Seksjonssjef for Botanisk hage

The Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, is recruiting a new director for its botanical garden section. The living collections include over 5500 plant taxa from across the world, and are used in teaching, outreach, research and nature management. In addition to showing plant biodiversity the gardens are also important for ex situ conservation, the national seed bank, research collections and the garden database.

The new director of the botanical garden is responsible for strategic planning, development and daily management of the section. The appointee should have a genuine interest in leading a diversity of functions with overall responsibility for daily running, human resources, economy and the scientific tasks. The position is placed directly under the museum director.

Up to 40% can be used for research related tasks. We are seeking to recruit a person with a research profile relevant to living plant collection, nature types, ex-situ conservation or experimental botany research. The applicant should motivate how the research will be adapted and integrated into the gardens professional profile. The director of the garden will collaborate with scientific employees in the Department of Science and Collections, especially those that are responsible for specific collections and features in the gardens. The appointee can supervise students at all levels and choose to join an existing research group.

To find out more about the required and desired qualifications, profile and application procedure, please see link below. Application deadline will be March 31st 2022.

Enhetschef med inriktning taxonomi och artinformation till SLU Artdatabanken

SLU Artdatabanken är ansvariga för regeringens satsning Svenska artprojektet, som har som mål bland annat att beskriva och tillgängliggöra information om alla flercelliga arter i Sverige och att bidra till att nå nationella och internationella mål för naturvården och inom andra områden. Artdatabanken har en ny organisation sedan årsskiftet där flera enheter delar på ansvaret för att producera, sammanställa och tillgängliggöra information om Sveriges arter. Enheten för taxonomi är central i detta arbete och skapar strategiska och praktiska förutsättningar för att nå Svenska artprojektets mål. Till exempel har vi hand om den centrala svenska taxonomiska ryggraden (känd som Dyntaxa) och den systematiska kunskapsspridningen både digitalt och i form av referensverket Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. Enheten ansvarar också för Artdatabankens forskningskansli, som fördelar medel från Svenska artprojektet till taxonomisk forskning och biologiska samlingar. Till denna enhet söker vi nu en enhetschef

Sista ansökningsdag 2022-02-28

ForBio and STI course: DNA barcoding – from sequences to species 2022

ForBio and the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative invites applicants to the course DNA-barcoding – from sequences to species. The course will be held at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. Time and place: Mar. 28, 2022–Apr. 1, 2022,  NTNU, Trondheim

For more information and how to register, please visit the ForBio website. Deadline for registration is January 31.

Final program for Systematikdagarna 29–30 Nov 2021

Please find the final program below, which has already been sent to everybody who has signed up. We’re looking forward to two days of exciting presentations, and opportunities to meet in breakout rooms on zoom! Still possible to sign up to attend (here).

Warmly welcome!

Per Alström
(chairman), on behalf of the organising committee

10:00–10:10Per AlströmWelcome
Session I: Methods – Chair: Allison Perrigo
10:10–10:50Graham BuddThe fossil record: friend or fraud? Using the oldest fossils to estimate clade origin times
10:50–11:10Brendan FurneauxRapid DNA extraction from fungal fruit bodies and High Throughput Barcoding with MinION
11:30–11:50Tobias AndermannNew computational tools and pipelines for biodiversity research in the era of genomics and AI
11:50–12:10Jakub TruszkowskiRapidly Computing the Phylogenetic Transfer Index
12:10–13:10Lunch break
Session II: Delimiting taxa – Chair: Rasmus Hovmöller
13:10–13:30Loïs RancilhacContributions of genome-wide data to amphibian systematics
13:30–13:50Alexander OrdynetsGeometric morphometric analysis of spore shapes improves identification of fungi
13:50–14:10Jacob HöglundPeripatric speciation in grouse?
14:20–14:40Mahwash JamyA phylogenetic perspective on environmental diversity
14:40–15:00Emily HartopLarge-scale integrative taxonomy
Session III: Current and future challenges/directions for systematics – Chair: Bengt Oxelman
15:20–15:50Gudrun KadereitGene tree conflict is inconvenient but matters – example C4 evolution
15:50–16:20Fredrik RonquistBig data, AI, and systematics
16:30–17:00Alexandre AntonelliUnleashing the power of systematics to tackle society’s biggest challenges
17:00–17:30Michael DonoghueFuture systematics: clade biology meets phylogenetic biology
17:30–18:00Discussion with panel
2021-11-30 TUESDAY
Session IV: Communication – Chair: Anneli Svanholm
10:00–10:20Wouter KochMachine learning tool for citizen science
10:20–10:40Maria BacklundDyntaxa – the Swedish Taxonomic Backbone
10:40–11:00Mark MarissinkNews from SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
Session V: Tree of life – Chairs: Mahwash Jamy
11:20–11:40Mårten KlinthDegeberga Clitellate Expedition 2020
11:40–12:00Leidys Murillo RamosRevisiting the phylogenetic relationships of geometrid moths by exploring whole-genome sequencing data
12:00–13:00Lunch break
13:00–13:20Nils CronbergA genomic approach to resolve the taxonomical confusion in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha-complex
13:20–13:40Gabriel DavidHybridization despite deep divergence in a cryptic East Asian flycatcher species
13:40–14:00Poster session
Session V: Tree of life, contd. – Chair: Maria Backlund
14:10–14:30Chahinez BouguercheTaxonomy and systematics of digenetic trematodes parasitizing fishes of Sweden
14:30–14:50Ellen LarssonTruffles – hypogeous fruiting fungi; A short report from the Swedish truffle project
Session V: Tree of life, contd. – Chair: Anna Rosling
15:10–15:50David HibbettPhylogenomics and taxonomy of the shiitake mushroom genus, Lentinula
15:55–16:35Scott EdwardsFifteen years of species trees: history and future of multispecies coalescent models in phylogenetic
16:40–17:20L. Lacey KnowlesIncorporating the speciation process into species delimitation
17:20–17:30Per AlströmClosing
17:40–18:15Per AlströmSvenska Systematikföreningen’s Annual General Meeting

Program Systematikdagarna

Please find below the preliminary program (as of 17 Nov) for Systematikdagarna on 29–30 Nov. Lots of exciting talks! One free slot left – why don’t you take the opportunity to present your research!

