ForBio and UiB course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

Time and place: Nov 2 – Nov 6, 2015, University of Bergen

ForBio opens for participation of up to 8 students from Nordic universities in the regular University of Bergen (UiB) course Phylogenetic methods (

The course is aimed primarily at students who will do phylogenetic computation in their thesis work, but who have no hands-on experience with some of the more frequently used software applications. Introductory lectures will cover topics such as properties of data and trees, models of evolutionary change, phylogenetic signal, model testing, and hypothesis testing. The students will learn how to prepare their data, explore the properties of the data, how to use distance, parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian methods in computation in packages such as PAUP*, MrBayes, BEAST, RaxML, and how to present results with graphical applications.

Click here for more information about the course.

Application deadline is October 5th, 2015, and applications should be sent directly by email to: The application must indicate the academic background of the applicant and the topic and the present state of progress in the thesis work. Please add a recommendation from your supervisor.

Contact Endre Willassen ( for questions about the course or Hugo de Boer ( for more information about ForBio.

Systematics/biodiversity symposium in Oslo November 5th

First announcement

Zoologica Scripta, and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, invite you to a one-day symposium on the theme:

”Systematics and Biodiversity Research in the Era of Genomics”

In Oslo on November 5th

Speakers (confirmed)

Casey Dunn, Brown University
Scott Edwards, Harvard University
Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard University,
Mark Blaxter, University of Edinburgh
Thomas Gilbert, University of Copenhagen
Barbara Gravendeel, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Matthew Webster, University of Uppsala
Alexander Suh, University of Uppsala

more information to follow

Per Sundberg

Zoologica Scripta

ForBio workshop: Bayesian inference using BEAST

Time and place: Nov 2, 2015 09:00 AM Nov 6, 2015 05:00 PM, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

The workshop aims to help those that have some experience of Bayesian model-based phylogenetics. The course focuses on issues relating to identification of priors, and the impact of different priors on posterior results.

Maximum number of participants is 26. If there are more than 26 applicants priority will be given to ForBio applicants best fulfilling the prerequisites given.

Application deadline is September 18, 2015.

For more information about the course:

To apply:

Contact Hugo de Boer ( or Stephan Nylinder ( for more information.

Assistant Professor Position in Integrative Genomics

The Department of Biology ( at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette seeks to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level to complement our strengths in evolutionary, molecular, and coastal biology.  We are searching for an outstanding scientist using genomics, bioinformatics and molecular biology tools to address important questions in evolution, behavior, physiology, or environmental biology.

Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in a relevant field and postdoctoral experience. Successful applicants will be expected to establish a vigorous, externally-funded research program, provide instruction to undergraduates and participate in our Ph.D. program in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology. Cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, statement of teaching interests, and a list of three references (including postal and email addresses) should be emailed as a single pdf attachment to: Please refer to Integrative Genomics search in the subject line. To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by October 16, 2015.

UL Lafayette is an EEO/AA employer.

ForBio course: Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biosystematics

ForBio course: Introduction to Bioinformatics for Biosystematics

Time and place: Oct 5, 2015 Oct 9, 2015, Natural History Museum, Oslo, Norway

Basic programming skills are essential for handling large datasets and performing complex analyses in biosystematics. This course aims to provide the students with tools to solve practical problems often encountered in biosystematic research. Course topics include Python, R, and SQL. An introduction is arranged October 3-4 (Saturday and Sunday) for participants without previous experience of GNU/Linux and Bash.

Click here for more information about the course.

Click here to apply now.

Application deadline: September 11, 2015.

Extended deadline 31/7: ForBio and DialPast course ”innovation in science through science communication”

Dear Systematikföreningen!

There are still a few places left on this unique ForBio course. DialPast and ForBio course “Innovation in science through science communication”, taking place at Natural Science Library, University of Oslo, September 14 – 18, 2015.

