The Prinzessin Therese von Bayern Chair of Systematics, Biodiversity & Evolution of Plants at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich led by Prof. Gudrun Kadereit is offering a PhD position in the framework of the DFG-SPP1991 TaxonOMICS, supervised by Dr. Anze Zerdoner Calasan.
Reminder: Sign up – Centennial anniversary of the ecotype concept 29th of November
This year is the centennial anniversary of the ecotype concept, which was coined by the Swedish geneticist Göte Turesson in 1922. Since then, the ecotype has served – and is still serving – as a focal concept in evolutionary ecology, especially in studies of the interaction between plants and their environment. The concept and methods introduced by Turesson have also had a large impact on the assessment of phenotypic variation for crop improvement, in its modern form known as ”envirotyping”. Turesson got his basic education in Biology at the University of Washington, USA. He returned to Sweden and received his PhD from Lund University in 1923. He was active in southern Sweden until 1935 when he became a professor in systematic botany and genetics at the Agricultural College at Ultuna outside Uppsala.
We plan to celebrate the anniversary by organizing a symposium on 29th November together with the annual NordPlant meeting on “Envirotyping for plant breeding and precision agriculture” which takes place the day after, 30th November. Both meetings are located at Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Lund University. The symposium will be in a hybrid format, with the option to participate online.
The programme on 29th November starts with a welcome reception between 08.30-09.15, followed by a general introduction and then a presentation of the historical context of the ecotype concept by Anna Tunlid (Lund University). Invited specialists will present different aspects of present-day applications of the ecotype concept. See attached program.
You now can now sign up for participation at the symposium from this net page:
Note that the number of seats is limited for the lunch and symposium dinner, so please sign up as soon as possible, not later than Sunday 20 November. However, it is possible to sign up later if you plan to attend remotely (through zoom) or do not plan to join the lunch and symposium dinner.
Organizers: Stefan Andersson, Nils Cronberg, Magne Friberg, Mikael Hedrén, Øystein Opedal from Lund University and Helena Persson from SLU Alnarp
Sponsors: Elly Olssons fond, Mendelian Society in Lund
PhD position Systematic Botany, specifically orchid systematics and conservation genetics
Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 40 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.
Systematics, colonization history och conservation strategies for two Scandinavian orchid species, Nigritella nigra and Pseudorchis albida
The task of documenting biodiversity and implementing such knowledge in conservation programmes requires good knowledge about within-species variation patterns, how genetic diversity is distributed within species, how genetic diversity is correlated with other factors of importance, and how genetic diversity matters in long-term evolution and conservation. Knowledge about the genetic level is frequently lacking in conservation planning, but here we will extract critical data that help us to preserve two specis of orchids that have become increasingly rare in Scandinavia during the last century, Pseudorchis albida and Nigritella nigra.
The project is based on molecular data obtained by modern sequencing technology. For each species we will describe the genetic diversity structure overall, compare populations from original and semi-natural growth sites, and compare historical and extant populations from the cultural landscape. We will also clarify taxonomic positions and colonization history.
The project involves field collection of samples for DNA extraction in Scandinavia, laboratory studies by hy-RAD and RAD sequencing, bioinformatics, population genetics and phylogenetic analyses. The results should be used, i.a., to formulate recommendations for continued conservation projects and possibly also reintroduction programmes.
The project requires collaboration with local conservationists as well as nature protection agencies at both regional and national levels.
Admission requirements
- A MSC in Biology with emphasis on systematic botany, evolutionary botany, conservation genetics, phylogenomics or a related field.
- Excellent oral and written proficiency in English.
- Demonstrated ability for analytical and independent work.
- Practical experience of and aptitude in molecular laboratory work.
- Practical experience of and interest in conducting biological field work.
In addition to the mandatory requirements, documented experience in the following areas will be considered as strong merits:
- General knowledge and interest in floristics and systematic botany
- A particular interest in the systematics and the conservation of indigenous orchids in Northern Europe
- Driving license.
- Sufficient capability in Scandinavian languages to read texts written in Swedish or Norwegian and to enable oral communication on the general level in the subject area.
- Experience of biological field work
- Experience of data management and bioinformatics.
- Experience of hands-on molecular DNA work including DNA extraction, DNA library preparation and quality assessment.
