Biologiska mångfaldens dag med Svenska systematikföreningen


[English version following the Swedish text]

Är du intresserad av att arrangera aktiveter under Biologiska mångfaldens dag genom Svenska systematikföreningen?

Dagen instiftades i december 1993 och datum fastställdes 2000 till den 22 maj. Med dagen vill FN påminna om den biologiska mångfaldens betydelse för allt liv på jorden. Ungefär en femtedel av alla djurarter riskerar utrotning och i genomsnitt försvinner en art per månad.

Under den här dagen arrangeras aktiveter runt om i landet, och några exempel kan vara:

  • Utflykter till naturområden.
  • Bioblitz, där fauna och/eller flora för ett område inventeras under en kort men intensiv period.
  • Artbingo.
  • Tipspromenad.
  • Utbildningar och workshops.
  • Uppvaktning av politiker och panelsamtal.

Naturligtvis är möjligheterna inte begränsade till ovantsående förslag.

Vi medlemmar i Svenska systematikföreningen besitter en mängd djupa och varierande expertkunskaper, och det vore kul och spännande om det finns intresse att anordna lokala aktiviteter kring våra universitet, museum och andra arbetsplatser för att lyfta inte bara biologisk mångfald utan även i synnerhet systematikens roll.

Om du är intresserad så hör av dig till mig, Emma Wahlberg ( så kan vi samordna och utbyta idéer och förslag.

Läs mer om Biologiska mångfaldens dag:


Are you interested in organizing activities during the International Day for Biological Diversity through the Swedish Systematics Association?

The day was established in December 1993 and date was set in 2000 to May 22. During this day, the UN wants to remind us of the importance of biodiversity for all life on earth. Approximately one fifth of all animal species risk extinction and on average one species disappears per month.

During this day activities are organized around the country, and some examples may be:

  • Excursions to nature areas.
  • Bioblitz, where fauna and/or flora for an area are invented for a short but intense period.
  • Species bingo.
  • Quizzes.
  • Education and workshops.
  • Discussions with politicians and panel talks.

Of course, the possibilities are not limited to above mentioned examples.

We, the members of the Swedish Systematics Association, possess a deep and varied expertise, and it would be fun and exciting if there is an interest in organizing local activities around our universities, museums and other workplaces, not only to highlight biodiversity but also, in particular, the role of systematics.

If you are interested, please contact me, Emma Wahlberg ( and we may coordinate and exchange ideas and suggestions.

Read more about the International Day for Biological Diversity: (Swedish) (Swedish) (general information in English)


Open entomology position in Trondheim, Norway

The NTNU University Museum in Trondheim, Norway is seeking a highly motivated entomologist to fill a permanent associate professor position at our Department of Natural History. Please see this announcement for further details:
Best regards,

Torbjørn Ekrem, PhD
Professor of biosystematics
NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History

Two PhD student positions at GGBC in the EU ITN project ”Plant.ID”

Within the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, (GGBC) University of Gothenburg, Sweden, two PhD positions are open for application November 1st, 2017 until January 15th, 2018. The positions are part of the EU International Training Network programme PlantID, which announces 15 PhD student positions simultaneously. We seek highly motivated students to tackle taxonomic problems in the flowering plant genus Silene ranging from polyploidy, species delimitations, and it relations to conservation. The positions start in April 1st, 2018, and are fully funded including salary and social security benefits for four years. To be eligible to apply, you must not have been a resident in Sweden more than 12 months the last three years. See the below links for more details:

 Species, a taxonomic category distinct from the lineage concept? A case study on species delimitation in Silene sect. Dipterospermae in Southern Africa

 Polyploid phylogenetics under the multi-species coalescent


Bengt Oxelman

Christine Bacon

Petition for the protection of biodiversity (deadline on Sunday 5 p.m.)

Dear fellow systematists,

Many of you may have seen the recent article ’We don’t need to save endangered species. Extinction is part of evolution.’ by R. Alexander Pyron in Washington Post, and re-published in several newspapers around the world.

If you would like to co-sign our Letter to the Editor of Washington Post please visit:

We are now over 3000 co-signatories from more than 80 countries, but there are still few people from Sweden!

