PhD Fellowship in Evolutionary Genomics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark

A fully funded Ph. D. fellowship on the evolution of plastid genomes in parasitic plants is available from January 1st, 2015 or soon thereafter in the Evolutionary Genomics group at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The fellowship will be an integral part of an interdisciplinary 3-year research project entitled: ”The Fate of Organellar Genomes in Parasitic Plants” financed by the Danish Council for Independent Research│Natural Sciences. The research project has an international scope with collaborators in the USA and Canada.

Project area

The Ph. D. student will primarily investigate the relationships between genome evolution (e.g., gene contents and genome structure) of plastids and levels of parasitism in seed plants in a phylogenomic context.

Primary supervisors are Gitte Petersen and Ole Seberg, The Natural History Museum of Denmark.

For the full text and procedures See:

Två tjänster vid ArtDatabanken

Lediga tjänster

Vill du jobba på Artdatabanken? Just nu söker vi en kommunikationschef samt en expert med inriktning mot fåglar och andra ryggradsdjur.

Artdatabanken är en viktig aktör inom svensk naturvård och ett kunskapscentrum för information om biologisk mångfald. Nu behöver vi förstärka vår organisation med två nya medarbetare: En kommunikationschef, samt en expert med samordningsansvar för fåglar och andra ryggradsdjur.

Sista ansökningsdag är 13 oktober (kommunikationschef) respektive 20 oktober (expert ryggradsdjur).

Annons kommunikationschef:

Annons expert ryggradsdjur:

SYNTHESYS application deadline approaching

SYNTHESYS is back – funding available for short research visits

Call 2 Deadline Reminder: 16th October, 2014 (17:00 UK time).

The SYNTHESYS Office is pleased to announce the second call for applications of the SYNTHESYS3 project under the current European Commission’s FPVII European-funded IntegratingActivities funding scheme.

SYNTHESYS Access funding is available to provide scientists (Users) based in European Member, Associate and Candidate States to undertake short visits to utilise the infrastructure (comprising the collections, staff expertise and analytical facilities) at one of the 18 partner institutions (see full list below) for the purposes of their research.  This is the second of four annual calls for applications during the project’s four-year duration.

Access Call 2 is now open with a deadline of17:00 (UK time) Thursday 16th October, 2014 and awarded visits must take place within 2015 (calendar year).


Taxonomic Access Facilities (TAFs)

The 18 partner institutions are organised into 11 national TAFs. TAF Users will be hosted by a TAF staff member (Host).

The 11 TAFs represent an unparalleled resource for taxonomic research offering:

    • Collections amounting to over 324 million natural history specimens, including 3.3 million type specimens
    • Internationally renowned taxonomic and systematic skill base
    • Facilities including: molecular and imaging & chemical analysis,
    • **NEW**: Senckenberg Natural History Museum and State Natural History Museum Stuttgart are now offering Access under DE-TAF

Proposals for funding are welcomed from high-calibre scientists in any technical discipline seeking access for short-term research visits (average duration 15 days).  SYNTHESYS is able to meet the Users’ costs for:

    • Research costs (bench fees and laboratory consumables)
    • International travel & local accommodation while based at the TAF
    • A per diem contribution towards living costs for more information or


AT-TAF   Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien;

BE-TAF   Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences;
Royal Museum of Central Africa;

CZ-TAF   Národní Muzeum, Praha;

DE-TAF   Museum für Naturkunde;
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum;

  Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt, Dresden, Görlitz and Müncheberg**NEW**

  Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart **NEW**

ES-TAF   Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales &
Real Jardín Botánico Naturales (CSIC);

DK-TAF   The Natural History Museum of Denmark;

FR-TAF   Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle;

GB-TAF   Natural History Museum, London;
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew;
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh;

HU-TAF   Hungarian Natural History Museum;

NL-TAF   Naturalis Biodiversity Center;

SE-TAF   Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet.


The SYNTHESYS TAFs are inviting Access applications from scientists based in the Member States of the EU:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Plus the Associated Countries of the EU:

Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, FYR Macedonia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova Republic of Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey.

Time to register for Systematikdagarna 2014

It is now time to register for years most important event of the year, Systematikdagarna, this year held in Gothenburg at Wallenberg Center!

We are looking forward to many interesting symposia and workshops. Everyone who wishes to are welcome to contribute witha poster or a talk.

Please find more information and the registration form at

and please feel free to distribute this e-mail to people outside of the Swedish association of systematists!

We hope to see many of you there, regards

Svenska systematikföreningen

Training course on identification of soil fauna

This course is arranged by the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative (STI) and the Research School In Biosystematics (ForBio), and is given in Uppsala at the Ecology department, SLU in 10-14 november 2014.

The course will cover the most important soil fauna groups. Teaching consists of lectures by internationally renowned experts followed by practical seminars to give students hands-on determination experience. Emphasis will be on understanding the diversity in a soil sample, in addition to acheive a deeper knowledge of identification and sampling in at least one of the studied organism groups: Potworms (Enchytraeidae, småringmaskar); springtails (Collembola, hoppstjärtar); soil nematodes (Nematoda, marklevande rundmaskar); oribatid mites (Oribatida, hornkvalster); woodlice (soil living Isopoda, gråsuggor); or soil living insect larvae (Insecta, marklevande insektslarver).

More information about the workshop and instructions on how to register can be found on the webpages of ForBio, Svenska artprojektet (Swedish Taxonomy Initiative) and Artsdatabanken. Application deadline is October 20, 2014.

Contact Sanna Nordström at STI ( or Aino Hosia at ForBio ( ) for more information.

Systematikdagarna 2014 is drawing closer!

It is soon time for all of us to meet in Gothenburg for the yearly Systematics event! Those of you who wish to propose a workshop, please contact Bernard Pfeil before september 15th. A registration page will soon be opened, but you can already now submit a symposium abstract, again please contact Bernard Pfeil. Symposium abstract submissions are due october 1st.

Hope to see you all there!

Curator for lichens, mosses and fungi – Berlin (B)

The Herbarium of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin is seeking a curator for lichens, mosses, and fungi.

The herbarium collections at B comprise approx. 3.6 million specimens, of which nearly one million belong to cryptogams (370,000 mosses and 300,000 lichens and fungi, respectively). The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the further development and scientific use of the collections. In close collaboration with the curators of our other collections (e.g. living plant, seed and DNA collections) the curator will contribute to the development of our collections databases together with our research and development group on biodiversity informatics. The curator is also expected to augment our research activities within our focus areas and foster future projects of the BGBM, more specifically in the Neotropics and/or in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Applications should be sent to:
Freie Universität Berlin
Zentraleinrichtung Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum
Frau Sylke Gottwald
Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

The closing date for applications is 2nd October 2014.

For more details (unfortunately only in German) please refer to:

Tyck till om ämnesöversikter inom natur och teknik

Vetenskapsrådet har gett möjlighet att lämna synpunkter på ämnesöversikter inomm natur och teknikområdet, där systematik ingår. Se nedanstående länk. Man kan ju tycka att systematiken som vanligt behandlas mycket ytligt, om ens alls, men det är ju också en avspegling av hur den kollegiala bedömningen är. Lämna gärna synpunkter!