ForBio: Mycology field course

Dear all,

University of Oslo and ForBio are offering a field course focusing on the fungal diversity of eastern Norway. The two main aims of the course are to acquire more knowledge about fungal diversity, fungistics and systematics, and learn to use literature, stereomicroscope and microscopy to identify fungi based on micro- and macroscopic characters. We will also focus on the species ecology and phylogenetic relationships.

More information about the course and how to register can be found at

Time: September 16-20, 2013.
Application deadline: July 31.


Nytt jobb för mykolog vid Senckenberg Museum i Görlitz, Tyskland

Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung has an international reputation in all fields of Natural History research. It runs six research institutes and two museums in Germany and is also in charge of the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Messel.

The Department of Botany, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz, seeks a Head of Mycology Division (full time)

Your tasks:

  • Heading the section mycology
  • Research in taxonomy, systematics and evolution of fungi, mainly in the Palaearctic
  • Developing collection and research profile of the section
  • Initiating and developing own research projects, acquisition of research grants
  • Cooperation with other research teams, especially within Senckenberg (e.g. working groups on soil organisms, phytoparasitic fungi)
  • Continuous publication activities in peer-reviewed journals
  • Academic teaching (courses and candidates)

Your profile:

  • PhD in the respective field
  • Outstanding expertise in taxonomy and systematic of Palaearctic fungi
  • Experience in microscope techniques; knowledge on raster electron microscopy and related fields is an advantage
  • Skills in organizing and curating scientific collections
  • Experience in supervision of students and handling of projects
  • German language skills are desirable but not mandatory

Salary and benefits are according to a public service position in Germany (TV-L E13, 100%) and will initially run for 5 years with the possibility of extension depending on the candidate’s performance.

The Senckenberg Research Institute supports equal opportunity of men and women and therefore encourages women to apply. Equally qualified handicapped applicants will be given preference as long as the type of disability does not prevent work needed to conduct the research.

The place of employment will be Görlitz, Germany. The employer is the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung.

Interested? Please send your application before June, 11th, 2013 preferably by e-mail (as a single pdf attachment, including a letter outlining your motivation to apply, a detailed CV, and, if available, publications, to the Head of Personnel and Social Affairs:

Mrs. Britta Werner, Leiterin Personal & Soziales, Senckenberg Gesellschaft, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Email:

In addition to that, we would like you to indicate in your application the source that brought our job advertisement to your attention.

For scientific enquiries please get in contact with PD Dr. Karsten Wesche, Tel. 0049 3581 4760-5300

NYTT JOBB som Museiintendent

vid Evolutionsmuseet.
Sista ansökningsdag 2013-06-03. UFV-PA 2013/1333

med tillträde fr o m snarast t o m 2013-12-31, med eventuell möjlighet till förlängning.

Evolutionsmuseet är en av de stora naturvetenskapliga samlingarna i Sverige. Museet är lokaliserat vid Evolutionsbiologiskt Centrum vid Uppsala universitet och deltar aktivt i centrets verksamhet. Museet förvaltar ca 4,5 miljoner föremål och är en viktig facilitet för såväl svensk som internationell forskning och utbildning. Evolutionsmuseet förmedlar dessutom information till allmänheten inom naturvetenskap, särskilt inom biologi och geovetenskaper.

Arbetsuppgifter: Anställningen innebär ett övergripande ansvar för Evolutionsmuseets samlingar av svampar (exklusive lavar), mossor och alger. Primära arbetsuppgifterna är generell samlingsvård och -organisering, hantering av utlån, service till forskarsamhället , databasregistrering, bestämning (med tonvikt på svampar) samt att aktivt verka för samlingarnas tillväxt genom egen insamling och kontakt med potentiella donatorer. Viss forskning inom ämnet systematisk botanik, särskilt svamparnas taxonomi, kan förekomma under förutsättning att särskilt avtal sluts. I anställningen ingår att hålla sig informerad om pågående forskning och nya forskningsrön inom systematisk botanik, särskilt svamparnas taxonomi. Dessutom ingår utåtriktad verksamhet, inkluderande förmedling av forsknings- och samlingsinformation till forskare, lärare, studenter och allmänhet. Visst arbete under helger och kvällar kan förekomma i samband med museets utställningsverksamhet och utåtriktade arrangemang.

Kvalifikationskrav: Vi söker kandidater med högskoleexamen i biologi eller motsvarande kompetens, som också har dokumenterad artkunskap om svampar samt kompetens inom taxonomi och nomenklatur. Goda kunskaper i ett skandinaviskt språk och engelska (muntligt och skriftligt) förutsätts. God initiativ- organisations- och samarbetsförmåga. Stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet kommer att beaktas vid tillsättningen.

