Systematikdagarna is this year arranged by the Department of Biology, Lund University, in the Ecology Building, Blue Hall. You are now very welcome to register for the meeting and announce if you want to give a talk or present a poster! We have updated the information regarding keynote speakers and the workshop section. The deadline for application is 31 October.
THREE permanent positions in Helsinki
Use the links below for further information:
Curator of Vascular Plants:
Tenure track Professor of Biodiversity Change:
Tenure track Professor of Plant/Fungal Systematics:
Kallelse till årsmöte med Svenska systematikföreningen/Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
Uppdaterad version 25 oktober, med tillägg av punkten 7 i dagordningen (ändring av stadgar).
(English below. Updated version 25 October, with an added agenda item 7, changing of the statutes)
Tidpunkt och plats
Tisdag 28 november 2022 klockan 11, Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet, Sölvegatan 37, Lund. Årsmötet hålls i samband med Systematikdagarna 2023.
- Mötet öppnas
- Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
- Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
- Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
- Revisionsberättelse
- Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
- Ändring av föreningens stadgar för att inkludera en 6:e medlem i styrelsen. Denna medlem ska representera systematiker som är i början av sin karriär.
- Val av ordförande för föreningen
- Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
- Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
- Val av valberedning på tre personer
- Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
- Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
- Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
- Mötet avslutas
Väl mött!
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
Date and place
Tuesday 28 November 2022 at 11:00, Ekologihuset, Lunds universitet, Sölvegatan 37, Lund. The meeting will take place during Systematikdagarna 2023.
- Meeting opens
- Election of meeting chair, meeting secretary and two attestors
- Question: has the meeting been advertised according to the statutes
- The board’s yearly report, including financial report
- Auditor’s report
- Question about discharge of liability for the board for the previous year’s administration
- Changes to the associations statues to allow a 6th member of the board, representing an early career systematist
- Election of chairman of the association
- Election of other members of the board
- Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor
- Election of nomination committee consisting of 3 persons
- Decision on annual membership fee (if any)
- Other matters which the board submits to the meeting
- Other matters submitted to the board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting
- Meeting ends
The board
Reminder: Join Systematikdagarna in Lund 27-28 November 2023!
Systematikdagarna is this year arranged by the Department of Biology, Lund University, in the Ecology Building, Blue Hall. You are now very welcome to register for the meeting and announce if you want to give a talk or present a poster! We have updated the information regarding keynote speakers and the workshop section. The deadline for application is 31 October.
Associate Professorship in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany
The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences at Stockholm University is recruiting a tenured Associate Professor in Systematic and Evolutionary Botany. The potential research area is very broad, with teaching most likely organism-based (e.g. undergraduate botany and field-based floristics). We welcome applications also from more junior people, as long as they have some teaching experience.
Application closing date: 21 Nov 2023.
Further information and how to apply:
Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Welcome to the Systematikdagarna in Lund 27-28 November 2023
Systematikdagarna is this year arranged by the Department of Biology, Lund University, in the Ecology Building, Blue Hall. You are now very welcome to register for the meeting and announce if you want to give a talk or present a poster! We have updated the information regarding keynote speakers and the workshop section. The deadline for application is 31 October.
PhD Research Fellow in Systematic Mycology
At the Natural History Museum (NHM), University of Oslo (UiO), we have a vacancy for a four-year PhD Research Fellow in Systematic Mycology, supervised by Mika Bendiksby and Charlotte Bjorå. The position includes one year of duty work (distributed over the employment period) that includes various meriting activities (e.g., teaching, specimen curation, outreach activities, and student supervision). Starting date: January 1st 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.
This PhD opportunity allows you to engage in a self-developed and innovative systematics research project on fungi, or plants in combination with fungi. The successful candidate for this position will work in close collaboration with staff members of the ISOP research group, primarily with Mika Bendiksby and Charlotte Bjorå. In our research, we focus on the discovery, understanding, protection, and utility of fungal and plant diversity. We often use a phylogenetic approach on genomic data to study a range of biological aspects in fungi and plants, and fungarium- and herbarium specimens are important data sources and depositories in our research. An ideal project will effectively utilize NHMs fungal and/or plant collections, include fieldwork for collecting new materials, and align with our research profiles and ongoing activities. The ISOP group has a strong record for field-based research in the Arctic, Nordic countries, east- and southern Africa, and Indonesia. It is desirable that the proposed PhD project aligns well also with at least one of the research themes at our museum-wide research hub STADIS. The hub focuses on stability and discontinuity within and between different biological system levels, such as genomes, phenotypes, species, communities, and ecosystems.
For almost 200 years, specimens of fungi and plants have been collected, studied and preserved at NHM. The improvement, maintenance and use of scientific collections is central to our work. The herbarium and fungarium comprise over 1.2 million plants and 600,000 fungal specimens, of which the majority are Nordic. The museum provides excellent research facilities in-house, including various molecular- and microscopy laboratories. NHM has ten research groups that pursue research and education within basic and advanced biosystematics and biodiversity as well as geological studies.