Best wishes and thanks for your support,

Alexandre Antonelli & Allison Perrigo

Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre


Please remind your collegues to create a profile at the web page!

Dear members of Svenska systematikföreningen,

Those of you who receive this message have obviously registered your contact details at our web page. However, you may have some collegues of yours who have paid the membership fee, but have not created any profile at the web page. That is unfortunate, because then we cannot keep track of which years these people have paid for, and they cannot check their membership status at the web page. So please remind the collegues you know to be members of the Systematikföreningen to create a profile if they have not done so.

All the best,

Mikael H

Plant.ID 15 PhD positions available

As part of our new EU project, MSCA-ITN Plant.ID on molecular identification of plants, we are now advertising 15 PhD positions in Systematic Botany in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece through our website. The projects below are included. Please forward to relevant candidates or fora. Application deadline is January 15th for all positions. Read more about the 15 individual PhD projects on

PhD 1 – Polyploid phylogenetics under the multi-species coalescent – University of Gothenburg
PhD 2 – Taxon identification and multispecies coalescent biodiversity assessments – University of Oslo
PhD 3 – Euphrasia: species delimitation in mega-diverse hemi-parasites – University of Copenhagen
PhD 4 – Shotgun sequencing for comparative diet analysis in capercaillie fowl – University of Copenhagen
PhD 5 – DNA barcoding and metabarcoding of herbal products for authentication – University of Oslo
PhD 6 – Metabarcoding of aquatic flora for fresh water quality monitoring – BaseClear, Degree Awarding University of Leiden
PhD 7 – Hayfever and software-automated pollen metabarcoding – Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Degree Awarding University of Oslo
PhD 8 – Paleogenomic annotation of historical Cinchona bark samples across time and space – University of Copenhagen
PhD 9 – Genomic barcoding of the succulent plant genus Aloe in trade – Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Degree Awarding University of Copenhagen
PhD 10 – Orchid targets: Genomic barcoding to identify and trace traded orchids – University of Oslo
PhD 11 – Is mutational meltdown a threat in the mega diverse genus Begonia? – Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Degree Awarding University of Edinburgh
PhD 12 – Genomic barcoding to trace and identify illegally logged African trees – Botanic Garden Meise, Degree Awarding KU Leuven
PhD 13 – Bar-HRM traceability of toxic species in food and medicine – Centre for Research & Technology – Hellas, Degree Awarding Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
PhD 14 – Species, a taxonomic category distinct from the lineage concept – University of Gothenburg
PhD 15 – Logging forensics: mining ebony wood collections as references – Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Degree Awarding University of Leiden

Best, Hugo

Hugo de Boer

Natural History Museum
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1172 Blindern
0318 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 22851875

Plant.ID MSCA-ITN project leader
Leader of ForBio – Research School in Biosystematics
Plant Evolution and DNA Metabarcoding group

Open Position: Research/Project Leader in Insect Biomics

The Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics at the Swedish Museum of Natural History is looking to fill a position as research leader of a large, five-year project in comparative insect biomics funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The aim is to use metabarcoding of Malaise trap and soil samples to study the size, origins, structure and function of the insect faunas and associated microbiomes in Sweden and on Madagascar. We are looking for a candidate with a research background in relevant fields and excellent organizational and leadership skills.

Read more about the position here:

Application deadline: December 18, 2017

/Fredrik Ronquist

Medlemsavgiften – påminnelse!

Vi påminner härmed att det är dags att logga in på Svenska systematikföreningens hemsida och kontrollera att man betalat sin medlemsavgift! När man loggat in hittar man uppgiften om för vilket år man senast betalat, under sitt namn uppe i högra hörnet (klicka på namnet, under välkomsthälsningen). Information om föreningens konto finns under Medlem – Medlemsavgift och betalning. Alla är alltså varmt välkomna att betala, både för innevarande år (om man inte redan gjort så) samt för kommande år! När man betalar för 2018 kommer den inbetalningen att räknas fram till augusti 2019, eftersom föreningen såsom meddelats idag på årsmötet planerar att gå över från att medlemsavgifterna betalas för kalenderår till att avgifterna betalas per verksamhetsår (september till augusti). Tack! mvh Styrelsen!

