Utlysning av tjänsten som Föreståndare i Botaniska trädgården vid Lunds Universitet, annonsen ligger ute till och med 2022-06-06.
Författararkiv: Anja Rautenberg
Systematikdagarna 2022
Efter två års uppehåll och digitala alternativ, siktar vi i år på att kunna genomföra en konferens på plats. Välkomna till Stockholm och Naturhistoriska riksmuseet den 21-22 november! Mer information kommer senare.
The Systematikdagarna 2022 conference will take place at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, 21-22 November. More information will be provided. Welcome!
Scientist’s Position – Head of Research Group ”Plants” at the Botanic Garden Berlin
the Botanic Garden Berlin looks for an experienced plant taxonomist/systematist to lead the research group ”plants” at the Botanic Garden Berlin.
You’ll find the job announcement here (in German only):
Chef till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet i Stockholm söker en ny chef till Enheten för botanik. Information om tjänsten och om hur man ansöker finns på följande länk, och sista ansökningsdag är 6 februari 2022:
Sprid gärna informationen till personer du tror kan vara intresserade av tjänsten.
2024 International Botanical Congress in Madrid
Earlier this year it was announced that due to the pandemic the next International Botanical Congress will be delayed one year and held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2024. The dates for the rescheduled Botanical Congress are as follows:
- Nomenclature Section, July 15-19, 2024
- Congress, July 21-27, 2024
The officers of the IBC Organizing Committee are Gonzalo Nieto Feliner (President), Juan Carlos Moreno (Vice-President) and Marcial Escudero (General Secretary). The organizing team has been working hard to form the necessary planning committees, hire the conference venue and conference management team, and prepare a website to provide details on the upcoming Congress. The Congress website is now live and additional details about the Congress will be added as they become available (https://ibcmadrid2024.com/). Information about the members of the Organizing Committee, Scientific Program Committee, and Advisory Committee can be found on the website.
The organizers look forward to welcoming everyone to Madrid in July, 2024!
Patrick Herendeen, Chair
Jiří Kvaček, Secretary
International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies
Systematikdagarna 2021 registration open
When mycologists describe new species, not all relevant information is provided (clearly enough)
Är taxonomin verkligen det moderna, reproducerbara och inkluderande vetenskapsfält som det strävar efter att vara? Denna granskning av artbeskrivningar av svampar finner många förändringar till det bättre över tiden, men den gör samtidigt en del svårsmälta observationer som manar till eftertanke kring hur vi tar fram och kommunicerar taxonomiska resultat.
When mycologists describe new species, not all relevant information is provided (clearly enough)
MycoKeys 72: 109-128
Postdoc on grass phylogenomics in Stockholm
Do you want to contribute to new understanding of the ecological and evolutionary success of grasses? Come help us build a new phylogeny of the ’cool season grasses’ (Pooideae)!
A postdoctoral stipend is available for 1 year to work on grass plastome phylogenomics, with a focus on subfamily Pooideae, the cool season grasses. The post is based at Stockholm University and we welcome applicants of all nationalities. More information can be found in the PDF file available here: https://tinyurl.com/y2cwhlee
Universitetslektor i växtsystematik (Stockholms universitet)
Universitetslektor i växtsystematik (tidsbegränsad anställning) vid Stockholms universitet.
Mer info på svenska finns här: www.su.se/om-oss/jobba-p%C3%A5-su/lediga-jobb
Preliminary program and registration for Systematikdagarna 2019!
The preliminary program for Systematikdagarna 18-19 November in Gothenburg is now published. If you have not already registered: 25 October is the last day of early bird registration (after that date, the fee increases with 200 SEK, and you will also not be able to submit applications for oral presentations after 25 October).
For both those who will come to Systematikdagarna, and for those who will not attend the conference, this is also a very good time to pay the membership fee for Svenska Systematikföreningen 2019/2020.