Early registration deadline (29 February) for International Botanical Congress (July 2024)

Dear colleagues;

This is a reminder that the deadline for Early Registration for the International Botanical Congress is coming up soon: 29 February; 2024. Be sure to register before the “early bird” deadline!

Please see the Congress website for the latest news and the registration page:https://ibcmadrid2024.com/index.php.

The Congress website also has information about invited speakers; accommodations; excursions; the Nomenclature Section; and much more.

See you in Madrid!

Patrick Herendeen; Chair

International Association for Botanical and Mycological Societies

Doktorandtjänst i systematisk mykologi vid GU

Utlysning av doktorandtjänst i systematisk mykologi vid Göteborgs universitet: taxonomi, systematik, molekylära data, morfologi, ekologi, mikroskopering, fältarbete, tryffel-släktet Hymenogaster (Basidiomycota).

Mer information:  https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=6&lang=SE&validator=3038fcf1516ea1184a6da70a891f87da&job_id=33273

Mvh. Henrik Nilsson (henrik.nilsson@bioenv.gu.se

Curator in the field of Mycology/Phycology at the SNSB (Munich/Germany)

Dear members of systematic societies across the world,

The Bavarian State Collection of Botany is seeking to fill the position of a Curator (f/m/d) in the field of Mycology/Phycology on a full-time, permanent basis at the earliest possible date. Details of the position are attached.

Kind regards

Anze Zerdoner Calasan

Ausschreibung Kuratorenstelle Pilze_Algen BSM_SNSB englisch

Early Career Systematists in Sweden mailing list

The Swedish Systematics Society (https://systematikforeningen.se/) are interested in bringing together the community of Early Career Systematists in Sweden, with the aim to organise workshops, symposia – or any event that would best benefit the Early Career community.

If you would like to receive information about such events and connect with other Early Career Systematists in Sweden, join the mailing list, here: https://rb.gy/njq41

Thank you – and hope to see you in Lund!

Vice Chair – Swedish Systematics Society

International Botanical Congress, Madrid, July 2024

Dear colleagues,

As Chair of the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS) I am trying to help spread news about preparations for the upcoming International Botanical Congress in Madrid, Spain next year. I am sending this message to representatives of numerous botanical, mycological and phycological professional societies around the world. I am hoping that you will pass this news along to your members. Apologies to IABMS member organizations who already received this message.

Planning for the International Botanical Congress is progressing rapidly and the website includes a great deal of useful information. The IBC will be in Madrid in July 2024. The list of invited speakers is very exciting with a diverse group of individuals from around the world addressing a wide range of subjects of broad interest. The list of excursions is also very exciting with a variety of one day and multi-day excursions planned.

The organizers of the IBC are now inviting submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations! In addition, online registration is now open with an early registration discount. 

See more details on the conference website: https://ibcmadrid2024.com/index.php


See the guidelines for abstract preparation here and the list of 233 accepted symposia here. Prepare your abstract according to the specifications and select 1-3 symposia that are the most appropriate for your presentation. The organizers intend to have abstract acceptance decisions completed before the early registration deadline.

The abstract deadline for oral presentations is November 30, 2023

The deadline for poster abstracts is February 1, 2024.


Register now to receive the early registration discount, which expires on 29 February 2024. Registration information is found here.

If you have not already done so, I encourage you to sign up for newsletters from the IBC organizers to stay up to date on IBC news. The link for this is on the IBC homepage.

With best wishes,

Patrick Herendeen, IABMS Chair

Links for guidelines and symposia and registration:




Technical problem registering for Systematikdagarna 2023

We experience a strong interest for the meeting and also that many persons are registering just before deadline. Unfortunately, it is just now impossible to register for the conference dinner. ”Not available” is indicated if you try, but this is incorrect. We still have seats for the conference dinner. I hope this problem will be solved soon. In the mean time either wait to register or send a message to the organizers that you want to attend the conference dinner. For this reason we extend the deadline for application to 2 November.

Final reminder: Join Systematikdagarna in Lund 27-28 November 2023!

Systematikdagarna is this year arranged by the Department of Biology, Lund University, in the Ecology Building, Blue Hall. You are now very welcome to register for the meeting and announce if you want to give a talk or present a poster! We have updated the information regarding keynote speakers and the workshop section. The deadline for application is 31 October.

THREE permanent positions in Helsinki

Use the links below for further information:

Curator of Vascular Plants:


Tenure track Professor of Biodiversity Change:


Tenure track Professor of Plant/Fungal Systematics:
