Program Systematikdagarna

Please find below the preliminary program (as of 17 Nov) for Systematikdagarna on 29–30 Nov. Lots of exciting talks! One free slot left – why don’t you take the opportunity to present your research!

Note that the registration was temporarily closed, but is now open again. Don’t forget to register in order to get the zoom link and password needed to participate (will be sent out closer to the event).

More posters are needed, so please provide that!

We’re looking forward to meeting you all online.

Per Alström (chairman; on behalf of the organising committee)

10:00–10:10Per AlströmWelcome
Session I: Methods – Chair: Allison Perrigo
10:10–10:50Graham BuddThe fossil record: friend or fraud? Using the oldest fossils to estimate clade origin times
10:50–11:10Brendan FurneauxRapid DNA extraction from fungal fruit bodies and High Throughput Barcoding with MinION
11:30–11:50Tobias AndermannNew computational tools and pipelines for biodiversity research in the era of genomics and AI
11:50–12:10Jakub TruszkowskiRapidly Computing the Phylogenetic Transfer Index
12:10–13:10Lunch break
Session II: Delimiting taxa – Chair: Rasmus Hovmöller
13:10–13:30Loïs RancilhacContributions of genome-wide data to amphibian systematics
13:30–13:50Alexander OrdynetsGeometric morphometric analysis of spore shapes improves identification of fungi
13:50–14:10Jacob HöglundPeripatric speciation in grouse?
14:20–14:40Mahwash JamyA phylogenetic perspective on environmental diversity
14:40–15:00Emily HartopLarge-scale integrative taxonomy
Session III: Current and future challenges/directions for systematics – Chair: Bengt Oxelman
15:20–15:50Gudrun KadereitGene tree conflict is inconvenient but matters – example C4 evolution
15:50–16:20Fredrik RonquistBig data, AI, and systematics
16:30–17:00Alexandre AntonelliUnleashing the power of systematics to tackle society’s biggest challenges
17:00–17:30Michael DonoghueFuture systematics: clade biology meets phylogenetic biology
Session IV: Communication – Chair: Anneli Svanholm
10:00–10:20Wouter KochMachine learning tool for citizen science
10:20–10:40Maria BacklundDyntaxa – the Swedish Taxonomic Backbone
10:40–11:00Mark MarissinkNews from SLU Swedish Species Information Centre
Session V: Tree of life – Chair: Mahwash Jamy, Maria Backlund, Anna Rosling
11:20–11:40Mårten KlinthDegeberga Clitellate Expedition 2020
11:40–12:00Leidys Murillo RamosRevisiting the phylogenetic relationships of geometrid moths by exploring whole-genome sequencing data
12:00–13:00Lunch break
13:00–13:20Nils CronbergA genomic approach to resolve the taxonomical confusion in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha-complex
13:20–13:40free slot
13:40–14:00Poster session
14:10–14:30Chahinez BouguercheTaxonomy and systematics of digenetic trematodes parasitizing fishes of Sweden
14:30–14:50Ellen LarssonTruffles – hypogeous fruiting fungi; A short report from the Swedish truffle project
15:10–15:50David HibbettTBA
15:55–16:35Scott EdwardsFifteen years of species trees: history and future of multispecies coalescent models in phylogenetic
16:40–17:20Lacey KnowlesIncorporating the speciation process into species delimitation
17:20–17:30Per AlströmClosing
17:40–18:15Per AlströmSvenska Systematikföreningen’s Annual General Meeting

2024 International Botanical Congress in Madrid

Earlier this year it was announced that due to the pandemic the next International Botanical Congress will be delayed one year and held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2024. The dates for the rescheduled Botanical Congress are as follows:

  • Nomenclature Section, July 15-19, 2024 
  • Congress, July 21-27, 2024 

The officers of the IBC Organizing Committee are Gonzalo Nieto Feliner (President), Juan Carlos Moreno (Vice-President) and Marcial Escudero (General Secretary). The organizing team has been working hard to form the necessary planning committees, hire the conference venue and conference management team, and prepare a website to provide details on the upcoming Congress. The Congress website is now live and additional details about the Congress will be added as they become available ( Information about the members of the Organizing Committee, Scientific Program Committee, and Advisory Committee can be found on the website. 

