Om Anja Rautenberg

Webbmaster i Svenska systematikföreningen

Ph.D. opportunity in plant evolutionary biology Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland

The Chair of Ecology and Environment Protection ( is recruiting PhD student interested in studying evolution of morphological traits in plants at various time scales. The goal of this project is to contribute towards an understanding of how genetic architecture (the structure of genotype to phenotype mapping) affects the evolution of quantitative traits. According to quantitative genetics theory, the evolution of phenotypic traits depends on the strength of selection and the amount of genetic variation. However, part of this variation maybe constrained by correlations with other traits that are under conflicting selective regimes. In consequence, the ability to respond to selection (evolvability) may be limited, even if a trait has high heritability. However, the extent to which genetic architecture limits phenotypic evolution remains an open question. Likewise, it is unknown whether it affects evolution at the short time scale and is easily overcome by selection, or if the genetic architecture is an important long-term determinant of the direction of evolution. In this project we aim to answer these questions using two plant species from the family Apiaceae, Daucus carota and Ferula communis, as a model system.

This project will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Thomas Hansen (University of Oslo) and dr Krzysztof Bartoszek (Uppsala University).

Major tasks:

  • phylogenetic analysis of various taxa from the family Apiaceae based on RADseq data
  • establish a database of phenotypic traits (seedlings, fruits, inflorescences and flowers), life history strategies and geographic distributions for species from the family Apiaceae
  • estimate the rate of morphological trait evolution using phylogenetic comparative methods
  • help in developing the R package mvSLOUCH dedicated to analysis of multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models on phylogeny

The ideal candidate will have a background in molecular biology/population genetics/phylogenetics, as well as experience working with Linux and modern programming languages such as R. Previous experience in generating and analysis of next-generation sequencing data will be considered positively. A condition of the application is a Master degree (or equivalent) in biology or similar subjects.

The stipend for both positions is 3 000 PLN net monthly (app. 700 EURO) for three years. The living cost in Torun is low. For example, a room in a student house (inc. Wi-Fi, kitchen, heating, hot water) is app. 100-150 EURO monthly, loaf of bread 0.5 EURO, beer 0.5-0.7 EURO, beer in pub 1-2 EURO, dinner in restaurant 5-8 EURO.

Nicolaus Copernicus University is located close to the medieval center of Torun ( which is listed among UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Torun is a dynamic academic city and provides many opportunities for intellectual and cultural stimulation. The Vistula river runs through town and is ideal for the naturalists as many natural protected areas are located in its valley.

If you are interested, please send a CV, a short statement of your research interests (max. one page) and the contact details of at least one academic referee to Marcin Piwczynski
( Feel free to contact him by email for further information. Review of applicants will start in the first week of August 2017. The positions will stay open until filled.

Marcin Piwczynski
Chair of Ecology and Biogeography,
Faculty of Biology and Environment Protection, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Lwowska 1, 87-100 Torun

Christoffer Schander memorial fund (Marine Biology)

Going to a conference and can’t find travel funds? Interested in museum collections but can’t afford to get to the incredible resources for your research? Doing cool fieldwork but hampered by the expense? Then we have a possible answer: The Christoffer Schander Memorial Fund is giving 3 stipends of 10 thousand crowns to worthy recipients in spring 2017.

The main focus of the fund lies in encouraging scientific cooperation in marine biology by providing financial support for fieldwork (collecting of material for taxonomic and/or biodiversity work) and taxonomic studies in museum collections.

Visiting marine taxonomists and systematists can apply for funding for travel and accommodation in connection to short term visits at the Marine Biological Station in Espegrend and at the University Museum of Bergen Norway. Likewise, Master and PhD students in marine biology at University of Bergen can apply for support for short-term projects in cooperation with other institutions or support for conference participation where they will present their own results. Projects including fieldwork or work in scientific collections will be prioritized.

Selection will be done by the five member funding board of national and international scientists and family members.

Please include a letter of intent, describing the purpose of your stay in Bergen or trip to other institutions, and a short CV. Students should include a letter of support from their supervisor. Applications will be evaluated shortly after the submission deadline and successful candidates will be informed in early June.

Deadline is May 31, 2017. Please send the complete application form as a single attachment to


Biologiska mångfaldens dag 22/5


Här kommer ett meddelande från mig, Rebecka Le Moine (naturvårdsbiolog) tillsammans med Erik Hansson (grundare och chefsredaktör för till många olika naturorganisationer, naturum och föreningar. Vi tycker att det skulle vara väldigt roligt om Sveriges många naturorganisationer gör en satsning på Biologiska mångfaldens dag i år den 22 maj. Kanske är det något som medlemmarna i Systematikföreningen skulle vilja engagera sig i? I sådana fall uppmärksammar vi det gärna på!

Biologisk mångfald är den mest överskridna av våra planetära gränser. Många arter hinner utrotas av oss innan vi ens upptäckt dem och man räknar med att det utrotas upp till 100 arter om dagen. Trots dessa dystra siffror finns det hopp. Vi har aldrig vetat så mycket som vi vet i dag. Det finns inte bara kunskap utan även en stor vilja att bevara den biologiska mångfalden.