Note that the registration was temporarily closed, but is now open again. Don’t forget to register in order to get the zoom link and password needed to participate (will be sent out closer to the event).

More posters are needed, so please provide that!

We’re looking forward to meeting you all online.

Per Alström (chairman; on behalf of the organising committee)

10:00–10:10Per AlströmWelcome
Session I: Methods – Chair: Allison Perrigo
10:10–10:50Graham BuddThe fossil record: friend or fraud? Using the oldest fossils to estimate clade origin times
10:50–11:10Brendan FurneauxRapid DNA extraction from fungal fruit bodies and High Throughput Barcoding with MinION
11:30–11:50Tobias AndermannNew computational tools and pipelines for biodiversity research in the era of genomics and AI
11:50–12:10Jakub TruszkowskiRapidly Computing the Phylogenetic Transfer Index
12:10–13:10Lunch break
Session II: Delimiting taxa – Chair: Rasmus Hovmöller
13:10–13:30Loïs RancilhacContributions of genome-wide data to amphibian systematics
13:30–13:50Alexander OrdynetsGeometric morphometric analysis of spore shapes improves identification of fungi
13:50–14:10Jacob HöglundPeripatric speciation in grouse?
14:20–14:40Mahwash JamyA phylogenetic perspective on environmental diversity
14:40–15:00Emily HartopLarge-scale integrative taxonomy
Session III: Current and future challenges/directions for systematics – Chair: Bengt Oxelman
15:20–15:50Gudrun KadereitGene tree conflict is inconvenient but matters – example C4 evolution
15:50–16:20Fredrik RonquistBig data, AI, and systematics
16:30–17:00Alexandre AntonelliUnleashing the power of systematics to tackle society’s biggest challenges
17:00–17:30Michael DonoghueFuture systematics: clade biology meets phylogenetic biology
Session IV: Communication – Chair: Anneli Svanholm
10:00–10:20Wouter KochMachine learning tool for citizen science
10:20–10:40Maria BacklundDyntaxa – the Swedish Taxonomic Backbone
10:40–11:00Mark MarissinkNews from SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
Session V: Tree of life – Chair: Mahwash Jamy, Maria Backlund, Anna Rosling
11:20–11:40Mårten KlinthDegeberga Clitellate Expedition 2020
11:40–12:00Leidys Murillo RamosRevisiting the phylogenetic relationships of geometrid moths by exploring whole-genome sequencing data
12:00–13:00Lunch break
13:00–13:20Nils CronbergA genomic approach to resolve the taxonomical confusion in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha-complex
13:20–13:40free slot
13:40–14:00Poster session
14:10–14:30Chahinez BouguercheTaxonomy and systematics of digenetic trematodes parasitizing fishes of Sweden
14:30–14:50Ellen LarssonTruffles – hypogeous fruiting fungi; A short report from the Swedish truffle project
15:10–15:50David HibbettTBA
15:55–16:35Scott EdwardsFifteen years of species trees: history and future of multispecies coalescent models in phylogenetic
16:40–17:20Lacey KnowlesIncorporating the speciation process into species delimitation
17:20–17:30Per AlströmClosing
17:40–18:15Per AlströmSvenska Systematikföreningen’s Annual General Meeting

2024 International Botanical Congress in Madrid

Earlier this year it was announced that due to the pandemic the next International Botanical Congress will be delayed one year and held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2024. The dates for the rescheduled Botanical Congress are as follows:

  • Nomenclature Section, July 15-19, 2024 
  • Congress, July 21-27, 2024 

The officers of the IBC Organizing Committee are Gonzalo Nieto Feliner (President), Juan Carlos Moreno (Vice-President) and Marcial Escudero (General Secretary). The organizing team has been working hard to form the necessary planning committees, hire the conference venue and conference management team, and prepare a website to provide details on the upcoming Congress. The Congress website is now live and additional details about the Congress will be added as they become available ( Information about the members of the Organizing Committee, Scientific Program Committee, and Advisory Committee can be found on the website. 

The organizers look forward to welcoming everyone to Madrid in July, 2024!

Patrick Herendeen, Chair
Jiří Kvaček, Secretary
International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies

Preliminary program for Systematikdagarna – online 29–30 November

We now have an exciting preliminary program for Systematikdagarna (see below), which will take place via zoom on 29–30 November. The zoom link will be posted closer to the event.

There are some free slots for 20-min presentations, which we hope you will help us fill. There will also be a poster session for which posters will be needed. We will soon (today or tomorrow) post a web page where you can let us know whether you want to give a presentation or present a poster. No registration is required if you just intend to participate without presenting anything.

We hope to see you on zoom!

Per Alström, chairman, on behalf of organising committee

ForBio Annual Meeting in Oslo

The Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio will have its Annual Meeting at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, at the end of November (29 Nov – 1 Dec). It will use a hybrid format to enable participation in person and ’in silico’. We will use our venues at the Climate House and Tøyen Manor to host a diverse and inspiring meeting. All MSc and PhD students, postdocs, supervisors, faculty and the broad biosystematics community are invited to attend.

Take a look at the meeting page for more information about the program, keynotes and registration. You can register until October 22nd:

Best, Hugo