The organizers look forward to welcoming everyone to Madrid in July, 2024!

Patrick Herendeen, Chair
Jiří Kvaček, Secretary
International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies

Preliminary program for Systematikdagarna – online 29–30 November

We now have an exciting preliminary program for Systematikdagarna (see below), which will take place via zoom on 29–30 November. The zoom link will be posted closer to the event.

There are some free slots for 20-min presentations, which we hope you will help us fill. There will also be a poster session for which posters will be needed. We will soon (today or tomorrow) post a web page where you can let us know whether you want to give a presentation or present a poster. No registration is required if you just intend to participate without presenting anything.

We hope to see you on zoom!

Per Alström, chairman, on behalf of organising committee

ForBio Annual Meeting in Oslo

The Research School in Biosystematics – ForBio will have its Annual Meeting at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, at the end of November (29 Nov – 1 Dec). It will use a hybrid format to enable participation in person and ’in silico’. We will use our venues at the Climate House and Tøyen Manor to host a diverse and inspiring meeting. All MSc and PhD students, postdocs, supervisors, faculty and the broad biosystematics community are invited to attend.

Take a look at the meeting page for more information about the program, keynotes and registration. You can register until October 22nd:

Best, Hugo

Kallelse till årsmöte med Svenska systematikföreningen/Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association

Kallelse till Årsmöte för Svenska systematikföreningen

Tidpunkt och plats

Måndag 29 november 2021, via zoom i samband med Systematikdagarna, exakt tidpunkt och zoomlänk meddelas senare, när programmet för Systematikdagarna är spikat.


Mötet öppnas

Val av mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och två justeringspersoner

Fråga om mötet blivit i behörig ordning utlyst

Styrelsens årsberättelse inklusive ekonomisk berättelse


Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen för föregående års förvaltning

Val av ordförande för föreningen

Val av övriga styrelseledamöter

Val av en revisor och en revisorssuppleant

Val av valberedning på tre personer

Fastställande av eventuell årsavgift

Ärenden, som styrelsen förelägger årsmötet

Övriga frågor som med motivering inkommit till styrelsen senast fyra veckor innan årsmötet

Mötet avslutas

 Väl mött!


Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association

Date, place

Monday 29 November 2021, via zoom in connection with Systematikdagarna, the exact time and zoom link will be announced once the program for Systematikdagarna has been finalised.


Meeting opens

Election of meeting chair, meeting secretary and two attestors

Question: has the meeting been advertised according to the statutes

The board’s yearly report, including financial report

Auditor’s report

Question about discharge of liability for the board for the previous year’s administration

Election of chairman of the association

Election of other members of the board

Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor

Election of nomination committee consisting of 3 persons

Decision on annual membership fee (if any)

Other matters which the board submits to the meeting

Other matters submitted to the board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting

Meting ends


The board

Systematikdagarna on zoom 29–30.11

Systematikdagarna, the annual meeting of the Swedish Systematics Association, will be held on zoom 29–30 November. We were hoping to hold an IRL meeting, but decided that wasn’t possible. A group in Uppsala is working on the program. If you have any suggestions for sessions, speakers, workshops, etc., please write to me ( asap.

The AGM will be held sometime during this meeting.

More later.

All the best


Per Alström

Also a few spots left on the CETAF DEST and ForBio course: Basics of Taxonomy – describing, illustrating and communicating biodiversity

Time and place: Oct. 11, 2021–Oct. 24, 2021, Kristineberg Marine Research StationAdd to calendar

DEST (Distributed European School of Taxonomy) and ForBio are pleased to announce that the popular Basics of Taxonomy Course will be organized again in 2020 with support from the Swedish Academy of Sciences.

