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Available at (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Closing date: February 28, 2013

1) PhD Position. Fixed-term employment, four years

You will test competing hypotheses of diversification for explaining the outstanding diversity in tropical America (including soil specialisation, temperature increases, polyploidy, habitat shifts, biome conservatism and range expansion). To achieve this goal you will carry out extensive fieldwork in Latin America, especially the tropical Andes and Amazonia, to collect plant and soil samples. You will then produce molecular data using next-generation sequencing techniques. Your analyses will include estimation of phylogenies, divergence times, species trees from gene trees, diversification rates, species distribution modelling, and biogeographic reconstructions.

The choice of plant group will depend on the candidate’s previous experience and interests (e.g. during the Masters project). Ideally, the study group should have a wide Neotropical distribution with a centre of species diversity in northern South America, have been recently revised taxonomically, be already relatively well collected, and included in phylogenetic analyses. Please indicate your suggestion of plant group in the motivation letter (this is recommended but not mandatory).

Good communication skills (written and spoken) in English are necessary. Priority will be given to those candidates who have co-authored at least one scientific publication. Fieldwork experience in the tropics, experience working with molecular phylogenetics and/or next-generation sequence data, and language skills in Spanish and/or Portuguese is advantageous. We are seeking a candidate who is independent, self-motivated, and interested in the use or development of new methods and approaches, in short, a person willing to go beyond the state-of-the-art in the field. We will attach great importance to personal characteristics and independence in learning and working, creativity and documented productivity.

For more information and on-line application click HERE 

2) Post-doc. Fixed-term employment, two years

You will carry out research focused on speciation mechanisms in Amazonian plants, particularly palms. Although sympatric speciation is recognized as a driver of ”island” biodiversity (Howea palms, Cichlid fish, apple maggots), it remains to be discovered how it contributes to the mega-biodiversity in Amazonia. The understory palm Geonoma macrostachys is highly suited for this study because significant progress has been made to quantify and understand its complex variation. Responsibilities include extensive fieldwork across western Amazonia (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru); development of next-generation sequence data, analyses and publications; and the training and supervision of graduate students.

Highest priority will be given to candidates with a strong publication record who have fieldwork experience in the tropics and experience with next-generation sequence data. Due to intensive fieldwork in Latin America good language skills in Spanish and/or Portuguese is necessary as well as good communication skills (written and spoken) in English.

A strong background in phylogenetics, biogeography, and species delimitation as well as research experience with palms (taxonomy, phylogenetics, and/or ecology) is meritorious.

We are seeking a candidate who is independent, self-motivated, and interested in the use or development of new methods and approaches, in short, a person willing to go beyond the state-of-the-art in the field. We will attach great importance to personal characteristics and independence in learning and working, creativity and documented productivity.

For more information and on-line application click HERE

Best wishes


Dr. Alexandre Antonelli
Assistant professor, Scientific curator
Gothenburg Botanical Garden
Carl Skottsbergs gata 22A, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden
& Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Gothenburg
Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden
Mobile: + 46 (0) 703 989570

Marine zooplankton: diversity, systematics and biology

STIRS and ForBio proudly announces an advanced course on these fascinating organisms. The course will be held May 27-31, 2013, The Lovén Center for Marine Sciences, Tjärnö (Sweden). Application deadline: May 4, 2013.

Marine zooplankton is a term summarizing an incredibly high diversity of species from 18 animal phyla, partly spending their entire lifetime in the pelagic environment (holoplankton) or having a pelagic (usually larval) life stage (meroplankton). While some holoplanktonic organisms have high ecological impact on marine foodchains, lies much of the biodiversity in the meroplanktonic life stages of benthic animals. Knowledge of appropriate sampling and preparation techniques, identification skills – including a general awareness of changes in morphology due to ontogenetic stages-, and an understanding of taxonomic difficulties are prerequisite for all studies on planktonic organisms.

More information on this exciting course can be found here:


The Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD) is searching for a Collections Manager

The Natural History Museum of Denmark is searching for a Collections Manager to help coordinate and oversee its zoological, botanical, palaeontological, and geological collections. This position will be supervised by the Head of Collections and is open from April 1st 2013.