In this course you will get training in communicating your own research and field to different target groups. You will get an overview of the different genres and new ways to communicate in order to achieve what you want. In addition to the basics, you will gain skills in scientific storytelling, essay writing, graphic design, oral presentations and interviews. You will learn how to visualise your own hypotheses and research, how to write a killer essay and news items, how to use essay writing in order to improve your own research process, how to talk to the crowd and journalists, and how to think more strategic about science communication. You will be coached to publish a killer essay or news item made during the course in suitable media. Other writing and designs are intended to contribute directly to your own research and scientific publications.

Deadline for applying is July 31, 2015.

More information about the course and how to register can be found at


ForBio/Hugo and Magnus

Three fully funded positions – University of Gothenburg

Dear colleagues,

Please help us advertise these three fully funded positions at our lab.

Two Assistant Professorships / Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and one PhD student in macroevolution/biogeography and molecular phylogenetics.

More information at

Many thanks and best wishes,



Alexandre Antonelli, PhD

Professor in systematics and biodiversity

Wallenberg Academy Fellow


Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences

University of Gothenburg

Delivery address: Box 461, SE 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden

Visiting address: Carl Skottsbergs gata 22B, 413 19 Göteborg, Sweden


Scientific curator, Gothenburg botanical garden

Lab homepage:


Systematikdagarna 2015

Welcome to Systematikdagarna 2015!

This year Systematikdagarna will take place at Arkivcentrum Syd in Lund, Monday November 23 – Tuesday November 24.

Systematikdagarna is the yearly conference on systematics arranged by the Swedish Systematists Association. The meeting is open for anyone interested in systematics; amateurs, working systematists, and users of systematics in any form.

Arkivcentrum Syd is the new location of the Biological Museum at Lund University and include the botanical collections and part of the zoological collections. Conference localities and other facilities are also located within Arkivcentrum Syd.

We are aiming at a diverse program covering several recent advances in systematics. Topics included so far are the role of epigenetics in species separation, new findings on paleontology, updates on the implementation of the Nagoya protocol, and more, but not the least, we also hope for interesting contributions by you participants.

The conference will be mainly held in English so that non-Scandinavian participants also can benefit from the conference. The annual meeting of Svenska Systematikföreningen will be held in Swedish.

Arkivcentrum Syd is located at the southeastern part of Lund, but connections to the city center are frequent and fast. There are possibilities to stay at hotels close to the Arkivcentrum Syd or in central Lund. Lunches will be served close to Arkivcentrum, but late afternoon on Monday 23, activities will be arranged at the Botanical Garden and the Historical Museum with the Sven Nilsson exhibition in central Lund, and the conference dinner will be served at AF, Akademiska Föreningen in the historical city centre.

The website for the formal registration will open after the summer. We will then also give more information on lodging and other practical matters, including registration fee.

See you in November!

The organization committee of Systematikdagarna 2015

PhD position in Biology (macroevolution) – University of Gothenburg

Dear colleagues,

Please help us advertise this fully funded PhD position in Biology to any potential candidates.

The applicant will work on macroevolutionary analyses of living and extinct taxa. The project, funded through a Wallenberg Academy Fellowship, aims at identifying major drivers of speciation and extinction through time and space. We aim at answering questions such as why some lineages have produced many more species and genera than others; how climate change has affected biodiversity in the past; which regions, biomes and traits are most closely associated with the evolutionary success of clades; how clades compete with each other over evolutionary time; what is the biogeographical history of particular lineages; and what is the influence of phenotypic traits on biogeographical processes.

The project will involve compiling (or generating) and analysing phylogenetic and fossil data, and potentially the development of methods aimed at macro evolutionary inferences. The details of the project can be adjusted based on the candidate´s skills and interests.

A full description and information on how to apply can be found at:

(and in Swedish):

Many thanks and best wishes,



Alexandre Antonelli, PhD

Wallenberg Academy Fellow

Associate professor, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences,

University of Gothenburg

Lab homepage:

Jobb i Norge!