Qualification requirements
The candidate must have:
- A degree equivalent to a Norwegian master’s (MSc) in biology. Other relevant backgrounds might be considered upon individual evaluation. For candidates not having finished their master’s degree, the thesis must have been submitted for evaluation by the closing date of the call. It is a condition of employment that the master’s degree has been awarded with at least an equivalent to grade B in the ECTS grading scale.
- The ability to work independently and in a structured manner
- The ability to cooperate with others
- Excellent communication skills (including written and spoken English)
It is preferable that the candidate has (and can document) one or more of the following competences:
- A degree equivalent to a Norwegian master’s (MSc) in systematic mycology/botany
- Knowledge and research experience with DNA-based techniques applied in biosystematics and biodiversity studies
- Experience in relevant analytical/statistical methods and bioinformatics tools (e.g., phylogenetics, R)
- Data management skills following best reproducible open science practices
- Experience with microscopy
- Ability to do field work in remote and potentially challenging environments
- Hold a driver’s license
- Experience with scientific publication and outreach
- Experience in collection-based research (using physical and/or digital specimen data)
- Strong team- and networking skills
Personal skills
We are looking for a highly motivated, creative, and structured candidate with excellent collaborative qualities. Research experience, ambitions, and potential will also count when evaluating the candidates.
We offer
- a dynamic, friendly and professionally stimulating working environment
- salary NOK 532 200 – 575 400 per annum depending on qualifications and seniority as PhD Research Fellow (position code 1017)
- membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
- attractive welfare benefits
How to apply
The application must include the following six elements as separate documents:
- A one-page (maximum) application/cover letter with a brief account of your motivation for applying for the position
- A self-developed and innovative research project (following the template for this position provided here: template_for_project_description.docx[MB1] ; max 2 pages!
- CV (either as an attachment or filled into our electronic recruitment system)
- Transcripts and diplomas showing completion of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees, or official confirmation that the master’s thesis has been submitted
- Relevant certificates/references
- List of publications (if any), including submitted manuscripts and MSc thesis.
- The name, academic relation, and contact information for at least two reference persons, of whom one must be an advisor for the master’s thesis or equivalent thesis
The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system, please follow the link “apply for this job”. Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University’s grading system. Please note that all documents should be in English (or a Scandinavian language).
For an overview of our researchers, see or contact Professor Hugo de Boer ( For more information about ongoing and planned research activities in the ISOP group, please contact Professor Mika Bendiksby ( or Associate Professor Charlotte S. Bjorå (
In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the documented academic qualifications as well as the candidate’s motivation and personal suitability. Interviews with the best qualified candidates will be arranged.
Apply here:
Assistant Professor (Stockholm)
Stockholm University is looking to recruit an Assistant Professor in the field of Data-Driven Evolution and Biodiversity. The position is part of the Data-Drive Life Science (DDLS) programme and comes with a generous startup package. The DDLS programme is a “big data” initiative, committed to recruiting and training the next generation of data-driven life science leaders and creating globally leading computational and data science capabilities within the life sciences in Sweden.
Further information about the position can be found here:
Further information about the DDLS programme can be found here:
Application closing date: 25 October 2023.
PhD student / doktorand extended application deadline 15 August
PhD student in Zoological Systematics
We have extended the application deadline to 15 August for the PhD position below so it is still an option if you have a fresh MSc or will get one in the nearest future. We invite applications for a four-year PhD position based at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. PhD students at the museum are admitted to the PhD programme at the Department of Zoology, Stockholm University.
The project is aimed at analysing species diversity of the marine meiofauna group Acoelomorpha in Sweden, estimate the phylogeny of select groups and describe new species. The efficacy of current standard methods of meiofauna extraction will be tested against eDNA sampling. The project includes fieldwork at marine labs where specimens will be collected, identified, documented, and prepared for downstream analyses. The successful candidate will be supervised by Prof. Ulf Jondelius.
In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have completed a second-cycle degree, completed courses equivalent to at least 240 higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere.
In order to meet the specific entry requirements, the applicants must have completed at least 120 higher education credits in biology, and at least 30 credits from a degree project within zoological systematics, marine biology, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, or a similar subject.
Experience in the study of microscopic animals, marine biological fieldwork, analysis of nucleotide sequence data, molecular lab techniques and a strong interest in biodiversity are important qualifications.
The position is for four years. A new position as a PhD student is first for one year and then normally renewed for up to two years at a time. Closing date for the application is 15 June
For more information, please contact Ulf Jondelius (
We accept digital applications only. More information, instructions on how to apply, and a submission form are at
Community for Early Career Systematists in Sweden
We are interested in bringing together the community of Early Career Systematists in Sweden, with the aim to organise workshops, symposia – or any event that would best benefit the Early Career community.
If you would like to receive information about such events and connect with other Early Career Systematists in Sweden, join the mailing list, here:
Join the Early Career Systematists in Sweden mailing list! (Google docs)
You are also very welcome to register an acccount on Here at, the entire Swedish Systematists community (also the not so early career ones) can read and post announcements on courses, vacant positions, conferences and other systematics related news. Registered users get e-mail notifications when new posts are published.
(Updated in September with functional link to Google docs)