Hennig XXXI Meeting

The Thirty First Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society, under the auspices of University of California Riverside will be held on June 23-27 2012 at the beautiful and historic Mission Inn.

Details of the meeting symposia, registration and abstract submission can be found at http://www.cladistics.org/meetings.html

 Up to 5 Kurt Milton Pickett Intercontinental Travel Awards not to exceed $1000  will be given for student travel between continents.

Up to 10 Marie Stopes Travel Awards not to exceed $500 will be given for travel within the same continent as the meeting.

Botany 2012 conference information

Information om botanikkonferens med klara systematiska inslag, som kom via IAPTs sändlista.


The organizers of the Botany 2012 conference are pleased that IAPT will be joining us for our annual botany conference in Columbus, Ohio, July 7-11, 2012. I am the organizer of the systematics portion of the conference and I am writing with some information about the conference for those of you who are not regular attendees of our annual meeting.

We anticipate having roughly 1000 attendees at Botany 2012. The conference covers all areas of botany, but systematics is the largest portion of the conference. This year we will have a number of symposia, colloquia and other special sessions that are related to plant systematics, plus the many contributed papers and posters. In addition, there are workshops, field trips, and other activities that hopefully will be of interest. Details on symposia and other offerings are available on the conference web site (http://www.2012.botanyconference.org<http://www.2012.botanyconference.org/>

The conference web site is now open for abstract submissions and conference registration. Abstract submission deadline is 1 April. Early registration discount rates are good until 15 June. Feel free to contact me with any questions about abstract submission or conference registration.

I would like to make a couple quick points for your information:

Paper submissions- if you will be submitting a contributed paper you may submit it to a disciplinary section (e.g., Systematics Section/ASPT), or you may submit to a ”Topic” session that crosses disciplines. You will see a list of these as you begin the abstract submission process. The most relevant one for systematists is ”Biogeography.” If your paper has a primary focus on a biogeography (or phylogeography) question you should consider submitting it to the biogeography topic (which I also organize). Of course you are free to submit a paper to any section or topic that is appropriate.
The same information applies to poster submissions. Contributed papers are
15 minutes in length, inclusive of time for questions.

The ASPT banquet will be held on Tuesday night. You can order tickets when you register for the conference. Note that discounted price tickets are available for students. We hope that you will join us for the mixer and banquet.

Field trips- The annual conference always has a great selection of field trips for attendees. You can find information about field trips on the conference web site.

Registration- The registration process on the web site is quite straightforward. When you register for the conference you will use a ”ConferenceID” (for BSA members this is the same as your ”BotanyID”). If you are not a member of BSA you will need to set up a ConferenceID. You will find instructions on the web page. You can go back to your registration later on the web site and add tickets for banquets or field trips if necessary. But field trips do fill up and it is often too late to purchase banquet tickets on site at the conference so be sure to do this online as soon as possible.

When you register for the conference please be sure to check the box for IAPT membership (and other societies if appropriate). Registration rate is reduced for members of participating societies.

We look forward to you joining us in Columbus. Let me know if you have any questions.

With best wishes,


Patrick Herendeen
ASPT and BSA Systematics Section Program Director Chicago Botanic Garden

PhD Fellowship in Systematic Botany at the Natural History Museum of Denmark

A fully funded PhD fellowship on phylogenetics of tribe Cinchoneae (Rubiaceae) is available from 01-05-2012 or soon thereafter in the Botany group at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The fellowship will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary 3-year research project entitled: ”The quest for Cinchona – a phylogenetic tale” co-financed by the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen and the Carlsbergfoundation. The research project is international and includes several collaborators in Denmark, Sweden and Latin America.

Project area

The PhD student will be conducting extensive fieldwork with local collaborators in Latin America (e.g. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia) to collect material of Rubiaceae tribe Cinchoneae. The project will include DNA-sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of tribe Cinchoneae. The phylogeny of tribe Cinchoneae will be used to address various questions within the larger project exploring the quest for Cinchona such as diversification, correlation with plant defensive chemistry, biogeography of the Andes, population genetics, taxonomy etc. depending on the development of the project and the student’s background and interests.

Primary supervisor is Associate Professor Nina Rønsted, The Natural History Museum of Denmark. Co-supervisors are Alexandre Antonelli, Gothenburg Botanical Garden, and Claes Persson, Gothenburg University (Sweden).

