Arrangörerna av Systematikdagarna 2019 i Göteborg hälsar att vi ska boka in den 18-19 november. Mer information och anmälan kommer efter sommaren.
Kategoriarkiv: Konferens
8th International Barcode of Life Conference
Dear friends and colleagues,
I would like to make you aware of the upcoming International Barcode of Life Conference in Trondheim, Norway (June 17-20, 2019). The abstract submission deadline has just been extended to January 25, so there is still time to submit your paper. For detailed guidelines please see here: We need this early deadline in order to run a proper review process of all abstracts before publication in the journal Genome.
Although abstracts can be submitted before registration, please do not hesitate to register. Payment can be made by both credit card or invoice:
Interested in news about the conference? Check out our news section and follow @norwbol on Twitter.
More on the program and invited speakers on our website:
Hope to see you there!
Torbjørn Ekrem, PhD
Professor of biosystematics, NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History
Coordinator Norwegian Barcode of Life (NorBOL)
Last day for early bird registration for Systematikdagarna!
The deadline for early bird registration for Systematikdagarna 2018, to be held in Lund on November 26 and 27, is October 31! Remember to register and send in an abstract if you would like to give a presentation! A preliminary schedule for the meeting is given on where you will also find a link to the registration web page. Two plenary talks will pave the way for the rest of the conference. On Monday 26 November, Catarina Rydin (Stockholm University) will talk about the macroevolution of the mysterious Gnetales, and on Tuesday 27 November, Martin Irestedt (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet) will tell us about the power of museomics for understanding bird of paradise phylogenetics. We have several invited speakers as well, Nicolas Chazot (University of Gothenburg), Petra Korall (Uppsala University), Martin Ryberg (Uppsala University), Johannes Bergsten (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet) and Jadranka Rota (Lund University).
Come and share your latest research on the systematics of life! Welcome to Lund!
Best regards,
Niklas Wahlberg (main organiser)
Anmälan öppen till Systematikdagarna i Lund!
Nu kan du anmäla dig till Systematikdagarna i Lund 26-27 November! Anmäl dig till reducerad avgift senast 31 oktober! Sedan blir det dyrare.
Registration open for Systematikdagarna in Lund! Early-bird registration (lower fee) available until 31 October.
Mer information och anmälan / More information and registration
Systematikdagarna 26-27/11 in Lund
Årets Systematikdagarna kommer att äga rum i Lund 26-27 november. Tipsa kollegorna och boka in datumet redan nu! Mer information och anmälan kommer efter sommaren.
This year’s Systematikdagarna conference will take place in Lund 26-27 November. More information in August!
Inga Systematikdagar men Systematikmöte 2017!
Systematikmöte 2017
Datum/Tid Datum 2017-10-23 10:00 – 16:30
Eftersom Systematikföreningen är med och arrangerar den stora systematikkonferensen BioSyst.EU i Göteborg den 15-18 augusti, blir det inga vanliga Systematikdagar 2017. Istället blir det ett kortare evenemang i samband med föreningens årsmöte den 23 oktober:
Systematics – a future perspective
A joint meeting focusing on future research areas, career strategies, networks and cross-thinking
- When: October 23:rd 2017 at 10.00-16.30
- Location: Lilla föreläsningssalen at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm (Frescativägen 40, T-bana Universitet)
Welcome to an inspiration day!
Besides performing the yearly meeting for Svenska Systematikföreningen we invite you to discuss the future and strategies for systematists. The idea is to focus on possible career steps and, in a positive sense, how Systematics can meet future needs.
This day is of course open for all members of Svenska Systematikföreningen in addition to scientists and researchers working within the fields of Systematics (or adjacent fields) as well as biology students, master students, PhD students and postdocs interested in these subjects. The meeting is arranged by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI) / Svenska artprojektet and Svenska Systematikföreningen in collaboration with the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM).