About the Natural History Museum of Denmark

The Natural History Museum of Denmark is the Danish national museum for zoology, botany and geology, and it contains large global scientific collections of preserved animals, plants, fossils, and minerals. In its current form the museum was established on January 1, 2004 by the merging of four long-standing institutions: the Botanic Garden, the Botanical Museum & Central Library, the Geological Museum, and the Zoological Museum.

Even though the Natural History Museum of Denmark is young, the history of the individual departments and collections can be traced back to the 17th century. A new museum of natural history in the Botanical Garden is being planned ( and will present the museum with a number of big challenges in relation to the coming move of the collections, the establishment of new storage facilities and new exhibits.

The collection support staff collaborates with the Head of Collections, the scientific curators of the museum and the members of the exhibitions department in the curation of specimens, including preparation, preservation, registration, etc.  The collection support staff is organized in a cross-cutting unit under the Head of Collections. The Natural History Museum of Denmark is part of the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen, and therefore host and supervise undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdocs that use the museum collections for their research. The museum is an international institution with many foreign students and researchers and English is widely used as working language.

Primary tasks

*          To assist the Head of Collections with the coordination and management of the zoological, botanical, and geological collections. 

*          To help facilitate the use of these collections by all users, e.g., NHMD Curators and other Scientific Staff, exhibits, students, visiting scientists, and to support the collection management activities of all divisions.

The Collections Manager’s specific responsibilities will include:

*          Management and coordination of collection curation in conformance with NHMD policies and procedures.

*          Help define, formulate and prepare collection management policies, standards and procedures.

*          Actively participate and if required head various collection management committees.

*          Represent the Head of Collection in various committees and professional organizations.

*          Plan, coordinate and implement the move of collections from the old museums storages to new facilities when the new museum is built.

*          Participate in the planning and coordination of new collection facilities in the new museum.

*          Assist with grant-writing to support museum operations and improvements.

*          Coordinate and produce internal as well as external reports on collection matters.

*          Supervision and coordination of collections compliance activities including internal and external reports.

*          Help coordinate the stockroom and the purchase of supplies for collection management.

*          Coordinate the conservation care of the collections.

*          Administrate the loan database at NHMD (users, passwords, reports etc.).

*          Initiate and coordinate relevant tests and measurements of materials and equipment.

*          Other collection related duties as required.

*          If required assist with the curation of selected collection(s) (depending on professional background).

*          If desired participate in fieldwork in Denmark and abroad.


*          MSc in biology, geology, conservation and restoration or related field is required;

*          Collections management experience (from natural history museums).

*          Relevant computer skills.

*          Must be self-directed and have the ability to work independently.

*          Strong social and collaborative skills.

*          Good English language skills are required (spoken and written).

*          Good abilities to communicate orally as well as in writing.

*          Driving license is advantageous.

Additional information

More information about the position can be obtained by contacting the Head of collections, Nikolaj Scharff (phone: +45 35 32 11 07; e-mail: More general information about the Natural History Museum of Denmark is available from our website

Salary and employment conditions are in accordance with the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Academic Trade Union. It is possible to negotiate additional salary according to documented previous experience and special qualifications.


Only electronic applications are accepted. Applications can be submitted in both English and Danish. Send the application including a C.V. and documentation of relevant experience by clicking the ”Apply online”-button at Deadline for applications is Friday February 15 2013.

The University of Copenhagen welcomes applications from suitably qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Svenska artprojektet går vidare

Regeringsbeslut om mål och inriktning för Svenska artprojektet dröjer. För att inte ytterligare tappa tempo har SLU nu bestämt att gå vidare i arbetet med att fastställa mål och inriktning och hantera den minskade budgeten.

Artprojektet har fått 10 mkr mindre i årets budget och ett uppdrag att redan 15 maj föreslå ytterligare besparingar. Verksamheten lider av att inte ha tydliga mål och personalen är mycket orolig, vilket gör det nödvändigt att agera nu.

− När regeringen meddelat sitt beslut om inriktning för Svenska artprojektet så kommer vi vid behov att anpassa vad vi bestämt, säger Johan Bodegård chef för ArtDatabanken.