Önskvärt/meriterande i övrig: Doktorsexamen i systematisk botanik, särskilt med inriktning på svamparnas taxonomi, eller motsvarande kompetens är önskvärd. Erfarenhet av arbete vid ett naturhistoriskt museum, särskilt hantering av botaniska samlingar, är en fördel, likaså erfarenhet av utåtriktad verksamhet.

Uppsala universitet har ambitionen att främja jämställdheten genom en jämnare könsfördelning. Flertalet anställda inom denna kategori är kvinnor/män varför vi gärna ser kvinnliga/manliga sökande till anställningen

Lön: Individuell lönesättning tillämpas. Ange löneanspråk i ansökan.

Upplysningar om anställningen lämnas av museichef Mats Eriksson, tel 018-471 26 68 eller 070-4250291 e-post Fackliga företrädare är Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, tel. 018-471 53 80, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST tel. 018-471 19 96 alt. 018-471 1997 och Stefan Djurström, Seko, tel. 018-471 33 15.

Välkommen med din skriftliga ansökan senast den 3 juni, 2013. UFV-PA 2013/1333. Klicka på länken nedan för att komma till ansökningsformuläret.


Learning systematics: new review article

Henrik Nilsson vid Göteborgs universitet tipsar om en ny reviewartikel!

Learning systematics: new review article
Systematics is a large, dynamic research discipline with a substantial methodological component. Learning the field is certainly not done in a flash. A group of international researchers – several of whom Swedish – have just published an open access introductory article aiming at lowering the learning threshold for Ph.D. students and others seeking to expand their knowledge in systematics. The article was written to cover all aspects of a molecular systematics study, from taxon sampling to the publication process. Particular care was taken to include recent trends in the field as well as aspects not regularly treated in other outlets. Although focusing on fungi, much of the paper is fairly general in nature.

Hyde et al. 2013. Incorporating molecular data in fungal systematics: a guide for aspiring researchers. Current Research in Environmental and Applined Mycology 3: 1.32.


The last twenty years have witnessed molecular data emerge as a primary research instrument in most branches of mycology. Fungal systematics, taxonomy, and ecology have all seen tremendous progress and have undergone rapid, far-reaching changes as disciplines in the wake of continual improvement in DNA sequencing technology. A taxonomic study that draws from molecular data involves a long series of steps, ranging from taxon sampling through the various laboratory procedures and data analysis to the publication process. All steps are important and influence the results and the way they are perceived by the scientific community. The present paper provides a reflective overview of all major steps in such a project with the purpose to assist research students about to begin their first study using DNA-based methods. We also take the opportunity to discuss the role of taxonomy in biology and the life sciences in general in the light of molecular data. While the best way to learn molecular methods is to work side by side with someone experienced, we hope that the present paper will serve to lower the learning threshold for the reader.

One of the co-authors of the study, Henrik Nilsson of the University of Gothenburg, with some recent mycological treasures.



PhD Studentship: The evolution of land plants and the assembly of the plant bodyplan

Please draw this exciting PhD opportunity to the attention of suitable applicants. Deadline for applications: May 3rd.

Project: The evolution of land plants and the assembly of the plant bodyplan

Project Details:

Apply Here:

Dr Paul Kenrick
Head of Invertebrates & Plants Division
Department of Earth Sciences | The Natural History Museum | Cromwell Road |

Job announcement: Curator in paleontology, Helsinki

The Finnish Museum of Natural History – LUOMUS ( is an independent institute of the University of Helsinki and the national museum in the field of natural history in Finland. The museum’s duties are to maintain, augment and display its collections, and to conduct related research and education. Natural Sciences Unit is a part of LUOMUS and performs research related to geology, palaeontology and chronological and isotopic methods within a broad operating environment. The institution has a staff of c. 150, of which 15 work in the Natural Sciences Unit.

The Finnish Museum of Natural History is inviting applications for the permanent position of


specialising in palaeontology. The appointment will begin on 1st of October in 2013, or on a later date as agreed.

The curator will be part of the Geology Team of the Natural Sciences Unit. The team is responsible for the mineral, rock, and fossil collections, for participation in the digitising and data management work related to the collections, for research on geology and palaeontology, for teaching in its field, and for participation in the geological survey of Finnish nature. The permanent staff of the team contains two researchers (Curator and Senior Curator) and a Senior Museum Technician.