IMPORTANT!! Systematics-meeting REGISTRATION Final date October 17th!!

Systematics – a future perspective.

Registration (200 SEK) no later than Oct 17th at

A joint meeting focusing on future research areas, career strategies, networks and cross-thinking

  • When: October 23:rd 2017 at 10.00-16.30
  • Location: Lilla föreläsningssalen at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Frescativägen 40, T-bana Universitet)

9-10         Arrival, fika

10             Welcome and introduction

10.05-11                  Strategies for an academic career/Survival in academia for systematists

Mats Wedin (NRM), Per Alström (SLU/UU), Christine Bacon (GU) and open discussion. Moderator: Mats Wedin

Invited speakers tell their own stories, including active choices and coincidences, and the pros and cons on collaborations with other scientific fields (e.g. bioinformatics, conservation biology, big data, citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, climate research).

11-12 (ca)             Svenska systematikföreningen – årsmöte (Swedish Systematics Association – annual general meeting; in Swedish)

12-13       Lunch served in “Fossilen”, the museum restaurant

13-14       Advice and strategies for research applications

Christer Erséus (GU), Fredrik Ronquist (NRM), Irene Bisang (NRM) and open discussion. Moderator: Mats Wedin

How is the reasoning and thoughts in an application board? What is a good application? Why are applications rejected?

14-14.25                  Fika

14.25-15.10            Non-academic career – does it exist for systematists?

Dave Karlsson (Station Linné), Åsa Krüger (Botaniska trädgården Göteborg), non-confirmed speaker. Moderator: Malin Strand

Are systematists needed outside the universities and museums?

15.15-16               Systematic research in the future?

Ulf Gärdenfors (SLU): Swedish Taxonomy Initiative – future visions for aims, grants, research priorities, applications

Speakers from sessions and open discussion: What future meet todays students? In what context will systematists work in the future? What skills will be most worth tomorrow? Can we identify the major possibilities for systematists of tomorrow? Moderator: Malin Strand

Registration (200 SEK) no later than Oct 17th at

Systematikmöte 23 oktober

Systematics – a future perspective.

A joint meeting focusing on future research areas, career strategies, networks and cross-thinking

  • When: October 23:rd 2017 at 10.00-16.30
  • Location: Lilla föreläsningssalen at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Frescativägen 40, T-bana Universitet)

9-10         Arrival, fika

10             Welcome and introduction

10.05-11                  Strategies for an academic career/Survival in academia for systematists

Mats Wedin (NRM), Per Alström (SLU), Christine Bacon (GU) and open discussion. Moderator: Mats Wedin

Invited speakers tell their own stories, including active choices and coincidences, and the pros and cons on collaborations with other scientific fields (e.g. bioinformatics, conservation biology, big data, citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, climate research).

11-12 (ca)             Svenska systematikföreningen – årsmöte (Swedish Systematics Association – annual general meeting; in Swedish)

12-13       Lunch served in “Fossilen”, the museum restaurant

13-14       Advice and strategies for research applications

Christer Erséus (GU), Fredrik Ronquist (NRM), Irene Bisang (NRM) and open discussion. Moderator: Mats Wedin

How is the reasoning and thoughts in an application board? What is a good application? Why are applications rejected?

14-14.25                  Fika

14.25-15.10            Non-academic career – does it exist for systematists?

Dave Karlsson (Station Linné), Åsa Krüger (Botaniska trädgården Göteborg), non-confirmed speaker. Moderator: Malin Strand

Are systematists needed outside the universities and museums?

15.15-16               Systematic research in the future?

Ulf Gärdenfors (SLU): Swedish Taxonomy Initiative – future visions for aims, grants, research priorities, applications

Speakers from sessions and open discussion: What future meet todays students? In what context will systematists work in the future? What skills will be most worth tomorrow? Can we identify the major possibilities for systematists of tomorrow? Moderator: Malin Strand

Registration (200 SEK) no later than Oct 17th at