Jobb som svampintendent på Evolutionsmuseet

100% visstidsanställning som intendent med ansvar för svampsamlingen vid Evolutionsmuseet, Uppsala universitet. Tillträde: snarast, efter överenskommelse. Tidsbegränsning: i första hand t o m 2016-12-31 men kan med all sannolikhet förlängas till totalt 9 månaders tjänstgöring.

Sista ansökningsdag: 8 april 2016

Fullständig utlysning:


Utlysning i sammanfattning nedan:

Arbetsuppgifter: Anställningen innebär ett övergripande ansvar för, i första hand, Evolutionsmuseets samling av svampar (exklusive lavar) och i andra hand moss- och algsamlingarna. Primära arbetsuppgifter är generell samlingsvård och -organisering, service till forskarsamhället (inklusive lånehantering), digitalisering, artbestämning samt att aktivt verka för samlingarnas tillväxt genom egen insamling och kontakt med potentiella donatorer. Forskning inom svamparnas taxonomi kan ingå i arbetsuppgifterna under förutsättning att särskilt avtal sluts om omfattning och inriktning. I anställningen ingår att hålla sig informerad om pågående forskning och nya forskningsrön inom systematisk botanik, särskilt svamparnas systematik och fylogeni. Dessutom ingår utåtriktad verksamhet, inkluderande förmedling av forsknings- och samlingsinformation till forskare, lärare, studenter och allmänhet. I samband med detta kan arbete under helger och kvällar förekomma i samband med museets utställningsverksamhet och utåtriktade arrangemang.

Kvalifikationskrav: Vi söker kandidater med doktorsexamen i systematisk eller ekologisk botanik och med dokumenterat djupa kunskaper om svamparnas taxonomi och nomenklatur. Avancerad artkunskap om svampar och betydande erfarenhet av bestämningsarbete med svampar är också krav. Goda kunskaper i ett skandinaviskt språk och engelska (muntlig och skriftlig) förutsätts. Initiativförmåga, god organisations- och samarbetsförmåga och personlig lämplighet kommer att beaktas vid tillsättningen.

Önskvärt/meriterande i övrigt: Erfarenhet av arbete vid ett naturhistoriskt museum, särskilt hantering av botaniska samlingar, är en fördel, likaså erfarenhet av utåtriktad verksamhet.


The Tromsø University Museum, University of Tromsø (UiT), is recruiting a ForBio coordinator/researcher in Biosystematics

This is a four year research position that includes 50% research and 50% coordination of ForBio.

We are looking for an enthusiastic and active researcher willing to organize ForBio courses and meetings and participate in teaching activities. The role of ForBio coordinators is to continue, expand and improve the work that ForBio has done during the last five years, by training the next generation of biosystematist in Scandinavia, strengthen their networks and improve the quality of the scientific outcomes. The full announcement with requirements and specifications is here:
Application deadline is January 3rd 2016.

The position’s affiliation
This position is attached to the Department of Natural Sciences, which is responsible for developing and maintaining scientific collections of objects (animals, plants, fossils and minerals) as well as public outreach including Tromsø Arctic Alpine Botanical Garden. The department has a permanent staff of 16, of which 9 are in academic positions. The department includes a research group in taxonomy and biodiversity, which focuses on diversity, phylogeography and taxonomy of northern organism using molecular as well as traditional methods. The department has laboratories for modern and ancient DNA analyses, and is currently involved in two large project: ”Ancient DNA of Norwest Europe” and ”Norwegian Barcode of Life”. The latter includes full genome sequencing of the entire Norwegian flora. For more information about the Department of Natural Sciences, visit:

The position’s field of research and other duties
The position is funded the Nordic Research School in Biosystematics, ForBio ( ForBio is a teaching and research initiative coordinated by the Natural History Museum (University of Oslo), with Bergen Museum (University of Bergen), Tromsø University Museum (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) and the Museum of Natural History and Archaeology (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) as collaborators. ForBio is funded by the Research Council of Norway and the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative/Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre. Most students at our courses are postgraduate students (PhD or post doc students), but some are graduate students and professionals.