The applicant must be prepared for extensive periods of fieldwork in Latin America (e.g. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia) and research exchange at Gothenburg Botanical Garden and Gothenburg University (Sweden) is envisioned.


a) MSc in biology or related area, preferably with a strong background in systematic botany.

b) Tropical field experience (botanical collection) is an advantage.

c) Experience with molecular techniques (DNA sequencing) and phylogenetic analysis is an advantage.

e) Ability to independently run research projects, in particular in the field away from day-to-day supervision.

f) Excellent English speaking, reading and writing skills are required.

g) Spanish speaking and reading is an advantage due to extensive fieldwork in Latin America.

Place of employment and principal place of work

Botanic Garden and Museum, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Sølvgade 83, Opg. S, DK-1307 Copenhagen.

Terms of employment

The successful PhD candidate will be offered a full-time Ph.D. position for a period of three years, contingent on a satisfactory performance, with the specific intent that it results in a Ph.D. degree and scientific publications. It is a prerequisite for the appointment as a Ph.D.-fellow, that the person concerned can be registered as a Ph.D. fellow according to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Executive Order no 18 of 14. January 2008. Information about the Ph.D. programs at the Faculty of Science can be found at http://www.science.ku.dk/phd/.

The salary depends on seniority, as agreed between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations within the range of 23,000-30,000 DKK/month (approximately 3,100-4,000 Euro/month).

Further information can be obtained from Associate Professor Nina Rønsted (e-mail: nronsted@snm.ku.dk). General information on the botany group and the Natural History Museum of Denmark can be found at www.snm.ku.dk.

How to apply

Applications must include (i) a motivation for the application with statement of your research interests (0.5 A4 page), (ii) curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages), (iii) list of publications, (iv) a copy of MSc diploma and grade transcript, (v) a short abstract of the M.Sc. thesis or equivalent, and (vi) the names, e-mails, telephone numbers and addresses of 2-3 referees.

The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant and match with the project. In addition, fulfillment of the above mentioned qualifications will be an advantage.

Applications should be sent electronically by using the link below.

Deadline for applications is 01-04-2012. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Apply online (Full link: https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/ApplicationForm.cfm?PortalID=3789&VacatureID=202806)

 Københavns Universitet er Danmarks ældste universitet, grundlagt 1479, og hører til blandt de største i Norden og de højest rangerende i Europa. Universitetet består af otte fakulteter, som omfatter biovidenskab, farmaceutisk videnskab, humaniora, jura, naturvidenskab, samfundsvidenskab, sundhedsvidenskab og teologi. www.ku.dk

Frist: 01-04-2012

Arbejdsgiver: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet

Webseminarium om RevBayes ikväll kl 20:00

Ikväll kl 20:00 svensk tid anordnar phyloseminar.org en intressant videokonferens om RevBayes. Om du vill ta del av seminariet bör du så snart som möjligt följa instruktionerna på deras hemsida för att ansluta (man behöver bl a skaffa ett konto och installera en java-klient). Mer info om föredraget:

”RevBayes: An R like Environment for Bayesian phylogenetic inference”
John P. Huelsenbeck and Sebastian Höhna (UC Berkeley and Stockholm University)


RevBayes is a computer program that uses directed acyclic graphs
(DAG’s) to specify any type of model, to hold the model and data in
memory, and to compute the likelihood of the parameters of the model.
DAG’s provide a framework for the construction of modular models.
Models can easily be extended and/or parts of the model exchanged
(e.g., the substitution process and clock model) and several models
can be combined. The design of RevBayes should allow the
implementation of any extension to existing models. RevBayes is mainly
developed for Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, but it can be extended
to any inference on probabilistic models.

In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the concept of DAG’s
and how they are used to construct a model. Once the model is
specified, I will show how to simulate new observations under the
model and how to estimate its parameters. I will demonstrate this in
the RevLanguage, which is an R-like language for building DAG’s for
phylogenetic problems. The RevLanguage is used interactively to
specify the model, as done with R. I will show how a full phylogenetic
model is specified, step-by-step. I will mainly focus on various
standard substitution models, relaxed clock models, and divergence
times priors. Specifically, I will show a new birth-death model with
speciation and extinction rates varying over time and use this in a
integrative analysis. In the integrative analysis I condition only on
the alignment (only the alignment is considered to be known) and
estimate the tree and divergence times simultaneously as well as the
speciation and extinction rates.