The Curator performs independent research in the field of palaeontology. As a part of the team, the Curator is responsible for the organisation, management, and expanding of the fossil collections, and for collections-related database work. The Curator participates in the administrative tasks of the Unit. As an expert in the field, the Curator will participate in LUOMUS’s tasks related to societal interaction. The Curator is expected to be active in obtaining external funding, and in supervising research students and junior colleagues. The duties include an annual average teaching load of two ECT credits.

The Curator must hold a doctoral degree in the field of palaeontology and have an international publication record demonstrating competence in research in the field. In addition to scientific merits, general knowledge in geology and palaeontology, readiness for collections-based research and for collections management tasks, activity in obtaining external funding, teaching and supervising experience, proven success in popularisation of research, as well as readiness to support research-based exhibitions, capabilities of societal interaction and good teamwork skills are considered further assets.

The official languages of the University are Finnish and Swedish. Applicants of non-Finnish origin may be exempt from formal language requirements. Proficiency in English is essential.

The salary will be based on levels 5-7 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities (a senior position equivalent to University Lecturer). The salary includes a component based on personal work performance. The position is filled with a 4-month trial period.

Henkilöstö- ja lakiasiain osasto PL 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4), 00014 Helsingin yliopisto Hallintovirasto Puhelin (09) 1911, faksi (09) 191 23993, should enclose with their applications a CV and list of publications, or an academic portfolio containing the same information, and a research plan, as well as any other documents that demonstrate their merits.

Applications should be addressed to the Director of the Finnish Museum of Natural History – LUOMUS, and they must be submitted, together with the required enclosures, to the address: Registrar of the University of Helsinki, P.O. BOX 33 (Yliopistonkatu 4), 00014 UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, Finland, or by e-mail to The deadline for applications is 15th May 2013 at 15.45 Finnish time.

Further information about the duties and salary can be obtained from Dr Markku Oinonen, Director of the Natural Sciences Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History – LUOMUS, email:

This is an unofficial translation of the official announcement, which can be found at (in Finnish).

Jobb tillgängligt: Curator, Professor, and Director of Comparative Biology Initiative

Curator, Professor, and Director of Comparative Biology Initiative

American Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York invites applications and nominations for an outstanding scholar at the Full Curator & Full Professor level with internationally-recognized research and leadership credentials, and demonstrated, ongoing high-impact research productivity and grantsmanship, to provide innovative leadership for a new museum-wide initiative in comparative biology. This initiative will incorporate the work of multiple investigators at the Museum and at collaborating institutions in genomics and phenomics (large-scale phenotypic analysis), aimed at understanding the evolution and relationships of organisms in ways that clarify and illuminate the architecture of life. The successful candidate for this position should show experience and interest in managing large–scale, interdisciplinary, collaborative, multi-institutional projects and is expected to qualify for and be appointed as a tenured full curator in either the Division of Invertebrate Zoology or Vertebrate Zoology, and as a full professor in the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the AMNH. We seek a creative, active, broad-based researcher and dynamic academic leader who interacts well with others and who will utilize the extensive resources the Museum has to offer in the way of collections, research instrumentation and laboratories, teaching and mentoring, exhibition, and public education.

We particularly seek applications from, or nominations of, candidates with a compelling vision for the future trajectory of their science, and for comparative biology in general, and whose research addresses fundamental, cross-disciplinary questions. In addition to the above-noted expectations for high productivity and grantsmanship, the successful candidate will have outstanding communication skills in engaging diverse communities and demonstrated capabilities in management of collaborative projects and decision-making. Experience in interacting with governmental and non-governmental agencies and in fundraising are highly desirable, as are collection-based, field-based and/or computational research. Other responsibilities or opportunities include advising graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, offering courses in the Comparative Biology Ph.D. Program of the Museum’s Richard Gilder Graduate School, institutional service, development activities, and participating in Museum-sponsored exhibits and educational programs.

In addition to applications, we invite recommendations or nominations of potential candidates, and request that these include a resume and contact information for the nominee. Nominations or applications can be submitted to Applicants should submit the following materials electronically, preferably as PDF files, via a single email message to (Subject line: Senior Curator IZ-VZ Search Committee: your name): 1) a cover letter in which you indicate your interest, experience, and qualifications for the position; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) PDF files of up to five recent publications; and 4) names and contact information for five referees (to be contacted by the Museum only for the process of tenure review in the case of a pending appointment). Inquires should be directed to John Flynn, Chair of the Search Committee and Dean of the Richard Gilder Graduate School: Applications or nominations should be received no later than May 10, 2013.