Preliminary content and sessions:
- Strategies for an academic career in Systematics and Taxonomy. Invited speakers tell their own stories, including active choices and coincidences, and the pros and cons on collaborations with other scientific fields (e.g. bioinformatics, conservation biology, big data, citizen science, ecology, biodiversity, climate research).
- Non-academic career – does it exist? Invited speaker/s on subjects like: Are systematics and taxonomy needed outside the universities and museums? How can our capabilities or competences be used and utilized in Swedish governmental conservation work? Can citizen associations and environmental protection agencies use systematists and taxonomists?
- Advice and strategies for research applications. Invited speaker/s on questions like: How is the reasoning and thoughts in an application board? What is a good application? Why are applications rejected?
- Future research areas – e.g. priorities within artprojektet/artprojekten. Invited speaker/s and panel discussion on the future for systematists, and how to modernize and take these scientific fields to the next era.
- Annual meeting – årsmöte Svenska Systematikföreningen. In Swedish.
Registration and more information
Registration fee 200 SEK. A modest lunch and fika are included. Please register at Note: If you have an account on log in before filling out the registration form!
For more information, please contact, Secretary Svenska Systematikföreningen or, Scientific Coordinator Svenska artprojektet.
Welcome to Göteborg on April 19: Scott Edwards’ lecture and inauguration of GGBC
Welcome to Scott Edward’s public lecture and inauguration of the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre
Date: April 19, 2017
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Conference Centre Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20 A, Wallenbergsalen, Göteborg
14.00 Welcome! – Karin Hårding, GoCas representative
14.05 Pam Fredman, rektor GU
14.10 Stefan Bengtsson, rektor Chalmers
14.15 Alexandre Antonelli, director Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre
14.25-15.10 Scott Edwards (Harvard University), Origins of Biodiversity: Birds, Dinosaurs and DNA
15.10-15.30 Questions and discussion
15.30-16.00 Coffee, cake and continued discussions. Informal poster session.
Origins of Biodiversity: Birds, Dinosaurs and DNA
Although we know from paleontology that dinosaurs are still among us in the form of birds today, it is less clear how dinosaur genomes changed to evolve into the streamlined, feathery creatures that are now found throughout the globe. In this talk we will take a journey starting from the dinosaur ancestors of birds and learn how modern genomics and evolutionary theory can tell us not only what dinosaur genomes looked like, but also the key events in DNA that transformed dinosaurs into birds. It is a fascinating story covering over 200 million years of evolution, and gives us insight into how birds are coping with modern pressures of human-induced global changes.
From early April to June 2017, Professor Scott V. Edwards from Harvard University is leading researchers from biology, medicine, mathematics, physics and computer science in a joint effort to reach new insights in the evolution of biodiversity on earth.
More information at:
Swedish press release at:
Systematikdagarna early-bird deadline approaching
Remember to register for Systematikdagarna 2016 (21-22 November in Uppsala)! Monday 31 October is the last day to register before the fee increases. More information and registration:
Dagordning till Systematikföreningens årsmöte 2016
Som tidigare meddelats kommer Systematikföreningens årsmöte att äga rum under Systematikdagarna 2016 som pågår 21-22 november i Uppsala.
- Mötet öppnas
- Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
- Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
- Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
- Revisionsberättelse
- Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
- Val av ordförande för föreningen
- Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
- Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
- Val av valberedning på tre personer
- Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
- Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
- BioSyst EU 2017
- Ev. övriga ärenden
- Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
- Mötet avslutas
Registration for Systematikdagarna 2016
There have been some problems with confirmation e-mails for those who have registered for Systematikdagarna 2016. I have now experimented with the settings, and hope that it works better now. If you have tried to register, but not yet received a confirmation e-mail, please let me know at (replace SNABELA with @)!
Systematikdagarna 2016 will take place in Uppsala 21-22 November. Last day to register at reduced fee is 31 October. Programme and registration:
And sorry to those of you who might have received multiple confirmation e-mails!