For a full description of the position, and how to apply, see:
In English:
In Swedish:
Tenure-track assistant Professor and Curator of BotanyThe Natural History Museum of DenmarkFaculty of ScienceUniversity of Copenhagen
The Natural History Museum of Denmark, part of the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen, is looking for a Tenure-track Assistant Professor and Curator of Botany to start 1st June 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.
About the job
The Natural History Museum of Denmark is seeking excellent candidates for a position as Tenure-track Assistant Professor and Curator of Botany. The successful candidate will be part of the Botany Section and is expected to have expertise in either vascular plants or mycology. As Assistant-Professor and Curator of Botany at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, you will be part of a dynamic team working on one of the largest museum projects in Scandinavia in the past fifty years.
The job is dedicated to collection-based research (systematics, taxonomy, biodiversity conservation or other relevant fields) and other museum duties, including scientific curation and public engagement. The curatorial work will focus on the botanical and mycological specimens in Herbarium C and in the Botanical Garden. This includes digitising the collections and making them available as an open-access resource for researchers, educators and other stakeholders; providing access to collections for national and international users; increasing the collections through active fieldwork, donations, acquisitions, etc. Other responsibilities include research-based teaching and student supervision.
The successful candidate will show strong potential to establish a productive, collections-based research program, supported by external funding, which will complement and enhance existing strengths within the Botany Section and the Museum. They will have a broad interest in museums, collections and engaging with the public and ideally have experience in scientific curation and public engagement. It is an advantage if the candidate has some university-level teaching experience from relevant courses.
Assessment of applicants will primarily consider their level of documented, internationally competitive research. The ability to attract external funding will be considered together with outreach qualifications. Teaching qualifications are not mandatory but documented teaching qualifications and teaching experience will be considered.
Six overall criteria apply for assistant professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria (research, teaching, societal impact, organisational contribution, external funding and leadership) are considered a framework for the overall assessment of candidates. Furthermore, each candidate must be assessed according to the specific requirements stated in the job advertisement. Please read more at
About Us
Natural history museums have never been more important. The impact of climate change and anthropogenic forces on biodiversity has reached a critical point. We need action to build a more sustainable relationship with nature. The Natural History Museum of Denmark is the national museum for nature. We work to empower citizens to connect with nature with the aim to create positive change for life on Earth. We want to inspire, engage and enable people to enjoy, understand, and care for the diversity of the natural world.
We are currently building a new Danish national museum for nature. One big museum site, in the Botanical Garden, in the centre of Copenhagen, will host state-of-the-art laboratories, outstanding research collections, new public galleries, and combined facilities for programming, education, and citizen science. Over the next few years, the museum aims to change the way people think about and use natural history museums.
The Botanical collections contain approximately 2.9 million specimens from all over the World. The vascular plants of Herbarium C are distributed across three individual herbaria: The General herbarium, the Greenland herbarium and the Danish herbarium. Additionally, the Botanical collections comprise Bryophyte, Algal and Lichen herbaria and a Fungarium. Founded in 1600, the Botanical Garden is one of Europe’s oldest and covers 10 hectares. It houses approximately 10,000 different plant species both outdoors and in greenhouses, including a number of endangered species.
The Natural History Museum of Denmark supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in all aspects of museum activities.
Copenhagen is a highly diverse and international Scandinavian capital with a green profile. Education is free and childcare is subsidized. Public transport is well developed, and most Copenhageners take their bikes to work. There are lots of green areas in and around Copenhagen, the water in the harbour is clean enough for swimming, and the city has multiple museums and other cultural venues. The University of Copenhagen was founded in 1479 and is the largest in Denmark. The collections at the Natural History Museum of Denmark date back more than 400 years.
Read more about The Natural History Museum of Denmark at and about the Botanical collection at Any questions about the position may be directed to Natasha de Vere, Head of Section for Botany (
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Terms of employment
The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.
Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.
Negotiation for salary supplement is possible.
The successful candidate is expected to take Danish lessons if there is no prior knowledge of Danish language. The International Office at the University of Copenhagen can help.
The tenure-track programme
An assigned mentor will provide the tenure-track assistant professors with guidance related to career development, other academic topics and administrative procedures.
Performance of the tenure-track assistant professor will be followed via internal yearly evaluations and a mid-term and final international evaluation by an assessment committee. If the ‘final appraisal’ is positive you will be promoted as associate professor. Performance and progression towards the criteria below will be evaluated with due consideration of differences between research fields.