For further information, please contact Prof. Inger Greve Alsos, e-mail<>, tel +47 77 62 07 96, head of Department of Natural Sciences, Karl Frafjord, e-mail<>, tel + 47 77 64 57 25, or Museum Director Marit Anne Hauan, e-mail<>,  tel. + 47 77 64 50 30. For further information about the work for ForBio, contact ForBio leader Hugo de Boer,<>, tel +47 98 12 60 30.

Please forward to relevant candidates!

Best, Hugo

Jobb som lavintendent på Evolutionsmuseet

100% tillsvidareanställning som intendent med ansvar för lavsamlingen vid Evolutionsmuseet, Uppsala universitet, tillgänglig från 1 februari 2016

Sista ansökningsdag: 20 november 2015

Fullständig utlysning:

Utlysning i sammanfattning nedan:

Anställningen innebär ett övergripande ansvar för Evolutionsmuseets samling av lavar. Primära arbetsuppgifter är generell samlingsvård och -organisering, service till forskarsamhället (inklusive lånehantering), digitalisering, artbestämning samt att aktivt verka för samlingarnas tillväxt genom egen insamling och kontakt med potentiella donatorer. Forskning inom lavarnas taxonomi kan ingå i arbetsuppgifterna under förutsättning att särskilt avtal sluts om omfattning och inriktning. I anställningen ingår att hålla sig informerad om pågående forskning och nya forskningsrön inom systematisk botanik, särskilt lavsvamparnas systematik och fylogeni. Dessutom ingår utåtriktad verksamhet, inkluderande förmedling av forsknings- och samlingsinformation till forskare, lärare, studenter och allmänhet. I samband med detta kan arbete under helger och kvällar förekomma i samband med museets utställningsverksamhet och utåtriktade arrangemang.

Vi söker kandidater med doktorsexamen i systematisk eller ekologisk botanik och med dokumenterat djupa kunskaper om lavarnas taxonomi och nomenklatur. Avancerad artkunskap om lavar och betydande erfarenhet av bestämningsarbete med lavar ska kunna styrkas. Goda kunskaper i ett skandinaviskt språk och engelska (muntlig och skriftlig) förutsätts. Initiativförmåga, god organisations- och samarbetsförmåga och personlig lämplighet kommer att beaktas vid tillsättningen.

Önskvärt/meriterande i övrigt:
Erfarenhet av arbete vid ett naturhistoriskt museum, särskilt hantering av botaniska samlingar, är en fördel, likaså erfarenhet av kunskapsförmedling inom ämnesområdet.


Assistant Professor Position in Integrative Genomics

The Department of Biology ( at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette seeks to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level to complement our strengths in evolutionary, molecular, and coastal biology.  We are searching for an outstanding scientist using genomics, bioinformatics and molecular biology tools to address important questions in evolution, behavior, physiology, or environmental biology.

Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in a relevant field and postdoctoral experience. Successful applicants will be expected to establish a vigorous, externally-funded research program, provide instruction to undergraduates and participate in our Ph.D. program in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology. Cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, statement of teaching interests, and a list of three references (including postal and email addresses) should be emailed as a single pdf attachment to: Please refer to Integrative Genomics search in the subject line. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by October 16, 2015.

UL Lafayette is an EEO/AA employer.

Three fully funded positions – University of Gothenburg

Dear colleagues,

Please help us advertise these three fully funded positions at our lab.

Two Assistant Professorships / Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and one PhD student in macroevolution/biogeography and molecular phylogenetics.

More information at

Many thanks and best wishes,



Alexandre Antonelli, PhD

Professor in systematics and biodiversity

Wallenberg Academy Fellow


Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

University of Gothenburg

Delivery address: Box 461, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden

Visiting address: Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden


Scientific curator, Gothenburg botanical garden

Lab homepage:


PhD position in Biology (macroevolution) – University of Gothenburg

Dear colleagues,

Please help us advertise this fully funded PhD position in Biology to any potential candidates.