Neddragningarna i budgeten kommer även att drabba museerna och forskningen vilket vi är mycket ledsna för. Vi kommer att samråda med våra samarbetspartners i projektet om hur den minskade budgeten ska hanteras.

Vi ser ett behov av att prioritera utveckling av system för digital publicering av artinformation. Därför behöver vi skjuta upp bokutgivningen tillsvidare. Två volymer kommer dock att publiceras 2013 respektive 2014. Ambitionen är att bokverket ska knytas ihop på något sätt, hur får vi återkomma till.

− Jag vill rikta ett särskilt tack till våra samarbetspartners bland forskare och museer för deras starka stöd och det fantastiska jobb de gör. Jag vill också tacka alla andra som engagerar sig för artprojektet, framhåller Johan Bodegård. Tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners vill vi nu utveckla projektet efter de nya förutsättningarna.

ArtDatabanken vill att Sverige ska fortsätta att gå i Linnés spår. Vi har en stark tro på att kunskapen från artprojektet är mycket viktig för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden.

Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST) courses

Dear all,

The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST, continues to provide high-quality training to future taxonomists. Courses are open to participants from both inside and outside of Europe.

Upcoming courses within the Modern Taxonomy programme:

 – DNA-Barcoding course (Paris, 1-5 April 2013): registration open soon

– Zoological Nomenclature (Paris, 20-24 May 2013): registration deadline 31 January 2013

Upcoming courses within the Expert-in-training programme (Registration deadline 31 January 2013):

– Tropical Plant Identification Course (Kew, U.K.)

– Systematics of freshwater subterranean Malacostraca (Ljubljana, Slovenia) – Family level identification of Coleoptera (London, U.K.)

– Entomological research in protected areas (Firenze, Italy) – Training in Entomology (special. Hymenoptera Symphyta) (Ferrara, Italy)

– Elasmobranch teeth enameloid microstructure (Copenhagen, Denmark)

For both programmes, DEST is offering a number of grants to help defray expenses associated with course attendance, travel and accommodation. In allocating grants, priority will be given to selected participants coming from economically less-favoured regions.

Thank you for spreading the word,

Dr Hendrik Gheerardyn

Dr Isabella Van de Velde

— DEST Training

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel

Tel: 32 2 627 43 34 (336)

Dear all,

As the world didn’t end December 21 there’s no reason why you shouldn’t
register and submit your abstracts for the third annual ForBio meeting before
the deadline January 20.

Below is the invitation again – hope to se you all!

The research school in biosystematics – ForBio – is happy to welcome you to
its third annual meeting March 4-6 2013 at Quality Hotel 33 in Oslo.

Our aim is to bring together scientist in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark from a
variety of backgrounds, all working with biosystematics. Leading experts in
several fields will give talks, and we invite you to use this meeting as an
opportunity to present and discuss your own research.

The meeting is open to anyone interested in biosystematics, and we especially
encourage ForBio members and their supervisors to participate. This year the
meeting will span three days in an attempt to accommodate all ForBio members
who want to give an oral research presentation.

ForBio will cover travel and accommodation costs for ForBio members who present
their research (oral or poster). There is no conference or dinner fee.

Please note that the conference will be followed by a bioinformatics workshop
(March 7-8) and you can register for the workshop when you register for the
annual meeting. More information on the workshop can be found at

Registration and abstract submission deadline is January 20, 2013. Please find
more information about the ForBio meeting and how to register at
Confirmed invited speakers:
Dr. Malin Strand, Sven Lovén Centre of Marine Sciences Tjärnö, Sweden
Dr. Julia Sigwart, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Dr. Sarah Bourlat, Gothenburg University, Sweden
Dr. Susan Weller, University of Minnesota, USA

All welcome!

ForBio field courses on Greenland

The Research school in biosystematics – ForBio invites members and associates to participate in field courses on Greenland 2013.

We offer a terrestrial course covering vascular plants and arthropods July 15 – August 1, and a marine course September 9 – 27.

More information can be found at

Questions regarding the terrestrial course can be directed to Heidi Solstad ( and Christiane Todt ( can answer questions about the marine course.

Registration deadline is January 31.