Criteria for promotion
After a 6-year tenure-track period tenure-track assistant professors are expected to meet the following criteria:
- A strong publication track record within the specific field of research, including a significant number of corresponding authorships and at least some publications in high-ranked journals based on work carried out during the tenure-track period
- Strong external network of collaboration, including joint publications
- A significant track record of successful external research funding
- Establishment of a strong and internationally competitive research group demonstrating clear independence of former supervisors/mentors, or/and major contributions to the development of an existing research group demonstrating an ability to collaborate within the research group
- Completed and established a teaching portfolio via participation in teaching, including preparation and development of departmental courses
- Successful supervision/co-supervision of MSc and PhD students
How to apply
The application including all attachments must be in English and submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.
Please include
- Curriculum vitae including:
- Please describe and document international network and relations
- Please describe and document internationally based activities
- Positions held at universities/research institutions outside Denmark
- Outreach activities, i.e. popular lectures or other activities in the media
- Grants held, personal or in part. Career development grants.
- Curatorial experience (curation of collections)
- Public engagement activities, i.e. citizen science projects, exhibitions, popular lectures or other relevant activities
- Diplomas (Master and PhD degree or equivalent)
- Research plan – description of current and future research plans
- If available, description and documentation of teaching and supervision experience and qualifications- please describe and document:
- Experience with supervision of BSc and MSc students
- Teaching experience
- Formal pedagogical training
- Complete publication list
- Separate reprints of up to 5 particularly relevant papers
The deadline for applications is 14 December 2022, 23:59 GMT +1.
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.
You can read about the recruitment process at
Interviews/trial lectures will be held on 27 April 2023.
Please refer to the following no. in future communication in this case: 211-0136/22-2N.
Centennial anniversary of the ecotype concept: the legacy of Göte Turesson – 29th of November
This year is the centennial anniversary of the ecotype concept, which was coined by the Swedish geneticist Göte Turesson in 1922. Since then, the ecotype has served – and is still serving – as a focal concept in evolutionary ecology, especially in studies of the interaction between plants and their environment. The concept and methods introduced by Turesson have also had a large impact on the assessment of phenotypic variation for crop improvement, in its modern form known as ”envirotyping”. Turesson got his basic education in Biology at the University of Washington, USA. He returned to Sweden and received his PhD from Lund University in 1923. He was active in southern Sweden until 1935 when he became a professor in systematic botany and genetics at the Agricultural College at Ultuna outside Uppsala.
We plan to celebrate the anniversary by organizing a symposium on 29th November together with the annual NordPlant meeting on “Envirotyping for plant breeding and precision agriculture” which takes place the day after, 30th November. Both meetings are located at Blå Hallen, Ecology Building, Lund University. The symposium will be in a hybrid format, with the option to participate online.
The programme on 29th November starts with a welcome reception between 08.30-09.15, followed by a general introduction and then a presentation of the historical context of the ecotype concept by Anna Tunlid (Lund University). Invited specialists will present different aspects of present-day applications of the ecotype concept. See detailed program in the link below.
You now can now sign up for participation at the symposium from this net page:
Note that the number of seats is limited for the lunch and symposium dinner, so please sign up as soon as possible, not later than Sunday 20 November. However, it is possible to sign up later if you plan to attend remotely (through zoom) or do not plan to join the lunch and symposium dinner.
Organizers: Stefan Andersson, Nils Cronberg, Magne Friberg, Mikael Hedrén, Øystein Opedal from Lund University and Helena Persson from SLU Alnarp
Sponsors: Elly Olssons fond, Mendelian Society in Lund
Onsager-fellow in integrative taxonomy and phylogenetics
The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in integrative taxonomy and phylogenetics. The position is part of NTNUs ambitious Onsager program and includes substantial research funding with the goal of qualifying for full professor and receive tenure within 6 years.
The position is central to improve the knowledge of species and their evolutionary relationships in taxon rich organism groups and important for strengthening collection-based research at the Department of Natural History. More specifically, the successful candidate will carry out cutting-edge research within the field of taxonomy and phylogenetics using a combination of tools and data (morphological, molecular, ecological, symbiome, etc.) to analyse biodiversity at the species-level.
For more information please see:
Please spread the word!
Best wishes
Torbjørn Ekrem, PhD
Professor of biosystematics
NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History
Systematikdagarna 2022 registration deadline approaching!