West Coast USA:         11:00 (11:00 AM) on Wednesday, February 29
East Coast USA:         14:00 (02:00 PM) on Wednesday, February 29
England:        19:00 (07:00 PM) on Wednesday, February 29
France:         20:00 (08:00 PM) on Wednesday, February 29
Japan:  04:00 (04:00 AM) on Thursday, March 01
New Zealand:    08:00 (08:00 AM) on Thursday, March 01


Till enheten för biodiversitetsinformatik söks två postdoktorer inom bioinformatik.

Du kommer att arbeta med forskning och utveckling av fylogenetiska beräkningar, vilka har stor användning inom livsvetenskaperna. Vår grupp är en av de ledande i världen när det gäller Bayesiansk statistisk inferens inom detta område. I det aktuella projektet utvecklar vi en R-liknande beräkningsmiljö för att konstruera avancerade evolutionära modeller för simuleringar och Bayesiansk inferens. Du förväntas bidra till utvecklingen av denna miljö samtidigt som du driver ett självständigt forskningsprojekt där fylogenetiska beräkningar intar en central roll.

Du har en doktorsexamen inom bioinformatik eller inom matematik, statistik, datavetenskap eller biologi med inriktning mot bioinformatik. Examen ska ha avlagts högst tre år före ansökningstidens utgång. Du måste behärska matematiska och statistiska resonemang, vara en talangfull programmerare och ha erfarenhet av arbete med viktiga empiriska problem.

Vi förväntar oss att du är kreativ och van att arbeta både självständigt och i grupp. Du måste ha goda kunskaper i engelska, såväl skriven som talad. Vi kommer att fästa stor vikt vid vetenskaplig skicklighet och potential.

Tillträde enligt överenskommelse. Anställningarna är på heltid och tidsbegränsade till att pågå under två år.

Upplysningar om tjänsterna lämnas av professor Fredrik Ronquist, chef för enheten för biodiversitetsinformatik. Fackliga företrädare är Bodil Kajrup för SACO-S och Niklas Jönsson för ST. Samtliga nås på telefonnummer 08-519 540 00.

Ansökan ska innehålla ett personligt brev, en beskrivning av det planerade forskningsprojektet samt CV. Märk ansökan med dnr 33-119/2012, och skicka den till rekrytering@nrm.se eller till Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Box 50007, 104 05 STOCKHOLM, senast den 15 mars 2012. Betyg och övriga handlingar tas med vid eventuell intervju.

Application deadline March 2 for Hymenoptera course at Tovetorp

We are pleased to announce the fourth offering of
HYM Course (http://hymcourse.org/), scheduled for
August 5–12, 2012 at Tovetorp Zoological
Research Station, Sweden

The main objective of HYM Course is to provide
participants with knowledge and experience in
identifying parasitic and predatory wasps,
sawflies, wood wasps, bees, and ants. Information
on natural history is also presented, and that
information is reinforced with fieldwork.
Techniques used to collect, rear, preserve, and
curate specimens are presented in a hands-on
manner to allow participants to learn directly by

The course is limited to 25 participants.
Applications are due March 2, 2012. Students in
Sweden are eligible for financial aid through the
Swedish Taxonomy Initiative. Please visit the HYM
Course website (http://hymcourse.org/) for
details, including information on how to apply,
costs for taking the course, and logistics of
travel to and within Sweden.

We look forward to seeing you in Sweden!

Instructors, HYM Course 2012

Doktoranddag – karriärplanering

Tisdagen 8 maj anordnar Svenska Systematikföreningen, i samarbete med Svenska artprojektets forskarskola och Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, en doktoranddag med fokus på karriärplanering inom forskning för doktorander och nydisputerade inom ämnesområdet systematik. Vi kommer att ta upp och diskutera möjligheterna att hitta försörjning inom forskningsbranchen, forskningsfinansiärer och beredningsprocessen, meriter och meritvärdering, postdoc och ansökningsskrivande. Alla doktorander inom systematikområdet och angränsande fält är varmt välkomna, liksom nydisputerade systematiker!

