in accordance with the rules set out by the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Networks.

The successful PhD candidate will be offered a full-time Ph.D. position for a period of three years, contingent on a satisfactory performance, with the specific intent that it results in a Ph.D. degree and scientific publications.

The fellowship requires admission to the research training programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Appointment to a research fellowship is conditional upon admission to the Faculty’s research training programme. An approved plan for the research training must be submitted no later than two months after taking up the position, and the admission approved within three months.

The application must include:

  • Motivation letter
  • Research plan (max. 1 page)
  • CV (summarizing education, positions and academic work – scientific publications and other relevant activities)
  • Copies of educational certificates
  • Letters of recommendation
  • List of publications and academic work that the applicant wishes to be considered by the evaluation committee.

The application with attachments is to be delivered in our electronic recruiting system EasyCruit. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University’s grading system. Please remember that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language.

Women are encouraged to apply. In accordance with the University of Oslo’s equal opportunities policy, we invite applications from all interested individuals regardless of sex or ethnicity. According to the Norwegian Freedom of Information Act (offentleglova) information about the applicant may be included in the public applicant list, also in cases where the applicant has requested non-disclosure.

  • Application deadline: 30 November, 2013
  • Expected Start Date: 1 March, 2014
  • Location: Tøyen, Oslo
  • Reference number: 2013/13230
  • Contacts:
  • Anneleen Kool, Dr.
    Telephone: +47 22851612
  • Fridtjof Mehlum, Research Director
    Telephone: +47 22851723
  • Hugo de Boer, Dr.
    Telephone: +47 98126030

Postdoc för lav/svamp-systematiker i Österrike

A fully-funded 3-year postdoctoral research position is available in the Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria.

We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on an interdisciplinary project funded by FWF. This project takes a comprehensive approach that combines phylogenetics and population genetics tools to study evolutionary processes in a lichen species complex (Pyrenodesmia). Previous work has uncovered high levels of diversity in Pyrenodesmia in the European Mediterranean region, whose heterogeneous landscape of complex geological and climatic history represents a globally significant hot spot of biodiversity. Yet, little is known about the influence of local ecological heterogeneity and environmental changes on the diversity of fungi, including lichens. In this project we will explore which processes have driven the extensive diversification of lichens, as a model for extremotolerant eukaryotic microorganisms.

Applicants should have a PhD in biology or closely related field and a strong interest in biology and evolution. Applicants shall have basic knowledge in lichen and fungal systematics. Experience in molecular techniques and phylogenetics and/or population genetics is required. Culturing skills are advantageous, but not essential. The post-doctoral researcher will be responsible for this study on a day-to-day basis and will participate in most aspects of the project (i.e., taxon sampling, data recording, photobiont culturing, molecular work, data analyses, paper writing).

This is a FWF funded project and it is part of an international collaboration including associated groups at the Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, UK. The candidate will join the research group of Martin Grube and Helmut Mayrhofer in Graz with periodic visits to Ester Gaya at RBG, Kew.

To ask questions or apply please e-mail to: or or

Materials must be received by 1st of December 2013, but late applications will be considered until the position is filled.

This post is available from 1st February 2014, for a period of 36 months, full-time.

*Applications should include:*1) letter of interest / background (2 pages max); 2) complete CV; 3) the names and e-mail addresses of three referees.

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz is committed to promoting equality and diversity.


Medlemsavgift i SSF

…och se för hum hum till att betala era medlemsavgifter för 2013, slarvpellar och slarvmajor! Avgiften är 100 kr per år och kan lämpligen betalas in i samma veva som anmälningsavgiften till Systematikdagarna (gärna både för 2013 och 2014!). Information om kontonummer etc hittar ni under ”Medlem” på hemsidan


Påminnelse: Systematikdagarna – ”Early Bird” registrering

Detta är en påminnelse om att anmälningsavgiften för Systematikdagarna 2013 ökar kraftfullt vid månadsskiftet… Missa inte att anmäla er och betala innan dess! Titta på mötets hemsida för närmare information kring registrering, avgift och betalning.
Det finns fortfarande några platser kvar i programmet för de forskare och samlingsvårdare som vill ge en presentation! Hör av er omgående och glöm inte att inkludera titel och sammanfattning när ni anmäler er!! Som vanligt är doktorander och postdocs särskilt välkomna! Ni som har färska posters med systematik-innehåll får gärna ta tillfället i akt att presentera dessa! Vi välkomnar förslag på föredrag och posterpresentationer inom systematik i dess bredaste mening, där forskningsstrategiska diskussioner, metodutveckling, tillämpningar, nutida eller fossila grupper av alla slag inkluderas! Förslag på titlar och kort sammanfattning ger ni på hemsidans anmälningssida!
Varmt välkomna till Systematikdagarna 2013!!
Planeringsgruppen genom
Mats Wedin

Kostnadsfri föreläsning och workshop i ämnet artbestämning

Kostnadsfri föreläsning och workshop i ämnet artbestämning

Svenska artprojektet och ArtDatabanken erbjuder studerande inom området marinbiologi att delta på föreläsning och workshop i artbestämning med Malin Strand som föreläsare.

Föreläsningen och workshopen kommer att fokusera på att bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen genom att ge studenterna färdigheter i att artbestämma Tagghudingar–svalgsträngsdjur, Echinodermata–Hemichordata.

ArtDatabanken vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet driver sedan 2002 Svenska artprojektet på uppdrag av riksdagen. Syftet är att kartlägga och sprida information om landets hela fauna och flora av flercelliga arter.

Projektet består av tre delar: inventering av dåligt kända arter, taxonomisk forskning och kunskapsspridning genom bokverket Nationalnyckeln. Med hjälp av Nationalnyckeln kan fler artbestämma mindre välkända organismgrupper. Nationalnyckelns senaste volym beskriver sjöstjärnor, sjögurkor, sjöborrar, liljestjärnor och ormstjärnor samt ollonmaskar och innehåller nycklar för artbestämning. Läs mer på

De som vill bidra kan vara med och rapportera sina artfynd på Artportalen. Genom att många bidrar till att samla in kunskap kan vi gemensamt göra stor nytta för naturen. Naturvården får på så sätt stöd i sitt arbete med till exempel miljöövervakning och uppföljning av miljömål.

Datum: februari – april 2014

Kursalternativ: Kort föreläsning 1,5 timme. Längre föreläsning 3 timmar.

Pris: Föreläsningen är kostnadsfri, dock bistår universitetet/skolan med lokal.

Bok gratis: alla deltagare får utan kostnad Nationalnyckelns senaste bok om tagghudingar–svalgsträngsdjur, Echinodermata–Hemichordata.

För bokning och annan praktisk information kontakta Anette Håkans, telefon: 0722 – 033 918. E-post:

För mer information om föreläsningens och workshopens innehåll och upplägg, kontakta Malin Strand, telefon: 070 – 565 42 46. E-post:

Med vänlig hälsning

Anette Håkans