Registration for Systematikdagarna closes in a few days! (28 October). The Systematikdagarna conference page has recently been updated with information on prizes for best student talk/poster, titles and abstracts for keynote talks.
Systematikdagarna 2022 information and registration

Kallelse till årsmöte med Svenska systematikföreningen/Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
(English below)
Tidpunkt och plats
Måndag 21 november 2022 klockan 16, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Frescativägen 40, Stockholm. Årsmötet hålls i samband med Systematikdagarna 2022.
- Mötet öppnas
- Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
- Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
- Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
- Revisionsberättelse
- Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
- Val av ordförande för föreningen
- Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
- Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
- Val av valberedning på tre personer
- Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
- Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
- Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
- Mötet avslutas
Väl mött!
Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association
Date and place
Monday 21 November 2022 at 16:00, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History), Frescativägen 40, Stockholm. The meeting will take place during Systematikdagarna 2022.
- Meeting opens
- Election of meeting chair, meeting secretary and two attestors
- Question: has the meeting been advertised according to the statutes
- The board’s yearly report, including financial report
- Auditor’s report
- Question about discharge of liability for the board for the previous year’s administration
- Election of chairman of the association
- Election of other members of the board
- Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor
- Election of nomination committee consisting of 3 persons
- Decision on annual membership fee (if any)
- Other matters which the board submits to the meeting
- Other matters submitted to the board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting
- Meeting ends
The board
Registration open for Systematikdagarna 2022
Registration is now open for Systematikdagarna 2022, at Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History) in Stockholm, 21-22 November!
Deadline for registration is 28 October.
Chef till enheten för bioinformatik och genetik – Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Om arbetsplatsen
Vill du bli en av oss och bidra till att utveckla en organisation som efter mer än 250 år sjuder av nyfikenhet, upptäckaranda och kreativitet?
Naturhistoriska riksmuseets position är att vara Det forskande museet som visar vägen. Vi erbjuder en dynamisk miljö där många olika professioner och kompetenser arbetar tillsammans. Museet ansvarar för världsunika naturhistoriska samlingar som ständigt växer och utvecklas. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet är ett forskande museum och ett av landets mest populära besöksmål. Här bedrivs framgångsrik forskning och samhällsviktig miljöövervakning. Vi har över elva miljoner föremål i samlingarna, vilka utgör grunden för vår framgångsrika forskning inom geologi, paleontologi, zoologi, botanik samt miljögifters spridning i naturen. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet erbjuder också ett ledande forum för möten mellan forskare och mellan vetenskap och allmänhet.
Avdelningen för forskning och samlingar har till uppgift att ansvara för museets samlingar, bedriva grundforskning och tillämpad forskning inom museets ämnesområden, bedriva uppdragsverksamhet samt arbeta med förmedling och rådgivning till allmänhet och andra samhällssektorer. Avdelningen är indelad i sex enheter; zoologi, botanik, geovetenskap, paleobiologi, miljöforskning och övervakning, samt bioinformatik och genetik. Var och en av dessa leds av en enhetschef. Totalt består avdelningen av ca. 170 medarbetare.
Enheten för bioinformatik och genetik bedriver forskning och utveckling inom informatik och genetik samt ansvarar för större nationella och internationella infrastrukturer. Enheten består av ca. 30 medarbetare och är uppdelad på tre grupper: bioinformatik, DNA-laboratoriet och forskning.
Som enhetschef har du det övergripande ansvaret för verksamhets-, arbetsmiljö- och budgetansvar på enheten samt ett personalansvar för medarbetare. Utifrån museets uppdrag, vision och mål leder du arbetet på enheten i ett förtroendefullt samspel med dina underställda medarbetare. Du kommer att delta i ledning och verksamhetsutveckling av hela forskningsavdelningen, bl.a. genom att du ingår i ledningsgruppen på avdelningsnivå.
Arbetsuppgifter som är särskilt viktiga:
• Planera, leda, och följa upp enhetens arbete utifrån myndighetens uppdrag, vision, strategiska plan och mål, samt företräda arbetsgivaren och genomföra myndighetens prioriteringar inom verksamhetsområdet.