Mer detaljer kring dagen kommer att distribueras via denna hemsida senare, samt till de som hör av sig och anmäler intresse.

Plats: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, konferensrum 525

Föreläsare: Mats Wedin (mats.wedin@nrm.se) + några inbjudna som delar med sig av sina postdoc-erfarenheter

Anmälan: Rikard Sundin (Rikard.Sundin@slu.se)


The Distributed European School of Taxonomy is offering a five day training course on BIOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE at the MNHN in Paris. This training will provide an overview of the history and epistemology of biological nomenclature, and a discussion of the relationships between phylogeny, taxonomy and nomenclature. The zoological and botanical codes will be presented in detail, the other codes more briefly. Recent problems and projects of nomenclature, including alternative systems, will be discussed. The training will combine lectures with practical exercises on zoological and botanical nomenclature and on transforming phylogenetic data into a taxonomy and a nomenclature.


Deadline for registration is approaching: 1 March 2012

Course dates: 28 May – 1 June 2012

Course venue: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France 

Tutor: Prof. Alain Dubois

Target audience: MSc students, PhD students, early career researchers; from Europe as well as outside of Europe

Detailed information and registration at:



Furthermore, several new training courses within the Expert-in-training programme are open for registration:


Training courses within this programme last between one and four weeks, and aim at enhancing practical research skills (morphological and molecular techniques, bio-informatics, etc.) through on-the-job-training. The programme includes a wide variety of subjects, from insects and lizards up to primates.

Have a look now as registration deadlines are getting near.


New training providers are most welcome to participate in training delivery within the Distributed European School of Taxonomy. For more information, please mail us at dest-training@naturalsciences.be or have a look at:



Thank you for spreading the word,

Hendrik Gheerardyn

Isabella Van de Velde

DEST Training




Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

Vautierstraat 29, B-1000 Brussel

Tel. 32 2 627 43 34 (336)


Linking the palynological, palaeobotanical and molecular records

Submissions are open to the following symposium:

”Neogene global tectonic and climatic change as drivers in plant evolution: Linking the palynological, palaeobotanical and molecular records” (under theme: ”Cenozoic plants and biosphere surrounding them”)

– a symposium at the International Palynological Conference (23-30th of August, 2012; Tokyo, Japan); http://www.psj3.org/ipc-iopc2012/Welcome.html

Synopsis: The Neogene period represents the transition to our modern world, when crucial geographical features such as topographic relief, drainage patterns and oceanic currents were laid out. It also represents the run-up to the ‘icehouse’ world with final bleeps of a ‘greenhouse’ during the Middle Miocene (c. 15 Ma) and Middle Pliocene (c. 4 Ma). The combined effects of global tectonic and climatic change was critical for floral and faunal evolution, but also determined present biodiversity patterns, particularly this latter aspect was only identified by scientists in recent years.  Interdisciplinary studies in geological history, palynology, palaeobotany and molecular phylogeny potentially can offer new insights into our understanding of plant evolution and diversification. In this session we encourage palynologists, palaeobotanists and molecular biologists who work at the interface of their disciplines to present their research on the Neogene evolution of plants and algae in geologically dynamic regions from all over the globe and from both marine and/or continental settings. The insights gained from this type of research are relevant when modeling the impact of future climatic change, but also where it concerns drafting guidelines for conservation policies in regions of high biodiversity.


Dr. Carina Hoorn
Palaeo-ecology and Landscape Ecology, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: M.C.Hoorn@uva.nl

Dr. Andre Pardo
Universidad de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Calle 65 No. 26-10, Manizales, Colombia
Email: apardo66@yahoo.com

Dr. Alexandre Antonelli
Gothenburg Botanical Garden & University of Gothenburg, Carl Skottsbergs gata 22, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden
Email: alexandre.antonelli@gu.se

Marint naturreservat i Gräsö skärgård


Sverige har idag fått sitt näst största marina naturreservat inrättat. Naturreservatet omfattar Gräsö östra skärgård och mäter 54 000 hektar. Det utgör det största reservatet i Uppsala län och omfattar både undervattensmiljöer och öar. Vi tackar landshövding och handläggare på länsstyrelsen som jobbat med frågan i många år!

Foto: WixPix Stephen Clegg.

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