The applicant will work on macroevolutionary analyses of living and extinct taxa. The project, funded through a Wallenberg Academy Fellowship, aims at identifying major drivers of speciation and extinction through time and space. We aim at answering questions such as why some lineages have produced many more species and genera than others; how climate change has affected biodiversity in the past; which regions, biomes and traits are most closely associated with the evolutionary success of clades; how clades compete with each other over evolutionary time; what is the biogeographical history of particular lineages; and what is the influence of phenotypic traits on biogeographical processes.

The project will involve compiling (or generating) and analysing phylogenetic and fossil data, and potentially the development of methods aimed at macro evolutionary inferences. The details of the project can be adjusted based on the candidate´s skills and interests.

A full description and information on how to apply can be found at:

(and in Swedish):

Many thanks and best wishes,



Alexandre Antonelli, PhD

Wallenberg Academy Fellow

Associate professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences,

University of Gothenburg

Lab homepage:

Jobb i Norge!

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History

Associate professor of molecular biodiversity

The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in molecular biodiversity. The position is part of NTNU’s strategic focus on young, ambitious and excellent researchers (the “Onsager fellowships”) and is financed for 6 years. After this time it is expected that the candidate will obtain full professor qualifications and permanent employment.

The position in molecular biodiversity is central in the Department of Natural History’s strategy for further increasing the use of next generation sequencing data in studies of patterns and changes of biodiversity in time and space. More specifically, the successful candidate will carry out cutting-edge research within the field of evolutionary and environmental genomics, and extensive experience in handling and analysing complex genomic data sets using custom scripts and open source tools is expected. Background in population genomics, phylogenetics and proficiency in statistics is considered essential. The candidate must have experience in team-work and is expected to be working with broad research topics within evolutionary biology and ecology.

The successful applicant will have a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a PhD in biodiversity science (molecular ecology, molecular systematics or closely related fields of evolutionary biology research) or bioinformatics. Experience in analyses of different types of molecular data is an advantage. Applicants must document excellence in research during and after completed PhD, be goal-oriented and able to deliver results when expected. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and creative problem-solving abilities are expected.

Selection criteria:

  • Scientific excellence documented through peer-reviewed publications.
  • Experience with project acquisition and management.
  • Relevance of research area in relation to the NTNU University Museum research strategy.
  • Experience with teaching and supervision is an advantage.

In addition to what is listed as qualifications for the Onsager Fellows, for the Museum position it is expected that the successful candidate during the first 6 years:

  • Develops and submits one or more competitive project applications to the European Research Council.
  • Develops and submits project applications to the Research Council of Norway and similar funding sources.
  • Develops an active research group at the museum that contributes to relevant leading international networks.
  • Teaches at NTNU, the Research School in Biosystematics (ForBio) and the Nordic Academy of Biodiversity.
  • Contributes to the development of qualitative and innovative teaching resources in molecular biodiversity at the international level.
  • Fulfils the requirements for formal pedagogical competence at university level (PEDUP).
  • Participates in public outreach activities.

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History has 15 faculty positions, 6 temporary research positions and 12 technical and administrative positions. The research is facilitated through two research groups; the Conservation Biology Group and the Systematics and Evolution Group. The Systematics and Evolution Group has its research focus in general questions in systematics and evolutionary biology such as: speciation events, species discrimination and delineation, phylogeny, character evolution, population genetics, phylogeography, DNA barcoding, archaeological genetics, and distribution of species in time and space. The Conservation Biology Group focuses on process related questions (land and water use, plant animal interactions, habitat destruction and fragmentation) and ecological biogeography. The group also has an applied research profile and works towards nature management authorities and stakeholders, at levels from populations to ecosystems.

More information about the department and the position can be obtained from Head of Department Torkild Bakken, phone: +47 73 59 23 82, e-mail; Professor Hans K. Stenøien, phone: +47 73 59 22 84; e-mail; Professor Torbjørn Ekrem, phone: +47 73 59 78 12, e-mail


The associate professor position follows code 1011 starting grade 57-77, gross NOK 482 800-710 400 per annum (before tax). There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Found from gross salary.

Other information 

NTNU is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from both EU/EEA and non-EU countries. The university is strongly committed to diversity within its community and welcomes applications from members of ethnic minorities.

NTNU would like to increase the percentage of female scientists in academic positions.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants.