• Ansvara för enhetens årliga verksamhetsplanering och löpande ekonomi- och verksamhetsuppföljning
• Ansvara för enhetens budget och direkt personal- och arbetsmiljöansvar dvs. leda och coacha medarbetarna i deras arbete i ett förtroendefullt samspel
• Samordna och leda enhetens stöd till museets forskning- och samlingssavdelning rörande databashantering
• Samordna och leda enhetens samlingsbaserade forskning och laborativa spetskompetens inom population- och fylogenomik
• Samordna och leda arbete med hantering av stora mängder heterogena data, t.ex. resultat från metagenomiska studier, samt bioinformatisk analys
• Samordna enhetens stödverksamhet gentemot forskare och övriga medarbetare vid museet
• Verka för ökat samarbete inom Avdelningen för forskning och samlingar och med myndighetens övriga två avdelningar
• Bidraga till museets publika utbud
Du ska ha en doktorsexamen inom biologi, informatik, eller annat för tjänsten relevant ämne samt chefserfarenhet eller motsvarande ledarskapserfarenhet. Det är även ett krav att du har erfarenhet av verksamhetsutveckling och ledning, budget och ekonomisk uppföljning samt att ha arbetat med systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Förutom detta ska du haft en vetenskaplig produktion inom biologi eller informatik gärna med fokus på analys av stora heterogena dataset samt kunskap kring och förståelse för biologisk forskning, naturvetenskapliga samlingar och dess betydelse.
Det är meriterande om du har god erfarenhet av att leda arbetsgrupper inom forskning och infrastrukturer, av utåtriktad verksamhet (det som ofta benämns public outreach) samt förmåga att erhålla externa bidrag. Även utbildning inom chefs- och ledarskap räknas som en merit.
Som person ser vi att du, för att klara uppdraget, behöver ha såväl en mycket god strategisk förmåga som förmågan att identifiera, ta initiativ till, planera och avsluta aktiviteter som både förbättrar och utvecklar verksamheten. För att lyckas med detta behöver du besitta god samarbets- och samverkansförmåga för att arbeta tillsammans och genom dina medarbetare, men även övriga kollegor. Det är viktigt att du är tydlig och respektfull i ditt ledarskap. Du ska ha förmåga att coacha, delegera och genom god kommunikation skapa transparens och engagemang i enhetens pågående arbete.
Det är ett måste att du har goda kunskaper i svenska, eller i ett annat skandinaviskt språk, i både tal och skrift. Dessa kunskaper ska leda till att du, på ett bra sätt, kan kommunicera med svensktalande medarbetare, läsa och ta till dej styrdokument samt regelverk, lagar och förordningar på svenska. Förutom detta ska du även ha goda kunskaper engelska i både i tal och skrift. Stor vikt kommer läggas vid personlig lämplighet.
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet har möjlighet att befordra anställda till professor. Den som anställs som chef för enheten har därför möjlighet att prövas för professorskompetens i enlighet med museets ordinarie rutiner. Myndigheten erbjuder bland annat möjlighet till distansarbete, friskvård på arbetstid, flextid och friskvårdsbidrag.
Vår långsiktiga strävan är att Naturhistoriska riksmuseets anställda ska spegla den mångfald som finns i Sverige. Vi välkomnar alla sökanden oavsett kön, bakgrund, ursprung och funktionsvariation.
När du ansöker till tjänsten i Visma så är det viktigt att du besvarar alla enkätfrågor.
Anställningens omfattning
Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning
Omfattning: Heltid
För alla chefer tillämpas förtroendearbetstid och tjänsten innebär en tillsvidareanställning med 6 månaders provanställning som huvudregel. Tillträde efter överenskommelse.
Ansök senast: 2022-10-16
Referensnummer: 2.3.1-477-2022
Välkommen att söka genom att göra en digital ansökan på denna länk:
Sebastian Kvist
Avdelningschef för forskning och samlingar
08- 519 540 15
Fackliga företrädare
Jannikke Räikkönen
Förste assistent, Saco ordförande
08-519 541 40
Rebecka O´Neill, OFR/ST
08-519 540 21
Vi ökar kunskapen om naturen och inspirerar till ansvar för vår värld. Vår långsiktiga strävan är att Naturhistoriska riksmuseets anställda ska spegla den mångfald som finns i Sverige. Vi välkomnar alla sökanden oavsett kön, bakgrund, ursprung och funktionsvariation.
Inför rekryteringsarbetet har vi tagit ställning till rekryteringskanaler och marknadsföring.
Vi undanbeder oss därför kontakt med mediesäljare, rekryteringssajter och liknande.