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History

Associate professor of molecular biodiversity

The NTNU University Museum is seeking a highly qualified and motivated candidate for an associate professor position in molecular biodiversity. The position is part of NTNU’s strategic focus on young, ambitious and excellent researchers (the “Onsager fellowships”) and is financed for 6 years. After this time it is expected that the candidate will obtain full professor qualifications and permanent employment.

The position in molecular biodiversity is central in the Department of Natural History’s strategy for further increasing the use of next generation sequencing data in studies of patterns and changes of biodiversity in time and space. More specifically, the successful candidate will carry out cutting-edge research within the field of evolutionary and environmental genomics, and extensive experience in handling and analysing complex genomic data sets using custom scripts and open source tools is expected. Background in population genomics, phylogenetics and proficiency in statistics is considered essential. The candidate must have experience in team-work and is expected to be working with broad research topics within evolutionary biology and ecology.

The successful applicant will have a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a PhD in biodiversity science (molecular ecology, molecular systematics or closely related fields of evolutionary biology research) or bioinformatics. Experience in analyses of different types of molecular data is an advantage. Applicants must document excellence in research during and after completed PhD, be goal-oriented and able to deliver results when expected. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and creative problem-solving abilities are expected.

Selection criteria:

  • Scientific excellence documented through peer-reviewed publications.
  • Experience with project acquisition and management.
  • Relevance of research area in relation to the NTNU University Museum research strategy.
  • Experience with teaching and supervision is an advantage.

In addition to what is listed as qualifications for the Onsager Fellows, for the Museum position it is expected that the successful candidate during the first 6 years:

  • Develops and submits one or more competitive project applications to the European Research Council.
  • Develops and submits project applications to the Research Council of Norway and similar funding sources.
  • Develops an active research group at the museum that contributes to relevant leading international networks.
  • Teaches at NTNU, the Research School in Biosystematics (ForBio) and the Nordic Academy of Biodiversity.
  • Contributes to the development of qualitative and innovative teaching resources in molecular biodiversity at the international level.
  • Fulfils the requirements for formal pedagogical competence at university level (PEDUP).
  • Participates in public outreach activities.

The NTNU University Museum, Department of Natural History has 15 faculty positions, 6 temporary research positions and 12 technical and administrative positions. The research is facilitated through two research groups; the Conservation Biology Group and the Systematics and Evolution Group. The Systematics and Evolution Group has its research focus in general questions in systematics and evolutionary biology such as: speciation events, species discrimination and delineation, phylogeny, character evolution, population genetics, phylogeography, DNA barcoding, archaeological genetics, and distribution of species in time and space. The Conservation Biology Group focuses on process related questions (land and water use, plant animal interactions, habitat destruction and fragmentation) and ecological biogeography. The group also has an applied research profile and works towards nature management authorities and stakeholders, at levels from populations to ecosystems.

More information about the department and the position can be obtained from Head of Department Torkild Bakken, phone: +47 73 59 23 82, e-mail; Professor Hans K. Stenøien, phone: +47 73 59 22 84; e-mail; Professor Torbjørn Ekrem, phone: +47 73 59 78 12, e-mail


The associate professor position follows code 1011 starting grade 57-77, gross NOK 482 800-710 400 per annum (before tax). There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Found from gross salary.

Other information 

NTNU is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from both EU/EEA and non-EU countries. The university is strongly committed to diversity within its community and welcomes applications from members of ethnic minorities.

NTNU would like to increase the percentage of female scientists in academic positions.

The appointment is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants.

All applications must include a letter of interest, certified copies of academic transcripts, CV, a complete list of publications and statements from three references. Copies of the considered 10 most important scientific papers should be attached as well as a short explanation of the applicant’s contribution in case where there is more than one author. The application must be submitted electronically through (reference VM2015/6026).

Application deadline: 25 May 2015.