All applications must include a letter of interest, certified copies of academic transcripts, CV, a complete list of publications and statements from three references. Copies of the considered 10 most important scientific papers should be attached as well as a short explanation of the applicant’s contribution in case where there is more than one author. The application must be submitted electronically through (reference VM2015/6026).

Application deadline: 25 May 2015.


Projektet fokuserar på neotropiska angiospermer och behandlar systematiska och evolutionära frågeställningar på olika taxonomiska nivåer. Projektet är primärt tänkt att fokusera på grupper som förekommer i Anderna och kan innehålla frågeställningar på släkt- och artnivå, liksom sådana som berör differentiering inom och mellan närstående arter i relation till historiska miljöförändringar. I projektet ingår egen datainsamling i fält, liksom olika typer av systematiska metoder. Projektets slutliga omfattning och inriktning beslutas i samråd med den blivande doktoranden.

Kvalifikationskrav: Masterexamen inom biologi, eller motsvarande, samt erfarenhet av arbete med angiospermer. Erfarenhet av taxonomiska och molekylärsystematiska metoder samt fältarbete är meriterande. Den ideala kandidaten ska kunna arbeta både självständigt och som en del i ett team. En hög standard på talad och skriven engelska krävs. Kunskaper i spanska är en merit.

Tillträde: 2015-09-01, tidsbegränsad anställning t.o.m. 2019-08-31.

Anställningens omfattning: 100 %

Ansökan senast den 8 juni 2015

Ansökningsförfarande: se

Upplysningar om anställningen lämnas av Bertil Ståhl,



Researcher in Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History

A position as Researcher (Senior Curator, with the possibility of promotion to Professor) in Botany (Systematic Botany in the widest sense, including mycology and lichenology) is open at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm. Deadline for application June 18th 2015. More details in the pdf on the nrm website:


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The selected student will work with Dr. Colin Hughes on a research project entitled “Global Legume diversity patterns: macroevolutionary and ecological processes shaping biodiversity”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the Institute of Systematic Botany at the University of Zürich.

We are interested in how diversity evolves and understanding the processes and factors that determine the spatial distribution of life on Earth. Using comparative approaches and one of the most evolutionary successful families of flowering plants, the legumes (Leguminosae = Fabaceae), as a study system, we are addressing a set of inter-related questions about global plant diversity patterns. We are making use of recent developments in comparative phylogenomics and global-scale species distribution modelling to quantify phylogenetic turnover and the ecological factors underlying patterns of diversity across large-scale ecological gradients.

The PhD projects will focus on specific legume clades, and especially subfamily Mimosoideae, a pantropical clade spanning all lowland tropical biomes and potentially involve fieldwork, laboratory work to generate DNA sequence data using NGS, herbarium specimen database work, and phylogenetic/ macroevolutionary analysis. This will build on foundations – genomic data, development of NGS approaches, taxonomic knowledge and research material – already established in Zurich.

POSITION CHARACTERISTICS: The Institute of Systematic Botany in Zurich offers excellent research facilities and a stimulating working environment for graduate students in plant systematics and evolution. The project will also involve collaboration with legume researchers in Brasil, the Netherlands, U.K., U.S.A. and Canada. Salary is according to the Swiss National Science Foundation guidelines. Funding, including for laboratory and field work, is available for 3 years.

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants should hold a Masters degree in systematics, biodiversity or evolutionary biology. Experience in molecular laboratory techniques, working with NGS data, phylogenetic analysis, macroevolutionary analysis, fieldwork and GIS are all potentially relevant. Excellent knowledge of English, written and oral, is essential.

HOW TO APPLY: Send the following documents by email AS A SINGLE PDF FILE to Dr. Colin Hughes, i) a two-page application letter describing your research interests, outlining why you think working on mimosoid legumes is interesting, why are you interested in a Ph.D. position in systematic botany and your career goals; ii) your CV, including a list of publications (if applicable); iii) a copy of your undergraduate and graduate academic record; iv) names and contact details of at least two referees selected from your academic advisors.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Applications will be screened from May 25th 2015 onwards until the positions are filled.

STARTING DATE: Sept/Oct 2015.