Employer Information:

The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminent scientific and cultural institutions. Since its founding in 1869, the Museum has advanced its global mission to discover, interpret and disseminate information about human cultures, the natural world and the universe through a wide-ranging program of scientific research, education and exhibition. The Museum’s research collections include more than 33 million natural history and cultural objects, and AMNH scientists undertake more than 100 expeditions annually. Science at the Museum includes five academic divisions, the Richard Gilder Graduate School, Sackler Institute of Comparative Genomics, 1 million specimen-capacity Ambrose Monell Cryo Collection, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, high performance computational facilities, Microscopy and Imaging Facility, Southwest Research Station, the largest independent natural history library in the Western Hemisphere, and an array of other scientific facilities and resources.

The American Museum of Natural History is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. The Museum encourages Women, Minorities, Persons with Disabilities, Vietnam Era and Disabled Veterans to apply. The Museum does not discriminate due to age, sex, religion, race, color, national origin, disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other factor prohibited by law.

If special accommodations are needed in applying for this position, please contact the Office of Human Resources at

or 212-768-5108.

ForBio course: Introduction to RADseq

The Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio – invites to the lab course
”Introduction to RADseq”

Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) has recently made it possible to obtain
genome scale sequence data not only from model organisms, but also from species
without available genomic resources. RADseq techniques can be used to
address questions in a wide range of applications in biosystematics such as SNP
discovery and genotyping, genotype-phenotype association mapping, linkage
mapping, QTL analysis, hybridization and gene flow analysis, and population
genetics. More recently, RADseq data has also been used to address problems in
phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies by utilizing information from linked
SNPs in “mini-contigs” obtained from paired end sequencing. This is a
flexible method for people looking to work on both model and non-model

The course will take place June 3-7, 2013 and use the RADseq platform at
Blindern, University of Oslo, Norway.

Application deadline is May 5, 2013.

More information about the course and how to apply can be found at

The course is arranged by the Research school in biosystematics – ForBio. There
is no course fee, and PhD students/postdocs registered at Swedish, Danish, or
Norwegian universities can become ForBio members and will then have travel and
accomodation costs covered by ForBio. For information about ForBio and
membership etc, please see

More information about ticket refunds etc will be sent out after the
application deadline.



Highly motivated and skilled applicants from all countries are invited to apply for a post-doc opportunity in the group of Alexandre Antonelli ( at the University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Sweden, in close collaboration with researchers in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the USA. You will participate in a dynamic and international research environment aimed at disentangling the evolutionary processes underlying biological diversity and its future.

Work tasks

You will help selecting fossil calibration points for dating higher-level phylogenetic trees of all animals and plants. These fossils will be linked to the bioinformatic pipeline in SUPERSMART (Self-Updating Platform for Estimating Rates of Speciation and Migration, Ages and Relationships of Taxa; see You will then use time-calibrated phylogenies to test for correlations between age, species richness, range sizes and extinction threats; temperature fluctuations and changes in diversification rates; among other empirical tests and analyses.

Evaluation criteria

Requirements: Candidates are required to have a PhD and at least two scientific publications and solid experience handling phylogenetic trees. You must also be fluent in English and have excellent communication skills.

Other advantageous skills: The ideal candidate will also have experience in some or several of the following skills: molecular dating; palaeontology; biogeography; bioinformatics including programming/scripting in R, Python or Perl; statistics; GIS; ecological theory and methods.

We are seeking a candidate who is independent, self-motivated, and interested in the use or development of new methods and approaches, in short, a person willing to go beyond the state-of-the-art in the field. We will attach great importance to personal characteristics and independence in learning and working, creativity and documented productivity.

Starting date, duration and conditions

The position is available immediately or upon agreement. Please note that funding for this particular project is provided by a stipend and is therefore not associated with a formal employment at the University, which will nevertheless provide a working desk and all the working facilities given to regular employees.  The grant (in total SEK 240,000) covers a 1-year full-time working duty. There is the possibility to apply for a 1-year extension. Commuting is a possibility if there are special reasons.


The application should consist of a single pdf and include: 1) A short letter with the applicant’s motivation for the application that describes how the applicant meets the selection criteria (max. one A4 page); 2) A list of relevant qualifications (CV; max 5 pages); 3) Complete list of publications, including submitted and accepted manuscripts.

Deadline for applications

Please submit your application, or let me know your interest in the position, as soon as possible. The evaluation process will begin on April 17th. The position will be filled as soon as an appropriate candidate is chosen.

Additional information and enquiries

Associate Professor Alexandre Antonelli. University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences. E-mail