Det är dags att etablera Biologiska mångfaldens dag ordentligt!

Vi uppmanar nu föreningar, lärosäten, företag och privatpersoner att lyfta frågan om våra arter den 22 maj. Målet är att vi tillsammans gör det till en dag full av aktiviteter över hela landet som uppmärksammar biologisk mångfald.

Ta gärna kontakt med exempelvis naturföreningar, skolor, politiker, länsstyrelser, museum och fråga om de inte kan göra någon aktivitet den 22 maj (helgen innan, 20-21 maj går naturligtvis också bra).

Här är några förslag:

  • Gör organiserade naturutflykter som är öppna för allmänheten.
  • Ta med skolklasser ut i närnaturen för att visa på den biologiska mångfalden.
  • Anordna bioblitz (registrera alla arter som kan hittas) i områden som behöver kartläggas.
  • Håll utbildning i hur man skiljer olika arter åt.
  • Gör en utställning på temat.
  • Håll en fredlig manifestation i mångfaldens tecken. Exempel: skriv varsin ”favorit-art” på varsitt band för att sedan knyta banden i ett träd.
  • Konstruera fågelholkar, bihotell eller något annat som gynnar den biologiska mångfalden tillsammans.
  • Bjud in till föreläsning eller workshop i ämnet, eller varför inte ett panelsamtal med lokala politiker.
  • Skriv en debattartikel i ämnet och skicka in till tidningar. Be att få den publicerad den 22/5.
  • Sprid information om Biologiska mångfaldens dag i sociala medier. Använd hashtagen #BioMfDag

Hör av dig till oss om du är intresserad av att skapa ett event eller har tips på en aktivitet som sker den dagen, så listar vi det gärna på

Exempel på aktiviteter på Biologiska mångfaldens dag 22 maj:


Rebecka Le Moine (naturvårdsbiolog)

Erik Hansson (grundare och chefredaktör på

Familj letar vattengråsuggor

PhD position; plant systematics (grass evolution); Stockholm University

A PhD position is available in plant systematics, focussing on the evolution of grasses (Poaceae) in the context of cold tolerance evolution, distribution patterns and biogeographical history. Closing date 21 Nov 2016.

For more information please see the full ad under Stockholm University vacancies:
/Aelys Humphreys

Dagordning till Systematikföreningens årsmöte 2016

Som tidigare meddelats kommer Systematikföreningens årsmöte att äga rum under Systematikdagarna 2016 som pågår 21-22 november i Uppsala.


  1. Mötet öppnas
  2. Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner
  3. Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst
  4. Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse
  5. Revisionsberättelse
  6. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning
  7. Val av ordförande för föreningen
  8. Val av övriga styrelseledamöter
  9. Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant
  10. Val av valberedning på tre personer
  11. Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift
  12. Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet
    1. BioSyst EU 2017
    2. Ev. övriga ärenden
  13. Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet
  14. Mötet avslutas


Registration for Systematikdagarna 2016

There have been some problems with confirmation e-mails for those who have registered for Systematikdagarna 2016. I have now experimented with the settings, and hope that it works better now. If you have tried to register, but not yet received a confirmation e-mail, please let me know at (replace SNABELA with @)!

Systematikdagarna 2016 will take place in Uppsala 21-22 November. Last day to register at reduced fee is 31 October. Programme and registration:

And sorry to those of you who might have received multiple confirmation e-mails!


Systematikdagarna 2016 in Uppsala: Registration open!

Draft programme for Systematikdagarna 21-22 November in Uppsala is now published at Registration is also open. Welcome!

For those who want to register to Systematikdagarna and already have an account on please log in before starting registration.

For those who do not have an account on you can register for Systematikdagarna without a user account. If you want to create a user account on, you might experience some problems (unfortunately the form doesn’t tell you why your account can’t be created. Common errors include: e-mail address already associated with an account, you forgot one of the mandatory fields, password too short or you didn’t get the last question right. When you have succeeded with your account creation, instead of a “Welcome to Systematikföreningen” e-mail, you might get a “Password changed” confirmation e-mail). Sorry about that, will try to fix it.

Please report any other web site errors to webmaster—snabela—

BioSyst.EU, 15-18 augusti 2017

The third meeting of BioSyst.EU will be organised by the Swedish Systematics Association in corporation with the University of Gothenburg and will be held August 15–18, 2017 at the Wallenberg Conference Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. The meeting will feature invited thematic symposia as well as open sessions on systematic and evolutionary biology.

More information on the meeting, and registration forms, are available at

BioSyst.EU represents European scientists dealing with topics of systematic biology. It considers itself as a collaborative counterpart to the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) where European Natural History Institutions have joined, whereas in BioSyst.EU individual scientists are to be represented via their national or regional societies. Svenska Systematikföreningen is a member of BioSyst.EU.