This two week course gives a comprehensive theoretical overview and hands-on experience about different methodologies on how to describe, illustrate and communicate biodiversity. The course covers the following topics, each taught by an expert in the matter:

  • Digital drawing
  • Scientific illustration
  • Scientific writing and communication
  • e-Taxonomy and biodiversity informatics tools and workflows
  • DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy)
  • Short overview on macrophotography/photo-stacking

Dr. Matz Berggren, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Dr. Charles Oliver Coleman, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin
Dr. Tomas Cedhagen, Department of Biosciences – Aquatic Biology, Aarhus University
Dr. Gábor Lövei, Department of Agroecology – Crop Health, Aarhus University
Dr. Dimitrios Koureas, Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Selection and registration

Criteria for selection will be scientific merit, motivation and usefulness of the training course for the applicants. Students who complete this course will receive a 5 ECTS course certificate. For more information from DEST about the course see here.

You can register for the course here. There is a limited number of places available. The course has a minimum number of attendants for it to be taught.

The registration fee for this course will be roughly 400 €, and will include course attendance, teaching, course material, accommodation and meals. ForBio will cover the registration fee and travel for ForBio members based at Norwegian institutions.

Contact Hugo de Boer for more information.

A few spots left on the STI and ForBio course: Baltic macrophytes – systematics, sampling, species identification. Apply by 31.08

Time and place: Sep. 12, 2021 9:00 AM–Sep. 18, 2021 5:00 PM, Askö laboratory – Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, SwedenAdd to calendar

Сourse scope:

The course will present and provide an overview of macrophytes in the Baltic sea. It will cover the systematics, taxonomy and identification of different macrophyte groups, including macroalgae, phanerogams and bryophytes. Sessions will include lectures, fieldwork and laboratory exercises. The students will learn various techniques for identification and sampling.

Learning targets:

  • General understanding of systematics and taxonomy of macrophytes
  • Techniques for collecting macrophytes
  • Techniques for species identification

Maximum number of participants: 20, in case of more applicants, participants will be selected based on the scientific, educational and/or professional merit of the course, with priority given ForBio members and students/researchers enrolled in the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI).

Target group: PhD students, master students, postdocs, researchers, consultants, government officials, museum staff with relevant background in biology.

Working language: English/Scandinavian

Course schedule: here

Assignment and credits: The course is equivalent to 2 ECTS. ForBio will provide certificates for those that successfully complete the course assignment. 

Registration: Late registration is open until August 31st. Register here. The course includes the boatride to Askö, as well as lodging and food. There is no course fee for ForBio members. ForBio associates will have to pay 2100 SEK to the station for use of the facilities and lodging. Food will be covered for all participants.

Find out about how to become a ForBio member/associate here.

Application deadline: August 31st.

Contact: ForBio coordinatorQuentin Mauvisseauor STI representative Maria Backlund

Baltic macrophytes – systematics, sampling, species identification. STI and ForBio course

Time and place: 2021 September 12-18, Askö laboratory – Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, Sweden


Course aims: The course will present and provide an overview of the macrophytes in the Baltic sea. We will cover the systematics, taxonomy and identification of different macrophyte groups, such as macroalgae, phanerogams and also couple of bryophytes. Sessions will include lectures, fieldwork and laboratory exercises. The students will learn various techniques for identification and sampling.

The target group is PhD students, master students, researchers, consultants, government officials/museum staff – with relevant background in biology.

Learning targets:

  • General understanding of systematics and taxonomy of macrophytes
  • Techniques for collecting macrophytes
  • Techniques for species identification

Maximum number of participants: 20, in case of more applicants, participants will be selected based on the scientific, educational and/or professional merit of the course, with priority given ForBio members and students/researchers enrolled in the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI).

Target group: PhD students, master students, postdocs, researchers, consultants, government officials, museum staff with relevant background in biology.

Working language: English/Scandinavian

Assignment and credits: The course is equivalent to 2 ECTS.

Registration: Registration is open! Deadline August 1st.

For registration and more information:

Contact: STI representative Maria Backlund ( or ForBio coordinator Quentin Mauvisseau (